I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1981: save people

Chapter 1992 Save People

Yu Sheng heard the words, his expression condensed, he took a deep look at Li Xuntian, Yu Sheng paused and said, "If you have something to say, Li Family Master may wish to speak directly."

Yu Sheng was also very curious about this. He had been here for a long time, and Li Xuntian didn't say anything, but he had already vaguely guessed it.

Nine times out of ten, Li Xuntian wanted him to save people.

I don't know who to save.

However, this matter is definitely not that simple.

Think about it, who is the other party? Can you live in such a place without money? Couldn't they find a better doctor? Doctors all over the world reckon they can find it.

However, so far, this disease has not been treated well, which means that this disease must be very, very difficult, and it cannot be cured by ordinary people at all.

If it is said that he can cure the other party's disease, then everything is easy to say and everyone is happy.

What if it's not cured?

Who knows if the other party will take out his anger at him, just casually, with his current ability, he doesn't need to be afraid of anyone, but he doesn't want to cause some trouble for no reason, after all, he is still in the military area, if someone makes a black hand, it is indeed There will be some trouble.

So for the rest of my life, I really don’t want to be cured.

However, the other party has already talked about this matter, and he can only listen to what the other party has to say first.


After Li Xuntian listened to Yu Sheng's words, Li Xuntian also laughed. Li Xuntian paused and said, "Actually, I invited Mr. Yu to come here today because I want to ask Mr. Yu to help save someone."

"No matter the outcome, the Li family will thank Mr. Yu."

Li Xuntian's words made Xia Yu stunned for a moment, and Yu Sheng gave Li Xuntian a deep look. No matter what, Li Xuntian's words were very beautiful.

Whatever the outcome, I will thank him.

That is to say, the other party will not pursue the result.

Of course, people can't be stupid enough to believe Li Xuntian's words, and if they believe Li Xuntian's words, that's the real ghost.

Yu Sheng paused and said, "Patriarch Li, I'm just an ordinary person. I've only learned some first aid methods, so I can't count on the advanced medical skills, so I can only say try my best."

As soon as Yu Sheng's words came out, Li Xuntian suddenly laughed, and Li Xuntian said with a smile, "This is the best."

"I don't know who the patient Li Family Master is talking about?"

With Yu Sheng's words out of his mouth, Li Xuntian paused and said, "Mr. Yu, come with me."

As soon as these words came out, Li Xuntian stood up slowly, and Yu Sheng also got up when he saw this, and then followed Li Xuntian and walked in one direction.


They came to a room, and when they came to the outside of the room, Li Xuntian said, "Mr. Yu, the patient is inside."

"Let's go in."


Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

Immediately, Yu Sheng walked in. In this room, there was a bed and these other supporting facilities. However, there was a person lying on the bed. This person fell into a coma. Hang the old man with a hanging bottle.

After Yu Sheng glanced at the old man, Yu Sheng frowned. From this perspective, the old man was probably around seventy or eighty years old, and at this moment, the old man closed his eyes tightly, and there was no sign of waking up.

However, the vital signs of the old man seemed to be normal, but the old man was in a coma.

At this time, Li Xuntian said slowly, "Mr. Yu, this is the patient and also my father. Three years ago, after he came back from Yunnan, he has been in a coma, and so far, he has not woken up. We can only use this hanging bottle to temporarily hang his life."

"So, I'll have to trouble Mr. Yu next."

Hearing this, Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and Yu Sheng pondered slightly: "I'll take a look at it first."


Li Xuntian nodded.

At this time, Yu Sheng looked towards the front. He took a deep breath and stepped in front of the old man. Yu Sheng took a deep look at the old man and then lifted the old man's quilt.

After Yu Sheng lifted the quilt, Yu Sheng was surprised to find that there was no smell at all. Obviously, someone took care of it every day. If it was someone else, it is estimated that no one would take care of it so diligently.

Yu Sheng glanced at him in surprise, but didn't say much.

