I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1980: Li family?

Chapter 1991 Li Family?


They just came to a place.

After they came to this place, Yu Sheng frowned. This place is obviously different from other places, and this place is not a military area.

At first, Yu Sheng thought that he was going to the military region, but looking at the situation in front of him, it seemed that this was not the case. This was not the military region.

There are rows of villas here.

In such a scene, Rao was surprised for the rest of his life.

There are villas here, and from the perspective of this villa, the area of ​​the villas here is not small, which makes the rest of my life a little surprised, and I don't know where this is, and a villa will be built here.

Soon, they came to the gate.

The gate is very luxurious, and it also has a European-style architecture, giving people a very special feeling.

Yu Sheng knew in his heart that it was not easy for this person to be able to build such a building here.

You must know that since the vicinity of the capital, all the land is very valuable. It does not mean that you can build a house if you want. Here, it is very, very important.

And it is not as simple as it seems to be able to take such a piece of land, especially in the capital who can afford a villa, which is not something ordinary people can afford.

Yu Sheng is also slightly curious, who is this person? Who are the people who invited themselves here?

Yu Sheng's brain is also running fast, thinking about some things here.

As the driver communicated with the patrolling, they were soon put in.

After they entered, they noticed some figures, which made Yu Sheng two frown again.

The two got out of the car.

At this time, Wu Zeqing also looked around indifferently, and there was no sign of panic on that handsome face.

Yu Sheng also knew very well in his heart that his daughter-in-law was very, very powerful, and even he could not guarantee that he was Wu Zeqing's opponent.

The rest of my life is also very reassuring.

What makes Yu Sheng puzzled the most is what is this place? What is the other party's purpose?

Although he has offended a lot of people, the offenders are all criminals, and he is also doing things for the country, in order to eliminate these criminals.

He also paid a great price.

It is reasonable for these criminals to hate him.

"You two, this way please." At this time, a man in a suit spoke from the side.

When Yu Sheng saw this, he took a deep look at the man, and then Yu Sheng set his eyes on the front. This is a house. The top of this house is shaped like a cone, giving people a very special feeling. This is a European-style building. .

Yu Sheng took a deep breath.

"let's go."

Immediately, the two walked towards it.

At this time, Yu Sheng said in a low voice, "Old Wu, wait a moment, you hide behind me."

When Wu Zeqing heard the words, he smiled softly and lightly nodded his head, "Okay."

Wu Zeqing did not refuse. He naturally knew what Yu Sheng's words meant. Yu Sheng's words were nothing more than protecting him, letting him hide behind her and protect her well.

Yu Sheng stepped forward and walked inside.

They entered the hall.

After Yu Sheng and Wu Zeqing walked into the hall, Yu Sheng's eyes glanced around, which made Yu Sheng a little surprised.

This is a European style, especially the decoration style here, which is even more European style, giving people a very special feeling...

It makes one feel like entering Europe.

The rest of my life knows that the decoration here is not something that can be done by millions. The decoration here also costs a lot of money. The more expensive the house, the more expensive it is to decorate. Of course, if it is only simple Just a simple decoration, that's another story.

At this time, the man in a suit said, "The two of you have a rest here first, our master will be here in a while."

Yu Sheng raised his brows as soon as those words came out.


You know, the word family owner is not very popular these days.

This made Yu Sheng a little surprised. He didn't expect to hear the word "Patriarch" here. Yu Sheng didn't say much, and then the two of them sat on the sofa.

Then, someone brought tea.

Yu Sheng looked around carefully. At this time, Yu Sheng couldn't help but ask, "Old Wu, what do you think this place is?"

"I don't know." Wu Zeqing shook his head.

"Judging from the situation here, this person should not be simple."

"I don't know if you found it, but the layout outside is very good."

After Wu Zeqing said this, Yu Sheng nodded and said, "That's right."

"Outside, the defense is heavily guarded, even if a platoon wants to attack, it is not so simple, and there are patrolling people everywhere, and they are carrying things in their hands."

"It's really weird. I don't know who these people are and what their purpose is."

Wu Zeqing said: "Wait a while, we will know when he comes out."

After Wu Zeqing said this, Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

Indeed, it is superfluous to think about it now. It is better to wait patiently here. According to their ideas, wait for a while, and they should know when they think about it.

So don't be in a hurry.

Yu Sheng waited patiently here.

Time passed little by little, and after waiting for about half an hour, at this moment, a figure came out of this room, and there were several people behind this figure.

The figure laughed and said, "Mr. Yu, I've been waiting for a long time."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Sheng was also stunned. Yu Sheng took a deep look at the figure in front of him. This person was a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man is wearing a suit, and his body has a faint aura.

This kind of breath is the breath of the superior, and it is not something that ordinary people can feel.

This surprised the rest of my life.

Judging from this breath, this middle-aged man is not simple. Only by being in a high position all year round can he have such a momentum.

Yu Sheng stood up and scrutinized the man in front of him, and the man also scrutinized Yu Sheng, the man said with a smile, "Mr. Yu, please sit down."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Sheng was not polite. He sat on the sofa, next to Wu Zeqing, his whole body was tense. If there was anything unusual, he would take the initiative to kill the middle-aged man in front of him. man.

At this time, the middle-aged man also seemed to see Yu Sheng's actions. The middle-aged man showed a slight smile and said with a smile, "Mr. Yu, let me introduce myself first. My surname is Li, and my name is Li Xuntian."

"Li Xuntian?"

After Yu Sheng heard the name, Yu Sheng frowned secretly. Obviously, he had never heard of this name, so Yu Sheng was slightly curious.

Who is this Li Xuntian?

