I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1979: go on vacation

Chapter 1990 Going to do something during the holidays


Yu Sheng heard the words, nodded slightly, and said, "Take me around the company at will."

"Okay, Mr. Yu."

Xiaoyu couldn't help but glance at Yu Sheng. Although Yu Sheng's appearance is not so handsome, Yu Sheng's skin is wheatish and looks very healthy.

Moreover, Yu Sheng has a special temperament, this temperament is the most attractive, even with a light rain is a little addicted.

Xiaoyu felt that this was the man she wanted. I don't know why, but in front of Yu Sheng, Xiao Yu felt a special sense of security. Even Xiaoyu felt a little excited about this sense of security.

Xiaoyu felt that the rest of her life, which she might like, was really attractive.

For a while, Xiaoyu couldn't help but look at Yu Sheng two more times, a heart pounding.

Immediately, Yu Sheng followed Xiao Yu to wander around here, and Yu Sheng was also aimless.

However, the company at home is running very well, especially in terms of management. Although it is a bit stricter, it is still quite good in general.

Yu Sheng also sighed slightly, but unfortunately, he can't inherit the company for the time being. He still has a lot of things to do.

After visiting the company for a while for the rest of his life, he left the company.

After Yu Sheng left the company, Wu Zeqing called.

Yu Sheng answered the phone, only to hear Wu Zeqing say, "Xiao Yu, when did you come back?"

"It's not long since I came back." Yu Sheng laughed and said casually, "Lao Wu, you're not having meetings now?"

"No." Wu Zeqing said, "Where are you now?"

"Just came out from the company's side." Yu Sheng said.

"Then I'll find you?" Wu Zeqing said softly.

As soon as this sentence came out, Yu Sheng's spirit was shocked at this time, and Yu Sheng immediately said: "I'll go find you."

"Okay." Wu Zeqing nodded lightly, but didn't say much.

There was no unnecessary nonsense for the rest of his life. After hanging up the phone, he hurried in the direction of Wu Zeqing. After a while, he arrived at Beijing University.

When he came here, Wu Zeqing had been waiting in the office for a long time, Yu Sheng walked to Wu Zeqing's office and walked in.

At this time, Wu Zeqing was still working. After seeing Yu Sheng's arrival, Wu Zeqing put down his work. Wu Zeqing gave Yu Sheng a soft look and said with a smile, "Xiao Yu, you are here."

"Old Wu, you are still busy." Yu Sheng said.

"I'm not busy, I just read some documents." Wu Zeqing smiled.

"Xiaoyu, did you just come back?" Wu Zeqing asked.

"Yes." Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

"You didn't rest?" Wu Zeqing asked, "Is there any problem with your body?"

Wu Zeqing knew very well that after returning to the earth, ordinary people would definitely need some time to get used to it, but for the rest of his life, he ran out without any adaptation, which made Wu Zeqing a little worried.

"It's okay." Yu Sheng smiled and said, "It's not like you don't know what my body is like."

After Wu Zeqing heard it, he smiled softly and Wu Zeqing said, "As long as your body is fine."

Wu Zeqing still cares about Yu Sheng. After Yu Sheng noticed this scene, his heart also warmed. Every man needs such a woman in his heart. She is also the favorite of countless men. With such a daughter-in-law, it is difficult for you to cheat. , this is the woman a man wants most.

Even if it is cheating, he will never give up on his own.

That's the beauty of a woman.

Yu Sheng smiled and said, "Lao Wu, shall we go out to play for two days?"

"Okay." Wu Zeqing said with a soft smile.

"Your work???"

After Yu Sheng asked this question, Wu Zeqing laughed and said, "Beijing University has several vice-presidents, just let them do it, I'm not very useful."

Wu Zeqing said it very lightly, but Yu Sheng was very clear.

The vice president of Beijing University is actually very busy.

The reason Wu Zeqing said this was probably because he wanted to hang out with him, and he said it so as not to put pressure on him.