Yu Sheng looked over the old man's body, and immediately, Yu Sheng rolled up the old man's sleeve and looked at the old man's arm.

Yu Sheng saw that there was nothing wrong with the old man's arm. Rao was slightly surprised by such a scene.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem?"

The rest of my life is puzzled.

After thinking about it for the rest of his life, he untied the old man's clothes again. At this time, when Li Xuntian saw this, his expression did not change, and he waited here quietly.

But at this moment, another voice resounded, and a figure walked in from outside. After Li Xuntian saw the figure, he said softly, "Go out."

After hearing this, the figure's expression changed slightly, and then the figure quickly walked out, and Li Xuntian also followed.

After Li Xuntian also came out, he looked at the middle-aged man and said slowly, "Why are you back?"

"Brother, have you sent someone to see our father?" Li Baiqiang glanced at Li Xuntian and asked immediately.


Li Xuntian nodded slightly.

"Brother, why are you so impulsive? Our father's illness, we have looked for so many doctors, but we haven't solved the problem, but you found a stranger to see our father. What are you doing?"

"How can such a person be qualified to see our father?"

Li Baiqiang was anxious.

Li Xuntian said slowly, "If he was just an ordinary person, I naturally wouldn't come to him."

When Li Xuntian said these words, Li Baiqiang was stunned for a moment. Li Baiqiang said, "Does this kid still have any identity?"

"So many things that doctors can't solve, can this kid solve it?"

"have no idea."

After hearing this, Li Xuntian shook his head slightly.

"Big brother..."

When Li Baiqiang heard this, his face sank, and it became more and more ugly. He did not expect such a thing to happen. Li Xuntian said solemnly: "You are joking about our father's life."

"Will not."

Li Xuntian shook his head slightly, and Li Xuntian said in a condensed voice: "I asked someone to ask before, this kid does have some medical skills, and when he rescued people that day, because of his treatment, there was no one in the car accident. Death, not to mention that he is still the Yu clan, Yu Wei's son, and even a member of the military region."

"I don't think he'll mess around."

Obviously, Li Xuntian has done a lot of investigations on Yu Sheng, and he also knows Yu Sheng's true identity, and even every identity of Yu Sheng, he knows clearly.

Otherwise, he would not dare to let Yu Sheng mess around here, after all, this is related to their father's life.

Hearing what Li Xuntian said, Li Baiqiang frowned at this time. Li Baiqiang took a deep look at Li Xuntian, took a deep breath, and said slowly, "Then how is our father now? See it?"

"I don't know yet." Li Xuntian said, "We just arrived."

"Let's go in and have a look." Li Baiqiang said after a pause.


Li Xuntian didn't say much, then the two quickly walked into the house.


The rest of my life is still observing the symptoms of the old man, which makes Yu Sheng a little puzzled. There seems to be nothing wrong with the vital signs of the old man. On the contrary, it is very, very normal, and even has health beyond this age group. , However, the old man is unconscious.

It's really weird.

What the **** is going on here?

What is the situation.

Yu Sheng frowned, and he continued to check the old man's body. Following Yu Sheng's examination, Yu Sheng found that something was not right with this thing. There must be something wrong with the old man's body. Otherwise, how could he be unconscious, but he couldn't check himself. Anything wrong, it's a little weird.

Yu Sheng pondered, and he took a deep breath.

Yu Sheng couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and he rubbed them so hard that Yu Sheng felt that his eyes were also changing quietly.

"Earth-sensing shooting."

As Yu Sheng's mind moved, the next second, Yu Sheng felt a burning pain in his eyes, and Yu Sheng continued to look at the old man.

"The fourth form."

Immediately, Yu Sheng's eyes fell on the old man. The bones of the old man were clearly seen by Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng quickly scanned the old man.

Yu Sheng's Earth Sensing Shooting Technique can perform perspective at this moment, but the time of this perspective cannot be too long, because it will seriously damage Yu Sheng's eyes, so even Yu Sheng does not dare to see through for a long time.

