I have a special forces system, Volume One, Chapter 1870, "Back to..."

Fan Tianlei quickly noticed this figure. After Fan Tianlei noticed this figure, Fan Tianlei looked happy. Fan Tianlei quickly ran towards Yu Sheng. Fan Tianlei hurriedly looked at Yu Sheng in front of him, and said nervously: "Are you okay?"

   "It's okay."

   Yu Sheng shook his head slightly, he took a deep breath, and hurriedly said: "Golden Eagle, shall we leave here now?"

   "Leave immediately..."

   Fan Tianlei hurriedly said: "Go, get on the plane."


   Then, the two people got on the plane. After they got on the plane, Yu Sheng was a little relieved at this time. Yu Sheng took a deep look at Fan Tianlei and then at the pilot.

   Fan Tianlei immediately said: "Did you fight them?"

   "We're fighting." Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and said with a solemn expression.

   "Do you know who they are?" Fan Tianlei asked immediately with a thought.

"do not know…"

   Yu Sheng shook his head slightly, his complexion also became a little dignified, Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and slowly said: "This person is probably not easy..."

   "Their strengths are very strong, they may have the strength of the pinnacle of the emperor of war or the strength of the **** of war."

   With Yu Sheng's words, Fan Tianlei's expression changed drastically. Fan Tianlei looked at Yu Sheng with a solemn expression, and said solemnly, "What you said is true?"

   "Hmm." Yu Sheng nodded slightly.


   When I said this, the rest of my life frowned again.

   "But what?" Fan Tianlei glanced at Yu Sheng and asked immediately.


   "These people have a tattoo on their bodies."

   "Tattoo?" When Fan Tianlei heard these words, Fan Tianlei looked solemn and said, "What tattoo?"

   "One of them is portrayed with Taurus, and the other is portrayed with Aries."

   "If my guess is good, they should come from an organization."

   "I asked them about the news, but I couldn't ask anything. These people have very strict mouths and would not say anything."

   As these words were uttered, Fan Tianlei's expression was slightly solemn, and Fan Tianlei's expression was solemn, with indescribable solemnity.

   Fan Tianlei said solemnly: "Twelve constellations..."

   Following Fan Tianlei's words, Yu Sheng was also shocked. Yu Sheng suddenly looked at Fan Tianlei, his eyes were full of shock and incredible.

   immediately opened the mouth for the rest of his life: "Twelve constellations?"


   Fan Tianlei took a deep breath, and his face became a little heavier, Fan Tianlei said solemnly: "If it is good, it should be the twelve constellations."

   "They are an extremely powerful killer organization. Everyone is a ghost in the dark, very powerful. I didn't expect that the people of the twelve constellations would appear here."

   After Fan Tianlei heard these words, the expression on Fan Tianlei's expression became a little serious.

   "Twelve Constellations..."

   "No wonder..."

After Yu Sheng heard the name, Yu Sheng nodded slightly. Yu Sheng did not expect that this turned out to be the organization of the twelve constellations. Now it is really getting more and more complicated, not only the Yin Division, but also God. Organization, all the twelve constellations have come out, what the **** is this world going to do?

   Even the rest of his life is extremely shocking.

   "The golden eagle, how should we fix it now?"


The twelve constellations want to kill them, they naturally cannot be so quiet here to let them kill, not to mention that they have already killed the members of the twelve constellation organization, if the expectation is good, the members of the twelve constellations will definitely not be so easy. Let go of them, after all, these people are the masters of the retribution.

   So now, I still have to think about how to get rid of these talents.

   However, these people are all fascinating. It is not as easy to kill them as you imagined. It is extremely difficult to find the whereabouts of these people, let alone kill this group of guys.

   That's even more difficult.

   Fan Tianlei's eyes flickered, and there was a little coldness in Fan Tianlei's eyes.

   Then Fan Tianlei slowly said, "Don't worry about them, now..."

   "There is a more important task to be done."

   Following Fan Tianlei's words, he was shocked for the rest of his life. Yu Sheng couldn't help asking, "What task?"

   Yu Sheng has long been used to this, and the tasks he encounters now are getting harder and harder. For the rest of his life, I feel helpless.

   So this is why Yu Sheng wants to become stronger.

   "It's about the underground world."

   Following Fan Tianlei's words, he was shocked for the rest of his life.

   "What underground world?"

   "A huge hole appeared in the southwest. This hole is very large, with a natural lake and vegetation inside. It is a very magical place."

   "Now all countries are exploring this weird place."

   "It's just that many people at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com don't know how this place came to be or how it came into being. Everyone has never been in, so they are full of curiosity about this place."

   "According to our estimation, this place should be able to accommodate seven billion people, which is very, very large."

   "So, we have to go inside."

   "It's just..."

   When Fan Tianlei said here, Fan Tianlei's expression became more solemn, Fan Tianlei said solemnly: "If you want to enter this, you have to pass some tests..."


   After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, it was the rest of his life that he was stunned on the spot, and the rest of his life did not expect that this thing needs to be evaluated? What's the situation?

   Rao was a little dumbfounded for the rest of his life. For the rest of his life, he looked at Fan Tianlei in front of him blankly, his face was full of doubts.

   "That's right... It just needs an assessment."

   Fan Tianlei nodded solemnly, and said in a condensed voice.

   "This is also a kind of tacit understanding formed between countries, and more than that, there will be many external forces going in at that time, so it must undergo an assessment."

   "At present, no one knows whether there is any danger in it, or what kind of danger there is. This makes everyone extremely jealous."

   "So, we must pass the assessment before we can enter, of course..."

When talking about this, Fan Tianlei's eyes flickered, and Fan Tianlei slowly said: "This time, what everyone represents is the power of the other party, not any country, but just a power. ."



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