For the rest of my life at this time, I feel warm in my heart. Lao Wu is still Lao Wu, and he still has the same taste as before. He always thinks about others like this, and always looks like a lady, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Yu Sheng smiled and said, "Okay, let's go, let's go out to play for two days."


Wu Zeqing said, "I'll pack up and go out."


Immediately, he sat down here for the rest of his life, while Wu Zeqing packed up his belongings. After the two had finished packing, the two left Beijing University.

After the two left, Wu Zeqing gave Yu Sheng a soft look at this time, and said, "Where are we going?"

Yu Sheng said, "How about we go to incense gang or aomen?"

Wu Zeqing was slightly taken aback by Yu Sheng's words, and then he said, "What are you doing over there?"

"Shopping." Yu Sheng smiled and said, "I found that you didn't buy anything, so why don't you go shopping there."

After Wu Zeqing heard this, he said, "You need a permit to go there. It will take a while to go back and forth."

"It doesn't matter." Yu Sheng said with a smile: "These are not problems, I just ask someone to solve them."

"Okay." After Wu Zeqing heard this, he did not refuse, saying.

"Okay." Yu Sheng was also extremely happy.

He hadn't played with Wu Zeqing for a long time, and at this moment, he naturally thought about it.

"Let's go, let's go eat first, and after we eat, let's go to other places to play."

As Yu Sheng said these words, Wu Zeqing at this time also nodded lightly.

Wu Zeqing didn't say much. After that, the two went to a restaurant. For the rest of their lives, they didn't like to eat Western restaurants. Those things were too unpalatable, and they were not as delicious as Chinese cuisine. Various flavors are not uniform, this is the real dish.

Those foreign gadgets are nothing more than simple methods, no waste of time, and in the end it is a pleasure to eat. As for the taste, there are always a few tastes.

It can't compare with Chinese cuisine.

At this moment, Yu Sheng and Wu Zeqing were eating hot pot at a hot pot restaurant, and the two of them were talking about what they were eating.

When the two of them were eating hot pot, there were several figures walking towards them. After Yu Sheng and Wu Zeqing noticed these figures, Yu Sheng and Wu Zeqing both frowned.

They all looked at these figures.

These figures are all wearing black suits and black sunglasses. There are about ten people in one after another. After these ten people entered the restaurant, they attracted the attention of many people. He glanced at the ten people in front of him with some astonishment.

It doesn't look like a good person at all?

Many people are talking about it.

However, Yu Sheng's expression was condensed: "These people are not simple..."

Although I didn't fight with these people, I could feel it in Yu Sheng. These people are not simple, especially with this strength, even Yu Sheng couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Who are these people? What are they here for?

Yu Sheng stared at the people in front of him, with a little sharpness in his eyes.

Soon, these figures looked towards Yu Sheng. When they saw Yu Sheng, these people seemed to have discovered something. Immediately, they all came towards Yu Sheng.

And Yu Sheng, his hands clasped, his eyes narrowed.

He knew that these people were probably coming for him.

With the arrival of these people, Wu Zeqing's pair of beautiful eyes also kept flashing a little light, and Wu Zeqing stared at the figures in front of him indifferently.

After one of them came to Yu Sheng's side, this person immediately said, "Excuse me, but Mr. Yu Sheng?"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Sheng also raised his brows, Yu Sheng said slowly, "My name is Yu Sheng, Your Excellency is..."

"Mr. Yu Sheng, please come with us." The man said lightly.


As soon as these words came out, Yu Sheng's face sank.

Wu Zeqing also had a bit of suffocating energy. Wu Zeqing glanced at these people indifferently. Wu Zeqing said calmly, "Who are you? Why did you take away the rest of your life."

"This lady has misunderstood." The man named the head said: "Our husband invited Mr. Yu Sheng to be a guest, so I also asked Mr. Yu Sheng to come with us."

After Yu Sheng heard it, he was astonished.