Only for a few seconds.

Yu Sheng quickly looked at the old man in front of him, and when Yu Sheng noticed the old man's heart and brain, Yu Sheng's mind moved.

"it's here…"

At this time, Yu Sheng looked at the old man's heart, but the pain hit Yu Sheng's whole body, which made Yu Sheng feel as if his eyes were about to fall out.

That kind of intense pain, Rao was feeling a little uncomfortable for the rest of his life.

"No, I can't stand it anymore."

Immediately, Yu Sheng quickly exited this state. At this moment, Yu Sheng still felt a burning pain in his eyes. The burning pain was so painful that Yu Sheng almost cried out.

It hurts so much.

Although his strength has improved, when he used the fourth form of Earth Sensing Shooting, he was still a little short.

But compared to before, it is much better.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath.

Yu Sheng looked at the old man again, but this time, Yu Sheng did not continue to use Earth Sensing Shooting.

However, Yu Sheng's eyes were red and red, and it looked as if he was injured. Because no one saw Yu Sheng's eyes, everyone present was not very clear about Yu Sheng's symptoms.

However, now the rest of my life has found the crux.

Just now, when he was looking at the old man's body, Yu Sheng noticed that the old man's heart was a little abnormal.

Because, in the heart of the old man, there seems to be something lying there, this thing is there, motionless, seems to be sucking blood from the heart.

This makes Yu Sheng a little curious.

What the **** is this?

Yu Sheng couldn't help taking the old man's hand and began to give the old man a pulse. He already knew the crux of the old man's crux, so Yu Sheng turned all his attention to the old man's heart.

Yu Sheng slowly closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes in the old man's heart.

At this time, Li Baiqiang was a little impatient waiting. Li Baiqiang was a little curious. He didn't know what was going on here.

Time is passing little by little.

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

At this moment, Li Baiqiang finally became impatient, and Li Baiqiang couldn't help but said, "Is it still good?"

"Have you waited so long?"

"Don't disturb Mr. Yu." Li Xuntian raised his brows when he heard this. He glanced at Li Baiqiang and said solemnly.

When Li Baiqiang heard this, Li Baiqiang fell silent. Li Baiqiang endured the grievance in his heart and glanced at Yu Sheng, and he continued to wait.

At this time, Yu Sheng slowly put away his hand, got up, and turned his head.

When Wu Zeqing saw Yu Sheng's eyes, Wu Zeqing was startled: "Xiao Yu, your eyes..."

Obviously, Yu Sheng's eyes looked a little red and swollen. This was something Wu Zeqing didn't expect. Yu Sheng's eyes were fine just now, why did they become a little red and swollen in the blink of an eye? what 's wrong?

Wu Zeqing looked at Yu Sheng with some worry.

"It's all right."

Yu Sheng heard the words, hehe smiled, and said casually: "I felt a little uncomfortable in my eyes just now, but there is nothing wrong now."

"Mr. Yu, do you want to rest first?" Li Xuntian asked when he saw this.

Li Xuntian did not immediately ask how the old man's condition was, but directly let the rest of his life rest.

This approach made Yu Sheng a little surprised, Yu Sheng took a deep look at Li Xuntian, UU read www.uukanshu. I have to say that Li Xuntian is still very good at life.


Yu Sheng shook his head and said.

"I also have a preliminary judgment about the old man's condition."


As soon as these words came out, Li Xuntian's eyes lit up, and Li Xuntian looked at Yu Sheng with some excitement, and immediately said, "Mr. Yu, do you know how the old man became like this?"

"I think I probably already know." Yu Sheng said.

"Knowing is knowing, what is approximate." Li Baiqiang suppressed his irritable temper and couldn't help but said, "Boy, if you have something to say, hurry up, don't be squeamish."

Hearing this, Li Xuntian's face sank, and he immediately reprimanded, "Shut up."


(End of this chapter)

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