I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1703: Save people

Early the next morning!

For the rest of his life, he drove his car to the film and television city.

When filming started on the first day, it was natural to start filming in the film and television city, and when filming started, worship was also held, which was basically the rule.

I hope that this time the shooting can be auspicious.

Yu Sheng's car was too high-profile, which attracted a lot of people's attention.

After all, this Rolls Royce is not cheap.


There are no other cars for the rest of my life.

If you drive a sports car, the site is too low and it is easy to drag the bottom, but if it is a high chassis, only Rolls-Royce makes him feel more comfortable.

After all, Rolls-Royce is too atmospheric.


The rest of his life came to the studio.

After Yu Sheng came to the film and television city, Yu Sheng looked around. There were many people here, especially group performances, and they had all kinds of clothes.

Generally speaking, if you want to enter the film and television city, you also need to spend money. This requires tickets. Different places have different tickets.

Because Yu Sheng is a staff member, he can easily enter the film and television city for the rest of his life. The tickets and the like are naturally given by the program team.

After Yu Sheng entered the film and television city, Yu Sheng couldn't help but looked around, and had to say that the surroundings were indeed good.

The architectural style here looks very comfortable, but it's a pity, these houses are messy, even a little bald, nothing.

Obviously, if a program group wants to shoot, then they have to arrange the things in the room by themselves so that they can shoot.

For the rest of his life, he smiled, and while browsing inside, he ran towards the destination of the program group.

Yu Sheng walked, he came to a place, at this moment, someone is filming!

Moreover, there were even a lot of people watching around here, but the other party's door was closed during the filming, which made Yu Sheng slightly speechless.

Obviously, these people outside are fans.

They are looking at some people in the room, but they don't know where the star's fans are.

For these stars, Yu Sheng did not catch a cold.

For him, with his current strength and status, celebrities are not much different from ordinary people.

It's just a star, if he wants to, he can create a bunch of stars, in fact, no matter who you are under the capital... it's nothing.

Yu Sheng walked to the side. At this time, a car drove towards this side and stopped not far from Yu Sheng's side. At this moment, the car door was opened.

Yu Sheng was also taken aback, and looked into the car door somewhat puzzled. At this moment, a figure got out of the car. After Yu Sheng saw this figure, Yu Sheng couldn't help being a little surprised.

"It turned out to be him..."

This person has known him for the rest of his life. He is a little Reba.

It's just a pity that this person didn't know him for the rest of his life.

Yu Sheng glanced at Reba in admiration, and I have to say that Reba looks pretty good indeed.

Of course, Yu Sheng just glanced at Reba with pure appreciation.

To be honest, he still prefers Wu Zeqing.

Wu Zeqing is more in line with his mate selection requirements.

The rest of his life smiled casually, ready to leave here on foot.

But at this moment, something suddenly fell from the sky, and the rest of his life was shocked at this moment, and he suddenly raised his head and looked into the sky.

The rest of my life suddenly found...

There was a figure falling from the sky. Obviously, this person was suppressed by coercion. Because of some problems with coercion, this person fell directly toward this side.

"not good……"

For the rest of his life, he saw that the direction in which this person fell was the direction of Reba.


Immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng's figure moved, and he came to Reba's face almost in the blink of an eye.

Yu Sheng grabbed Reba and hid like this. In the next second, Yu Sheng's eyes condensed, and he suddenly caught the man who had fallen from the air with his hands in the depths.


The rest of his life shouted.

A huge force spread from his body, and this person was firmly caught by Yu Sheng.


When the people around saw this scene in front of them, they were all taken aback. None of those present had expected that something like this would happen here.

Immediately, the girl who fell from the air also hurriedly got off Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng looked at the girl and then heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay." The girl was also a little panicked, but after she was sure it was okay, the girl was a little relieved. The girl looked at Yu Sheng with some gratitude, and said excitedly: "Thank you, thank you so much." You, if it weren't for you, I would be finished this time."

The girl was extremely scared.

He didn't expect that such a thing would happen.

If it weren't for Yusheng to catch him, he would have fallen on the ground, maybe this time he might be thrown to death alive.

Therefore, this girl is grateful for the rest of her life~www.wuxiaspot.com~. After seeing this scene, this girl is also a little grateful and said: "Sir, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid..."

Thinking of this, Reba still had lingering fears. If he hadn't reacted quickly for the rest of his life, and pulled him back in time to catch this person by the way, I'm afraid he would have been hit by this girl.

Once hit by this girl, the consequences can be unimaginable.

Fortunately for the rest of my life.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he chuckled and said casually: "It's just a matter of effort, nothing."

"Now you are all right."

"I'll leave first."

When the voice fell, he wanted to walk forward. At this time, Reba couldn't help but said: "Sir, I don't know if I can keep your phone, I have to thank you."

"No need." Yu Sheng's voice came, and he said casually: "Just pay more attention to safety in the future."

After that, Yu Sheng left here.

As Yu Sheng left, Reba couldn't help but look at Yu Sheng's back. Reba breathed a sigh of relief.

"Reba, Reba, are you okay?"

Now Reba's life teacher also came here and asked anxiously.

"I'm fine." Reba shook his head and said: "Let's go, let's go in first..."

"It’s okay if it’s okay, it’s okay, it really scared me to death just now." The life teacher breathed a sigh of relief. He was also frightened by Reba at the time. If he hit Reba, I can't imagine the consequences.

Immediately, he looked at the man who had fallen from the air, and said with a full face: "What's the matter with your crew? It's such a dangerous thing, I don't know how to check it. This will cause others to fall to death and smash it. What to do with someone..."

For a while, the life teacher began to scold him.

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