I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1871: New world battlefield

When Yu Sheng heard Fan Tianlei's words, he was shocked. Yu Sheng glanced at Fan Tianlei in a daze, and said in a puzzled way: "What's the difference?"

No matter who you are, as long as you appear here, then it must represent a force. Besides, he is a member of the military region and must represent the country. Even if you say that it represents a force, this must be believed. what.

"Ha ha…"

When Fan Tianlei heard this, he laughed for a while. Fan Tianlei shook his head slightly, and said calmly: "All countries have announced this way. Just do it this way."

At this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly realized, and he understood it, because in this way, no matter what happened, it had nothing to do with the country.

To some extent, it's just playing a dark warehouse.

When Yu Sheng thought of this, Yu Sheng also suddenly realized, even if he understood it, he also knew what chill it meant.

But the rest of his life didn't say much.

In this way, a lot of trouble can be solved, which is a relatively good thing.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng said: "Then how can I enter the underground world?"

"First enter the new world battlefield."

Fan Tianlei spoke slowly at this time.

"New World Battlefield?" After Yu Sheng heard these words, Yu Sheng was shocked. Yu Sheng looked at Fan Tianlei in a little astonishment, full of doubts.

"New world battlefield? Isn't it a world battlefield? What's the situation?"

Even for the rest of his life, Wei Wei was a little surprised. It was not that he hadn't heard enough about the world battlefield before, he had heard it, and he also knew the world battlefield.

However, this is the first time I have heard of the New World Battlefield.


Fan Tianlei nodded slightly, and said: "Scientists from various countries have made some updates on the original basis during this period of time, so this new world battlefield has also undergone some changes..."

"Now ninety-nine percent of the scenes in the new world battlefield can be restored, and the conditions inside are extremely real."

"And what you are going to do is to train here."

Fan Tianlei's words made Yu Sheng nod slightly.

"Boy, you have to enter the world battlefield, but you must be careful. In this world battlefield, people will die." Fan Tianlei's expression became a little serious, and he said in a condensed voice.

"I know." Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

For these, Yu Sheng is naturally very clear in his heart. It is not that he has not entered the world battlefield, what is the world battlefield, he is very clear in his heart, and he has killed some people in it, this is the most important.

But for now, he has not entered the world battlefield for a long time. This world battlefield looks like another planet. It looks very strange here. I don’t know how these scientists did it. , Even the rest of his life is full of curiosity.

He is also looking forward to the changes in this new world battlefield...

"Now countries are competing for territory, and this territory occupies a very important position."

"Moreover, according to some news we have received, this world battlefield is very important, because in it, you are likely to find something to enhance your strength."

As soon as Fan Tianlei said this sentence, Yu Sheng was shocked. Yu Sheng looked at Fan Tianlei with some doubts. Obviously, Yu Sheng didn't understand the meaning of Fan Tianlei's words at the moment.

What is something to improve yourself?

It is indeed possible to improve one's own strength in this, but the improvement of one's own strength is also limited, why is Fan Tianlei here to talk about this matter seriously.

Are there other things that can't be achieved in this?

When Yu Sheng heard this, Yu Sheng's expression became slightly solemn. Yu Sheng stared at Fan Tianlei in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "What's improving yourself?"

"do not know."

At this time, Fan Tianlei shook his head slightly, but then he said: "However, some people have got it."

"For example, this person is extremely sensitive to the surroundings. For example, this person's marksmanship has become more and more sharp, and some people can even reach three kilometers away and hit a hundred shots."

"not only that…"

"There are many other things here, such as a person can swim very fast, and can swim underwater for a long time, etc."

"It's as if the whole person has undergone a kind of mutation."

With Fan Tianlei's introduction, Yu Sheng's complexion gradually became a little dignified, and Yu Sheng did not expect that something like this would happen again?

What exactly is this world battlefield? Why do so many people gradually undergo some mutations, and what is going on?

Even for the rest of his life, his complexion was a little dignified. In a real sense, he was also a mutant, because there was a lot of blood in his body, and these blood were extremely powerful.

So he can't be regarded as a normal person.


What I didn't expect is that people in this world are gradually undergoing some changes. Is this some kind of evolution?

When Yu Sheng thought of this, Yu Sheng frowned. Yu Sheng seemed to be thinking about something.

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Sheng took a deep breath. Yu Sheng threw this thought out of his head. Now that it makes no sense to know this.

But what really interests Yu Sheng is the sudden change of these people, and I don't know how this change came into being.

This made Yu Sheng slightly look forward to it.

"Well, don't worry about this matter."

"It's not time to go, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com has waited until the real meaning is gone, let's talk about it."

Fan Tianlei's words made Yu Sheng nod his head slightly, but Yu Sheng didn't say much. When it was time to go, the people above would naturally send him there.

At this time, the rest of his life said: "Then are there any tasks next?"

"Not yet." Fan Tianlei shook his head slightly, and said casually: "However, some things have happened recently. At present, I don't know what is going on. This matter may also need to be dealt with by special forces. It's just that There is no news yet, so this matter is not in a hurry."

"After I have a task, I will naturally look for you."

Hearing what Fan Tianlei said, Yu Sheng nodded solemnly, and said: "Um...ok..."

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and when he returned to China, he had to take a good rest. During this period of time, he had been doing tasks, and even the rest of his life felt a little tired.

About two hours later, they finally arrived in the country. After they arrived in the country, they found a place and landed the plane...

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