Let him be a guest?

I'm afraid it's not that simple, is it? Besides, the other party doesn't even report the family, how does he know who the other party is? How do you know what the other party wants to do?

Yu Sheng stared sharply at the figures in front of him, Yu Sheng's eyes were a little sharp, and Yu Sheng said flatly, "Who are you? What is your husband looking for me?"

"I think it's better to clarify this matter."

As soon as Yu Sheng's words came out, the leading man smiled and said, "I'm sorry, because we don't know if you have anything to ask Mr. Yu Sheng for."

"Mr. Yu wants to know, why don't you ask in person?"

As these words came out, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered.

This is Huaxia.

The other party took him away so openly, the other party should not be too chaotic, after all, his identity is not simple, if something really happened to him, the other party would not be able to eat and walk around.

Now he is a school official, not only that, his identity is also an academician, and he is the heir of the Yu clan, plus he has Fan Tianlei and the others to protect him.

If ordinary people want to take action against him, they have to consider the intricate relationship here, which affects the whole body.

After Yu Sheng thought of this, he was relieved. Yu Sheng smiled and glanced at the man in front of him, and said plainly, "Okay, if that's the case, then I'll come with you."

"However, I'll just go with you by myself."

"Okay sir, our husband has only invited you alone." The man said slowly.

Yu Sheng nodded slightly, then Yu Sheng set his eyes on Wu Zeqing, Yu Sheng said slowly, "Old Wu, why don't you go back first?"

"I'll come with you."

Wu Zeqing smiled softly and said slowly, "In this way, there will be some help."

"Lao Wu, you'd better go back first, I don't know what happened here."

Yu Sheng shook his head slightly.

After all, he didn't know who the other party was. If it was dangerous for Wu Zeqing to go with him, it would be troublesome.

Wu Zeqing smiled softly: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"I will go with you."

Hearing Wu Zeqing's firmness, Rao was a little surprised for the rest of his life. In the past, Wu Zeqing was a lady of the family, and his performance was submissive. Especially in front of him, he basically listened to him.

What he did not expect was that this time Wu Zeqing was so determined.

Thinking of Wu Zeqing's strength, Yu Sheng pondered and said, "Okay, if that's the case, then let's go together."

"Let's go." Yu Sheng looked up at the man and said slowly.

"Mr. Yu, please..."

The man nodded slightly and spoke slowly.

Yu Sheng and Wu Zeqing stood up, and then the two of them walked out. After they came out, Yu Sheng took a deep look at these people.

The man at the head said, "Please get in the car, Mr. Yu."


Yu Sheng nodded slightly, without any nonsense, and followed him into the car.

After Yu Sheng got into the car, Yu Sheng looked at the car carefully. At this moment, Yu Sheng was slightly surprised.

Because, the rest of my life feels, this car is not simple.

In particular, the glass is bulletproof glass, and the appearance of the car is also extremely tight. Even two layers of steel plates are added. Even a sniper rifle may not be able to easily penetrate the steel plates here.

In such a scene, Rao was amazed for the rest of his life.

what happened?

How did the opponent protect so well? What is their purpose?

When Yu Sheng noticed this, even Yu Sheng's complexion was a little dignified, and Yu Sheng felt very strange.

Who is this person? Is it possible to build such a bulletproof car?

The other party doesn't seem to be as simple as he imagined~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng looked at Wu Zeqing, but Wu Zeqing's expression was flat, as if nothing had happened. If there is no smile.

After this makes people seem to have an inexplicable sense of ease.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath.

thought secretly.

"Since it's here, you'll be at ease. When you reach your destination, you should know what the other party means."

After Yu Sheng thought of this, Yu Sheng was relieved. Yu Sheng waited patiently in this car, time passed little by little, and Yu Sheng also saw that the car kept driving, even bypassing a forest, Gradually, they all ran into some big mountains.

The rest of my life is a bit ignorant.

(End of this chapter)

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