On the contrary, Wu Zeqing narrowed his beautiful eyes and looked at Li Xuntian in front of him. Obviously, Wu Zeqing knew the name Li Xuntian.

"The head of the Li family, Li Xuntian."

Following Wu Zeqing's words, Li Xuntian glanced at Wu Zeqing in surprise, but Li Xuntian didn't say anything more.

And the rest of your life is a change of heart.

"Patriarch of the Li family?"

Yu Sheng was slightly surprised.

Yu Sheng is very clear that in this capital, various forces are intricate, especially, there are some very ancient families, these families are very powerful, they control a lot of resources, and even, in this officialdom, there are many It is their people, such a family united a little bit, it will be a behemoth.

It's just that in the past, such families were very, very low-key, and in this daily life, almost no one knew what kind of family there was.

This kind of thing, do not show mountains, do not show water, this is also a long-term way of a family.


When you are bullied, you will see the horror of this family. The energy of this family is also very, very terrifying. Once it runs, many times, many people have to avoid its edge.

That's the beauty of a family.

For example, this Tang Dynasty family is like this.

A thousand-year-old family, but you have not heard of a thousand-year-old dynasty.

The existence of the family is very powerful.

Unexpectedly, I met a family here, and the patriarch of this family was also called Li Xuntian, although he did not know who Li Xuntian was.

These thoughts are only fleeting.

At this moment, Yu Sheng set his eyes on Li Xuntian, and Yu Sheng calmly said, "Patriarch Li invited us here, what is it?"


Using this method to invite them over is not as simple as it seems.

After listening to Li Xuntian, he smiled and said, "Mr. Yu, don't worry."

"My family members know Tianlei, so you don't have to be nervous."


When Yu Sheng heard this sentence, Rao Shi Yu Sheng's face became slightly solemn, and Yu Sheng's face was a little heavy, and he never thought that such a thing would happen.

Does the other party even know Fan Tianlei?

Who is this man?

If the other party knows Fan Tianlei, then he must also know that he is a special forces soldier, and he also knows many other things about himself. If this is the case, the other party will be a little complicated.

Yu Sheng stared intently at Li Xuntian in front of him, and said solemnly, "Patriarch Li, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly, and you don't need to beat around the bush."

As soon as Yu Sheng said these words, Li Xuntian also laughed at this time. Li Xuntian said with a smile, "If that's the case, then I'll have something to say."

"Actually, I invited you this time to ask you to do me a favor."

Li Xuntian said with a smile.

Yu Sheng heard the words, his eyes narrowed, he took a deep look at Li Xuntian, smiled and said: "I think Li family is joking, I am just an ordinary person, I really don't know how to help Li family head. Busy, Li Family Master must have found the wrong person."

"No, there is nothing wrong."

At this time, Li Xuntian smiled and said, "Mr. Yu might as well watch a video first."

Yu Sheng raised his brows when he heard the words. He gave Li Xuntian a deep look. Immediately, Li Xuntian waved his hand, and a person behind him started to turn on the TV, and then a picture appeared in front of Yu Sheng's eyes.

When Yu Sheng saw the scene in front of him, Yu Sheng's eyes also flickered.

Obviously, what is shown on the screen is a scene of saving people.

In such a scene, Rao was a little surprised for the rest of his life. Unexpectedly, the other party found all this video, so what does it mean for the other party to find this video?

At that time, I saw a car accident, so I couldn't help but want to treat the people inside. After the arrival of 120, Yu Sheng did not leave there.

After all, the doctor's parental heart, not to mention, he is still a soldier, when encountering such a thing, he will naturally take action, but...

I never thought that this video was even filmed.

What does it mean when the other party shows this video to himself?

Yu Sheng's brows were furrowed, and this way of beating around the bush with each other made Yu Sheng feel tired and very boring.

The other party is really bewildering.

"Patriarch Li may wish to speak directly." Yu Sheng said slowly: "This picture is just a picture of me saving people at the time, and there seems to be nothing to see."

Yu Sheng couldn't guess what Li Xuntian meant, so he simply pointed it out.

And Wu Zeqing was watching from the side, her expression was indifferent.

Li Xuntian said with a smile, "Mr. Yu, what actually makes me most curious is Mr. Yu's medical skills. I have already investigated it at that time."

"If it wasn't for Mr. Yu's rescue, I'm afraid some people would have died at that time, but it was because of Mr. Yu's rescue that I learned about the car accident and no one was killed."

"I also asked those doctors at that time, and all of them were full of praise, because this rescue method is really important."

"I'm afraid that if any doctor is there, there is no guarantee of the situation there."

"A doctor even said that Mr. Yu's medical skills are very superb, so I want to ask, Mr. Yu, do you know medical skills?"

Hearing this, Yu Sheng raised his brows. He took a deep look at Li Xuntian. At this moment, Yu Sheng knew something, as if this Li Xuntian was here for his medical skills.

That's kind of interesting.

The other party came here for his medical skills~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Could it be that he wants to treat the disease?

After thinking about it for the rest of his life, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "I just know some first aid methods, and I can't be regarded as a superb medical skill. At that time, I was forced to save people."

"If you don't save them, they may die. If you do, there may be a glimmer of hope. So, I had no choice but to save it at the time."

Yu Sheng said a few words indifferently, but did not say how strong his medical skills were. Now he is a god-level medical skill, and this medical skill is already very, very terrifying.

Many people are inferior to him.

But Yu Sheng didn't show it, because it's not necessarily a good thing because it's shown too much, and he also vaguely guessed some of the other party's intentions, but he didn't know if he guessed correctly.


At this moment, Li Xuntian smiled and said, "Mr. Yu, don't be too busy to refuse."

(End of this chapter)

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