I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1704: Trouble is coming

For the rest of his life, he left here long ago.

And Reba couldn't help taking another look at the rest of her life when she left. At that moment, she had an inexplicable sense of security, and she felt that the man in front of her had a very good temperament.

When he stood beside her like this, she felt very comfortable.

At this moment, she had an inexplicable heartbeat.

To go back, to her level, generally speaking, her vision is quite high.

Some ordinary people don't look up to them.


at the same time!

For the rest of his life, he followed the destination and soon came to the place where the crew was.

After Yu Sheng came here, he looked forward. At this moment, some people were placing the case.

Yu Sheng's eyes cast a glance. Not far away, he saw a familiar figure. This figure was dressed in professional attire. It was obvious that it was the woman named Sister Yang.

And beside Sister Yang, there was another woman. She was wearing a skirt and looked pretty. She was obviously a star, but she was not familiar with her for the rest of her life, and she didn't know who this woman was.

Generally speaking, Yu Sheng seldom pays attention to the entertainment industry, so Yu Sheng is unable to name some newcomers.

Sister Yang also obviously saw Yu Sheng, especially when she saw Yu Sheng, Sister Yang's pretty face was filled with endless anger.

At that time, he was severely insulted by Yu Sheng. Unexpectedly, this guy named Yu Sheng would dare to appear here, but she let it go, and wanted to make Yu Sheng unable to get along.

Thinking of this, Sister Yang became more and more angry.

At this time, Sister Yang stood up, twisted her pace, and walked towards Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng noticed that Sister Yang was coming towards him, and Yu Sheng's eyes narrowed.

Yu Sheng stared straight at the figure in front of him.

"It seems that this girl is unkind."

Yu Sheng squinted his eyes and stared at Sister Yang in front of him, a ray of light that was fleeting.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and stared at Sister Yang directly. Soon, Sister Yang stood in front of Yu Sheng, and Sister Yang stared at Yu Sheng coldly.

"Do you dare to come..."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he burst into laughter, and said faintly: "Why don't you dare to come?"

"Humph." Sister Yang sneered: "If you are here to film, good, very good. Today, I will let you not be able to film the scene."

Sister Yang stared at Yu Sheng coldly, and said indifferently.

When Yu Sheng saw this, he raised his brows. Yu Sheng chuckled and said, "It's a big breath, I want to see how you can't make this scene happen to me."

"If you want to hide me in the snow, I'm afraid you don't have this ability."

Yu Sheng was also slightly annoyed. She didn't want to be familiar with this brain-disabled woman. Unexpectedly, this woman would not be able to escape. This is not to take him seriously.

The rest of his life stared at this woman coldly.


Sister Yang was also furious when she saw this scene. His contacts in the entertainment industry are still available. If you want to block a small, unknown actor, it is quite easy.

Many people will give Sister Yang this face.

Unexpectedly, this guy Yu Sheng hasn't put him in his eyes until now. This is completely contemptuous of him, even she is very angry.

"very good……"

Sister Yang said coldly: "If this is the case, don't blame me for being impolite."

Thinking of this, Sister Yang glanced at Yu Sheng indifferently, and Sister Yang said coldly: "Who is your director."

"Why should I tell you?" Yu Sheng looked at Sister Yang mockingly, and said indifferently.


Sister Yang was full of anger.

"Sister Yang, what's the matter?" At this time, there was a figure walking towards this side. This person came here. She obviously also saw the dispute between Sister Yang and Yu Sheng. Therefore, this figure But it is a little bit puzzled and puzzled.

"Xiaoya, why are you here?" Sister Yang saw Xiaoya and couldn't help but said: "I am teaching a newcomer here, he is a newcomer, no big or small, I will teach this guy a lesson."


Upon hearing this, Xiaoya couldn't help taking a deep look at Yu Sheng. After taking a look, Xiaoya felt a very special feeling all over her...

For the rest of his life, it was very attractive, especially for those eyes, and Xiaoya had a feeling of sinking.

"Sister Yang, I don't think so, he is just a newcomer, there is no need to embarrass a newcomer." Xiaoya said softly.

"Xiaoya, it's not that I embarrassed this guy." Sister Yang sneered and said: "It's that this guy is arrogant, so I have to teach this guy anyway."

Xiaoya raised her brows at the words of Sister Yang.

Over the years, Sister Yang has been her agent. As time goes by, Sister Yang has become more and more arrogant, which makes her a little bit dissatisfied.

Unexpectedly, Jin'er Yang Jie was unreasonable and unforgiving in front of so many people...

Rao is also somewhat dissatisfied with Xiaoya.

At this moment, everyone around is also looking towards this side. Obviously, everyone around has also seen the contradiction between Yang Jie and Yu Sheng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Some people are getting closer. Some, of course, they didn't dare to look around. If they were remembered by this sister Yang, it would be a big trouble.

Therefore, all those present were watching from a distance.

"Look at it, it looks like that kid offended Sister Yang."

"Yes, this kid seems to be an actor, this kid is really bold enough that even Sister Yang dare to offend."

"Over the years, Sister Yang has not been a fool in the entertainment industry. Sister Yang has a very wide network of contacts. This kid has offended Sister Yang. Haha, I am afraid that Sister Yang will be banned."

"Hey...the young people today are still too young, a little bitter, and can't bear a word or two."

"Who said no..."

The people present were all talking about it, and they were not optimistic about Yu Sheng. In their opinion, Yu Sheng was dead this time.

In the entertainment industry, there is no filming or exposure, so even if your star is basically abandoned, you can only be an ordinary person in the future, unless you are willing to leave the entertainment industry and do other things.

Otherwise, you will never make it to the top in the entertainment industry.

Everyone felt sorry for the rest of their lives.

However, although everyone felt sorry for the rest of their lives, none of them made it to the rest of their lives. Because of Sister Yang, they couldn't afford to offend them. Besides, they were not related to Yu Sheng, and there was no need to make it to the rest of their lives.

Yu Sheng looked at Sister Yang indifferently. At this moment, Sister Yang looked like a clown in front of him. If he was really in the entertainment industry, and he had no status, he might be really afraid of Sister Yang. but……

Will he be afraid?

"Everyone, I'm here to talk out, I want to ban this guy, I hope you can give me a face, and don't let this kid make movies in the future..."

In the next second, Sister Yang's arrogant and domineering voice resounded.

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