I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1866: Fright of Aries

When the rest of your life is only about ten meters away from Aries, such a short distance is quite terrible for anyone. Basically, such a distance can quickly kill the other person.

Generally speaking, no one would let a person get close to him so close. If he shoots at such close range, I am afraid that no one can survive.

After all, this distance is too close, and it doesn't give you much time to reflect.

At this moment, Aries is cautiously leaning on a big tree, Aries's complexion is gloomy, and his complexion is extremely heavy. Even Aries did not expect such a thing to happen. Taurus was killed without even reacting. This is hidden. How powerful is the enemy in the dark?

Even Aries is unimaginable.

"Don't let me catch you..."

When Aries thinks of this, Aries' eyes have a strong killing intent passing by, and Aries stares at this scene, with indescribable coldness.

If you can kill the opponent, Aries will definitely kill the opponent without hesitation, and will never give the opponent a chance...

However, Aries has not found the whereabouts of the rest of his life so far, so this has caused Aries to frown, which is somewhat unnatural.

How can I find the whereabouts of the rest of my life?

If he can't find the rest of his life, he will always be in a passive situation, and now the rest of his life is in the dark, and he is in the light, which means that the rest of his life can see him, he can't see the rest of his life, let alone it is still night.

Aries walked out cautiously to the side. At this time, Aries was extremely cautious, and his whole body's vigilance was at its maximum. Aries looked at this scene with a solemn face, with indescribable solemnity.

At this time, Aries is extremely heavy.


At this time, the rest of his life was bright in front of him. He did not expect that Aries was walking towards him slowly at this moment. For the rest of his life, he showed a slightly strange look, and he was cautiously hiding in this big tree for the rest of his life. Behind it, Aries can't find it, and even some changes have taken place gradually for the rest of his life, as if he merged with this big tree, and even more, for the rest of his life, he also concealed his own murderous intent.

With the addition of the blood of the nine-tailed fox animal, this has led to the hiding of the rest of his life, which is extremely powerful...

For the rest of his life, he carefully hides behind this big tree. When Aries comes here, Aries hasn't even noticed it.

Such a scene was a bit surprised for the rest of my life.

"I didn't find this?"

Yu Sheng also sighed about his lurking. Such lurking is too terrifying. Even a top super expert like Aries can't detect it. You can imagine how powerful your lurking is.

Even for the rest of his life, he showed a little smile.

The rest of my life just waited quietly. When the Aries was about to approach him, the rest of my life was also moved at this time. The rest of my life swished and attacked the back of Aries. The sharp dagger seemed to be All the space should be opened up.

At this moment...

Aries also feels behind him, there is actually a chilly feeling, that chilly feeling, the face of Aries is a big change.

Aries feels his back as if he has been punctured.

Such a weird scene, even Aries is shocked.

"not good…"

"Someone attacked..."

Almost at this moment, such a sentence suddenly appeared in the mind of Aries.

Aries, they are all top super masters. Their strength is very, very strong. Therefore, they are extremely sensitive. When they feel the sharpness on their back and the sensation of stabbing their skin, they will know , Now someone is attacking them.


Aries almost didn't hesitate at all, and suddenly moved to the front side. Then, Aries turned and kicked behind him fiercely.

When Yu Sheng missed the shot, he was also always on guard against Aries' attack. When Aries kicked him, Yu Sheng also frowned. Yu Sheng turned around instantly, and then Yu Sheng avoided the kick.

At this moment, Yu Sheng and Aries are facing each other.

Through the faint moonlight, Aries saw the face of Yu Sheng, and the moment he saw Yu Sheng's face, this Aries was shocked.

"So young?"

Indeed, the rest of his life is too young. I didn't expect that the person they were going to assassinate would be such a young person. This is a bit weird for Aries.

"So you are here." Aries stared at Yu Sheng, sneered, and slowly said.

When Yu Sheng heard the words of Aries, he also showed a little smile. Yu Sheng also looked at Aries so quietly, and said with a flat expression: "Who is your Excellency? Why do you want to assassinate me?"


This guy actually killed them here, which was a bit surprised for the rest of his life.

It seems that the other party does not seem to be a member of the Yin Division and God's organization. If this is the case, then who is the other party?

For the rest of his life, Wei Wei is a little bit confused. It seems that he hasn't offended so many people, right? But the guy in front of him wants to kill himself, what is going on?

After Aries heard the words of the rest of his life, a faint sneer appeared between the corners of Aries' mouth, and Aries calmly said: "It doesn't matter who we are, it is important that someone wants you to die."


After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, it made Yu Sheng's eyes flicker. You can hear this sentence from Aries. It is not Aries himself who is going to kill him. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com But there are other people, and Aries is only entrusted by these people.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng has basically understood the identity of these people like Aries. Yu Sheng smiled and said: "Haha...I am so proud of myself that I can entrust you to kill me. In this way, you should belong to a certain killer. did organize…"

"I was curious, who on earth could hire you to kill me."

Yu Sheng's words were spoken again, but Aries looked at Yu Sheng with a smile on his face. Aries sneered and said: "You don't need to ask anything in my mouth."

"Even if I knew it, I would never tell you."

"You can't get any useful information from my mouth."

"Originally... I had some trouble finding you."

"If you don't take the initiative to dedicate yourself, even I may not be able to detect your presence. It's really hard to kill you at that time. Since you showed up yourself, then don't blame me..."


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