I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 198: Main mission completed (2nd

Latest website: The rest of my life did not attract the attention of these people. After all, there are a lot of people here. Everyone is an instructor and no one knows anyone.

After doing some registration, I left here for the rest of my life.

Because tomorrow they will start to lead people.

This year, the number of students at Beijing University will be around 3,000. At that time, they will be divided into classes. According to calculations, there will be about fifty or sixty students in a class. Of course...

The majors that everyone learns are different. After the military training is completed, these people will naturally re-divide classes again, and everyone in each major is just the same class.

And this sort of division is just to make military training more convenient.

Therefore, there are about sixty instructors.

After signing in for the rest of my life, I walked in school for a while.

At this moment, a rush of voice resounded.

"Didi, congratulations to the host for becoming a qualified special force. The host is complete and excellent. It rewards the host with arc shooting skills, and rewards the host with 200 points of military merit."

"Didi, the host has completed the main quest, and the second main quest is open."

"Didi, the host becomes a king of soldiers, and rewards based on the host's performance."

After Yu Sheng heard these three pieces of news, for a while, he was stunned on the spot.

Because he never expected that the main task of the system would be completed at this moment? It seems that five days have passed since he became a special soldier, and the system task has only been completed. This time the system response is a bit slow.

However, what made him most delighted was the reward this time.

The 200 military merit is not much. It is reasonable to say that the 200 military merit is only given to the completion of the main task. It is indeed a little bit less, but Yu Sheng's eyes are on the bullet arc shooting.

Because this is also a skill.

This surprised Yu Sheng slightly.

What does this arc shooting mean?

Why have never heard of it before?

Yu Sheng was very puzzled, thinking about it and asking: "System, what does arc shooting mean?"

The system faintly explained: "Bounce arc shooting can make the bullet appear a little arc!"

"What? Gunfighting?"

Immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng suddenly thought of something and exclaimed.

"It's not gunfighting, it's bullet arc shooting." The system explained: "Gunfighting is more advanced than bullet arc shooting, and the host hasn't obtained it yet."

"Bounce arc shooting, you can quickly shake your wrist to shoot in an arc. Of course, this arc is very, very small."

The system's words made Yu Sheng frowned! If you can play a small arc, it is also very scary, because a small arc may kill the enemy.

At this time, the system explained: "However, the small arc of the host's bullet is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the host can use the arc shooting to sputter."


When Yu Sheng heard this, he was confused again, because it was the first time he heard this so-called sputtering.


The system patiently explained: "When the host can shoot a block with a gun, a large tree or some sharp objects can all be splashed."

"If someone hides behind the stone, then the host can shoot the stone with bullet arc shooting. In this way, the bullet collides with the stone, which will cause the stone to splash, which will cause the stone to injure people."

"If big trees are involved, the sawdust that appears may also injure the enemy. This is arc shooting."


When Yu Sheng heard this, he was speechless. He thought it was because of the arc of the bullet, making a bend... But it was right to think about it. This violated the conclusion of physics.

He felt that this name should not be called Bullet Arc Shooting, it should be called Splash Shooting.

Although it seems a bit tasteless.

But in fact, this is a very practical skill, especially in sniper operations, this skill is likely to cause a devastating blow to the enemy.

For the acquisition of such a skill, even for the rest of his life, it is extremely happy.

"Is there any other form of arc shooting?" Yu Sheng asked.

"No." The system explained: "There is only one form of arc shooting."


After Yu Sheng heard this, he sighed slightly, but there was only one kind, and it was enough.

If the enemy is hiding behind the stone! The enemy may be safe. In fact, hiding behind the stone is the beginning of the enemy's nightmare.

However, the rest of his life was extremely happy.

With this skill, he can increase his strength by a large margin.

"One more point." At this moment, the system explained again: "If you encounter something harder, it can even reach the level of bullet splashing."

Hearing what the system said, Yu Sheng was shocked.

If this is the case, then it is a bit scary.

Unexpectedly, the arc shooting can still be played like this.

If you play like this, it would be very, very scary.

For the enemy, that is great fear.

What is the difference between this bullet turning?

Although the required conditions are a little harsher, at a critical moment, these things can completely change a battlefield victory.

The rest of his life suppressed the excitement in his heart and took a deep breath.

Let yourself calm down as soon as possible.

The shock of this bullet arc shooting was really too great. To some extent, it was already a bullet turn.

Soon, Yu Sheng thought of the plot in Wolf Warrior 1. He remembered that when Leng Feng was killing Minden's brother, he used this kind of arc shooting.

The enemy was killed by a stone.

The more he thinks about it, the more excited the rest of his life is. He even wants to try it right away, but he is now in school and he doesn't have this opportunity at all.

He had to suppress the throbbing in his heart.

I left here quickly for the rest of my life! After leaving, Yu Sheng hurried towards home.

Tomorrow is the time for real military training~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so naturally there is no need to stay here for the rest of my life.

"The rest of my life..."

Suddenly, a startled voice resounded, which caused Yu Sheng to be taken aback for a moment. He turned and looked in one direction. What caught his eyes was a figure.

This beautiful figure is dressed in a white shirt, denim shorts, and a pair of white sneakers. She looks very beautiful and gives a very pure feeling. She has white skin, smooth and tender like milk! The youthful appearance is very flattering.

Especially on the girl's face, there was a smile of surprise.

Seems to be surprised to find something in general. .

Seeing this familiar figure clearly, Yu Sheng's face was also full of surprise, and he did not expect that he would meet her here.

However, thinking of what she said before, Yu Sheng knew that when he came here, he would inevitably meet her, but he didn't expect to meet her so soon.

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