Yu Sheng glanced at Yun Duo in astonishment. Yu Sheng nodded and said, "Yes."


Yun Duo's first lightened, for a moment, this made Yu Sheng slightly confused. Looking at himself like this, what does this mean? Is it because you ask your name? Doesn't it make sense?

Yu Sheng looked at the clouds in a puzzled manner, with an indescribable weirdness.

After Yu Sheng turned around and left here, he went to his resting place.

At the same time, Yu Sheng's complexion is also extremely solemn.

According to what Wulong Shen said, the competition they are going to hold this time is a kind of police and robber competition. To put it bluntly, it is a game where the police catch the thief.

In this game, I don't know how many teams will participate, but the ultimate goal is to enter this so-called island.

Because they want to find the location of alien technology on this small island, this is also a challenge for them. For a while, this will be frowned upon for the rest of their lives.

To win this alien technology in the hands of so many people is not as simple as imagined. What's more, what is this so-called alien technology? Is it the technology created by aliens?

For the rest of his life, his brain was running fast, thinking about some of the things in it, which made Yusheng extremely dignified.

For the rest of his life, he thought about it seriously.

If you meet other masters on the way, it’s troublesome. Yu Sheng knows the terrible aspects of these other forces. These other forces are very scary. If you are not careful, you may be planted in In the hands of these guys, Yu Sheng's complexion was also extremely solemn.

After thinking for a while, the rest of my life was to let go of this idea, and fell asleep. In any case, the most important thing is to maintain a certain spirit the next day.

Early the next morning.

Yu Sheng, Yunduo and others boarded a plane, and this time Wulong Shen personally led the team. A group of people boarded on this plane, and the plane headed far away.

Over time, the plane came to a place.

When the plane came over this place, Yu Sheng frowned. Yu Sheng said solemnly, "Chief, what the **** is this place?"

"North America." Wulong Shen said faintly.

When everyone heard the words, their expressions condensed.

After the plane was parked, everyone got off the plane. He was no stranger to all this for the rest of his life. In the past, he never came out to perform tasks.

Yu Sheng looked at everything around him, which made Yu Sheng's eyes indescribably cautious.

"let's go."

Under the leadership of Wulong God, a group of people quickly came to a place. There were a lot of people here. After they came to this place, a person came quickly. This person saw After arriving at Wulong Shen and others, a little smile appeared on his face for a moment.

The man smiled and said, "Hello, my name is Fan Tiangang, I am glad you are here."

"This time, I am also your person in charge."

As Fan Tiangang's voice fell, for a while, Yu Sheng and Yun Duo and others paid a military salute to Fan Tiangang. At this time, the Wulong God smiled and said: "We are here for the first time, take a break. Late, by the way, will this competition be held tomorrow?"

"Yes, it will be held tomorrow." Fan Tiangang nodded slightly and said: "In that case, we might as well go inside to rest first and discuss countermeasures. How about going to the destination tomorrow?"


God Wulong nodded slightly and said, "Let's go."

As Wulongshen's voice fell, the group quickly walked towards the place Fan Tiangang said. The group entered the room and sat on the sofa. At this time, Fan Tiangang was sitting on the sofa. The look is solemn.

Yu Sheng gave Fan Tiangang a suspicious look. For the rest of his life, he even wondered if Fan Tiangang and Fan Tianlei are brothers. One is called Fan Tiangang and the other is called Fan Tianlei. Why does it sound so awkward? For a while, this was the rest of my life, and I was a little bit astonished.

"Tell me, how is our situation here?"

At this time, Fan Tiangang nodded slightly, and said with a solemn expression: "This time the competition is called the police and robber competition. It is well-known as the police and robber competition. It is said to be an exercise, but I smelled some conspiracy in it. smell."


When Wulong Shen heard this, his expression condensed, and he said in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"A plan for our China." Fan Tiangang said with an ugly expression.

"For us?"

After Wu Long Shen heard this sentence, Wu Long Shen's face sank, Wu Long Shen coldly snorted, Wu Long Shen said: "This group of guys, really don't give up, since they want to play, then accompany them. They play."

"What do they want?"

When talking about this, Wulong God once again set his sights on Fan Tiangang's body.

"This time there is a police and robber competition. There are 25 teams, and each team has about five people. In other words, a total of 125 people will participate in the police and robber competition this time."

"Moreover, from these 25 teams, three teams will be selected to act as gangsters this time, while others will act as police officers to try to kill these three gangsters."

"Although this is an exercise, ... there seems to be some conspiracy in it."

"As for the purpose of our coming here, you should be clear?" Wu Long Shen suddenly looked at Fan Tiangang with a solemn expression.


Fan Tiangang nodded slightly and said, "That's why I said that it is very dangerous here."

"In the team of these three bandits ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we will definitely have China, so, at that time, there may be many people who will target us."

Hearing these words, everyone nodded slightly, but...

Everyone is not afraid, even if everyone can target them, are they still afraid of these people? Therefore, everyone looks calm, they are not afraid of these guys at all, on the contrary, there is a feeling of eagerness to try...

If you say that it is for them to capture three teams, then it will be meaningless. However, if it is the other way around, it is also a challenge for them.

It is also an opportunity to improve their strength, and they naturally don't want to let it go.

At this time, everyone did not speak, but for the rest of their lives at this time, they said, "You mean, they will do something with us, right?"


At this time, Fan Tiangang nodded slightly, and said in a condensed voice: "I'm afraid of them, and really treat you as gangsters, and then I will kill you."

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