I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 199: Meet again (3rd

Latest website: This person is surprisingly the last time Yu Sheng met Liu Xiaoyu.

At this moment, Liu Xiaoyu looks more youthful and beautiful, and she is also a rare little beauty.

Liu Xiaoyu saw Yu Sheng's moments, which made Liu Xiaoyu indescribably happy.

Because she had a deep impression of Yu Sheng, she did not expect that she could meet Yu Sheng in Beijing University, which made her naturally unspeakable joy.


Yu Sheng smiled and said.

"Yu Sheng, I didn't expect to see you in Beijing University." Liu Xiaoyu ran over happily. At this moment, another girl next to Liu Xiaoyu also followed her helplessly.

This girl is called Sun Tingting, and she is also the girl Liu Xiaoyu met at University.

"Yes." Yu Sheng also smiled.

"For the rest of your life, what's the matter with you returning to your alma mater?" Liu Xiaoyu blinked those big playful eyes and asked expectantly.

"Nothing." Yu Sheng smiled and said: "Just come and have a look."

"Xiao Yu, is this your boyfriend?" Sun Tingting on the side glanced at Liu Xiaoyu. She is not a fool. It can be seen naturally that Liu Xiaoyu seems to be very interested in Yu Sheng.

She is a person with high emotional intelligence, so she deliberately said such a sentence.

As soon as I said this, I heard it in Liu Xiaoyu's ears, which made Liu Xiaoyu a little bit of joy. To be honest, she was still very interested in Yu Sheng.

She is very handsome, and so powerful, it is easy to make girls feel good.

"No... it's not." Liu Xiaoyu explained hurriedly: "This is my friend for the rest of my life."

Liu Xiaoyu looked at Yu Sheng again and said, "This is my friend, Sun Tingting."

Sun Tingting is obviously a very lively girl, and also very outgoing. Sun Tingting looked at Yu Sheng carefully, and said in admiration: "You are so handsome, no wonder our family Xiao Yu would like you."

"I can tell you, there are a lot of people chasing after Xiaoyu in our house, you have to hold it, there will be no such shop after passing this village."

"Tingting, what are you talking nonsense." Liu Xiaoyu blushed after hearing this, and hurriedly pulled Liu Xiaoyu.

When Yu Sheng saw this, he smiled and didn't say much, and he didn't have that kind of thoughts about Liu Xiaoyu, just as an ordinary friend.

Yu Sheng said: "You two, this is..."

"We just went to the library and are planning to go back now." Liu Xiaoyu explained first.

"Oh." Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

"Yu Sheng, where are you going?" Liu Xiaoyu asked again.

"I plan to go back." Yu Sheng smiled: "I just walked around and I was tired."


After Liu Xiaoyu heard this, she was a little disappointed. She wanted to stay with Yu Sheng for a while, but Yu Sheng was leaving, which made him feel a little bitter.

Naturally, Sun Tingting saw it, but Sun Tingting smiled and said, "Or, the three of us go find a place to sit for a while?"

"How about this handsome guy? The beauties have a treat?"

Speaking, Sun Tingting looked at Yu Sheng and said with a smile.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he smiled bitterly: "No, I still have something to deal with, so I won't go with you."

"Wait for the next chance."


Liu Xiaoyu nodded and said.

"Then I will leave first." Yu Sheng said.


After that, Yu Sheng left here. Liu Xiaoyu looked at Yu Sheng's back. At this moment, Sun Tingting touched Liu Xiaoyu and said with a smile: "People are far away, you still watch."

"Unexpectedly, Xiaoyu in our family has a sweetheart."


Liu Xiaoyu woke up. At this moment, her white face was flushed, and she said angrily: "Tingting, don't talk nonsense."

"Humph." Sun Tingting hummed: "Xiao Yu, I didn't talk nonsense, you... all those thoughts are written on the face."

"But Xiao Yu, what does this handsome guy do? Is it also from our school? He looks handsome. If he is a boyfriend, it would be good." Sun Tingting said with a smile.

"He is our brother." Liu Xiaoyu gave Sun Tingting a white look.


Sun Tingting was taken aback, and said in astonishment: "Is it really from our school? And it's still brother? How old is it?"

"They have graduated." Liu Xiaoyu said helplessly.


Sun Tingting was even more taken aback, and said unbelievably, "Looking at him, it looks like he just entered university. How could he have graduated?"

"Listen, don't you forget." Liu Xiaoyu said: "That banner hung on our school forum."


Sun Tingting was thinking about something, and then, she thought of something, her beautiful eyes glared.

"The talented person Yu Sheng... his name is Yu Sheng, is it possible that... he is the Yu Sheng?"

Sun Tingting's pretty face was full of incredible colors.

"Yeah." Liu Xiaoyu nodded.


Sun Tingting took a deep breath. She didn't expect that the rest of her life would turn out to be the rest of her life... that was remarkable.

Who doesn't know that Yu Sheng is a rare genius in a century. He graduated from Beijing University at just eighteen years old. Such an ability can be called an academic hegemon.

Although there is no shortage of genius in this world, there are still very few people like Yu Sheng.

Even many people put Wu Cairen and Yu Sheng together, collectively referred to as Cai Ren Yu Sheng.

Among them, there are many little fans who are admirers for the rest of their lives.

Unexpectedly, the person I met turned out to be the rest of his life.

"Xiao Yu, why didn't you say it earlier..." Sun Tingting said with embarrassment: "It made me careless in front of Yu Sheng's senior."

"You didn't ask either." Liu Xiaoyu said with a white glance at Sun Tingting.

"No, no, Xiaoyu, you have to make up for me, or I will chase your boyfriend, hum." Sun Tingting said.

"He is not my boyfriend, go chase him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you really catch him, I wish you happiness." Liu Xiaoyu hummed.

"Really, I can tell you that for a boy like Yu Sheng, there must be a lot of people chasing him, then you must not regret it." Sun Tingting looked at Liu Xiaoyu and said with a smile.

Seeing this, Liu Xiaoyu hummed: "Guess you regret it."

"Well, if this is the case, then I will go after the rest of my life. You don't want such a good boy. I want it." Sun Tingting smiled and said: "I will do my best to pursue it."

Liu Xiaoyu felt a little anxious when she heard this. She didn't know if what Sun Tingting said was true, and Sun Tingting looks good, if Sun Tingting really goes after her for the rest of her life... Maybe, it's really possible to catch it. For the rest of his life.

For a while, Liu Xiaoyu felt a little anxious. .

"Looking scares you."

When Sun Tingting saw this, he laughed and said, "Okay, Xiaoyu, how about your boyfriend, I will never touch it, so ah... don't worry."

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