I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1865: Breathtaking

Just now Yu Sheng clearly felt that the tiger was about to pounce on the nine-tailed fox, but who could have thought...that such a thing would happen, it was really incredible.

The nine-tailed fox hasn't been thrown down. It's really amazing. What's the situation?

For Yu Sheng, he was a little bit unclear, and Yu Sheng just stared at the scene in front of him straightforwardly.

However, the tiger also seemed to be angry. The tiger couldn't help but roared, then turned around and attacked the nine-tailed fox again.

However, just as the tiger was about to come in front of the nine-tailed fox, the sharp claws suddenly shredded the figure of the nine-tailed fox.

When Yu Sheng saw the scene before him, Yu Sheng was shocked, and Yu Sheng muttered, "Phantom, it's fake? How could it be..."

Yu Sheng was a little bit horrified. Yu Sheng stared at the nine-tailed fox not far away. This made Yu Sheng a little unclear and violent, and he didn't understand what was going on.

The tiger was generally angry, and once again killed the nine-tailed fox, the terrifying force seemed to tear the sky to pieces.

However, whenever the tiger came in front of the nine-tailed fox, the nine-tailed fox was instantly torn apart, but in the blink of an eye, it returned to its original shape again.

A little bit of time passed, and after a while, the Tiger was also panting, panting heavily, looking directly at the nine-tailed fox in front of him.


The tiger kept roaring loudly, that appearance, extremely angry, the tiger couldn't figure out why it was like this?

Obviously, he could tear the nine-tailed fox in front of him, but the nine-tailed fox was resurrected in the blink of an eye. Such a scene has been repeated all the time. This is a tiger that is puzzling.

However, the nine-tailed fox reappeared at this time, but came to Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng looked at the nine edellow tails behind the nine-tailed fox. The rest of his life was a little surprised.

For the rest of my life, I feel that these nine tails look very beautiful, especially this hair, beautiful, delicate, and shiny. Every hair is well groomed and looks very good-looking.

But at this moment...

Suddenly, the nine-tailed fox looked at Yu Sheng behind him, and it was just such a glance that made Yu Sheng blow his hair instantly.

Yu Sheng met the eyes of the nine-tailed fox, and Yu Sheng's face changed drastically.


Immediately afterwards, the nine-tailed fox withdrew his gaze and did not look at Yu Sheng again. However, for the rest of this moment, he looked at the scene in horror, even the rest of his life took a breath of cold air. .

The rest of my life was full of shock and incredible.

"How is it possible? He... he can see me?"

Rao was taken aback for the rest of his life.

Something is wrong, how could this nine-tailed fox see me? It's just that the look in his eyes is as if he is really looking at him.

In such a scene, even for the rest of his life, he had some scalp tingling, and he didn't know what was going on.

But at this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly saw that the nine-tailed fox moved again, and this time, he saw the figure of the nine-tailed fox clearly, and saw the nine-tailed fox strolling leisurely towards the tiger. In the past, for the rest of my life watching such a scene, my expression was shocked.

"She passed?"

Yu Sheng stared straight at the nine-tailed fox in front of him, and his eyes flickered. At this time, the nine-tailed fox walked towards the tiger in front of him. Isn't this looking for death?

Didn't he know that the Tigers are extremely powerful?


The tiger seemed to have not noticed a glance. In the blink of an eye, the nine-tailed fox walked to the tiger's side. More importantly, when the nine-tailed fox walked to the tiger's side, the tiger still didn't notice it. The look, such a weird scene, the rest of my life is a little scalp tingling.

The next second, the nine-tailed fox stretched out its sharp claws, and then, under the eyes of the rest of his life, the nine-tailed fox's claws pierced the tiger's head fiercely.

And the tiger shook his whole body. Then, the tiger's eyes widened and looked at the nine-tailed fox with a thick and unbelievable look. In this scene, it seemed to be wondering, when did the nine-tailed fox come to his side?

Why didn't I notice it? How could this be possible?

When Yu Sheng noticed this place, Yu Sheng was very shocked, and Yu Sheng stared directly at this scene, with indescribable solemnity.

But at this moment.

Yu Sheng seemed to have discovered something. Yu Sheng's brain was running fast, and suddenly he thought: "Something's wrong..."

"Why didn't the Tigers notice it at all?"

"This is not right. According to normal circumstances, the Tigers must be aware of it..."

"However, this tiger was not aware of it at all. This assassination is like a crushing assassination. According to the truth, the strength of this nine-tailed fox is definitely not as strong as that of the tiger, but... the nine-tailed fox, in the end, I won, just because the tiger did not notice the existence of the nine-tailed fox..."

When Yu Sheng noticed this scene, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something, and gradually Yu Sheng fell into a kind of contemplation.

I don't know how long after thinking about it, Yu Sheng suddenly woke up. After Yu Sheng woke up, Yu Sheng found that it was still dark here, and there was nothing in it.

This gives people an eerie feeling.

However, Yu Sheng's eyes became brighter and brighter at this moment, which made Yu Sheng finally show a little smile, Yu Sheng whispered: "The heart is breathtaking..."

Following the rest of his mind, UU read www.uukanshu.com, and the rest of his life carefully walked towards the Aries. The rest of his life at this moment was like a ghost. The Aries hidden in the dark did not discover the rest of his life. Even if Yu Sheng was close to Aries 20 meters, Aries still did not find Yu Sheng's existence.

When Yu Sheng noticed this place, it was a bright spot for Yu Sheng.

At this moment, Yu Sheng finally understood the meaning of fascinating. It turned out that this was the first form of the blood of the nine-tailed fox beast, which was fascinating.

"The so-called fascinating, that is, the so-called hiding, it is like taking away the enemy's heart and soul in silence. God does not know it, ghosts do not know it, you don't even notice it yourself."

This is the so-called breathtaking.

It is also a new ability that Yu Sheng has comprehended.

When he noticed this, Yu Sheng was also a little bit shocked, and Yu Sheng cautiously approached this Aries.

"Ten meters..."

Yes, for the rest of my life, I'm only ten meters away from Aries.

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