I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1992: encounter

He Chenguang was also full of surprise.

I never thought that what was placed here was only a small jade, and it was also a jade pendant, which was even more magical.

Why put a jade pendant here? What is this purpose for?

Wang Yanbing said: "This jade pendant is placed here, how do I feel that this jade pendant should be the most valuable."

"Yeah... I think so too." He Chenguang nodded slightly and said, "It's the most valuable thing to put here."

Yu Sheng took a deep look at the pendant, but didn't feel anything magical, Yu Sheng shook his head secretly, and then Yu Sheng put away the pendant.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, he looked forward, Yu Sheng paused and said, "Let's keep looking and see if there is anything else."

Yu Sheng is also full of curiosity about this place, and I don't know if there are other things here.


Immediately, several people searched around, but...

Just as Yu Sheng and the three of them were looking around, in this other place, there were several heavily armed teams that came here.

At this time, the leader was a man in a camouflage suit.

The man glanced at this place, his eyes flickered for a moment, and he said slowly, "Do a search, we must find what we want."


Following the order, the people present moved quickly.

At this time, there was a bit of coldness in the eyes of the leading man.

"Captain, is the thing really here?" There was a figure at this moment, and he couldn't help but ask.

"Nine times out of ten." The man said indifferently: "The caves here are not made by anyone, they must be made by outsiders."

"What we need to find is a key. I think the key should be in this ancient city. As long as the key is found, everything will be settled."

As the man's voice fell, the subordinate beside the man nodded slightly.

Immediately, everyone present quickly searched for it.

"Let's go over there..."

Then, the man walked in another direction with a few people.

And for the rest of his life, wandering in this ancient city, he wanted to find some other things, but what surprised Yu Sheng was that there was nothing else here.

This made Yu Sheng a little suspicious.

Logically speaking, there is an ancient city here, so there should be other human beings here, or other creatures, but there is no trace of other creatures' activities here, which makes Yu Sheng a little curious. What is the situation and why there are no traces of other biological activities here.

"Yusheng, Yusheng..."

But at this moment, He Chenguang quickly ran to this side, He Chenguang's face was even more cautious, He Chenguang hurriedly said: "Something happened, something happened."

"what's up?"

Yu Sheng saw He Chenguang's flustered appearance, with a little doubt on his face, Yu Sheng gave He Chenguang a puzzled look, not knowing why He Chenguang was so excited.

At this moment, He Chenguang couldn't help swallowing his saliva. With an anxious look on his face, He Chenguang hurriedly said, "You can see it when you go over there."

Seeing He Chenguang like this, Rao Shi Yu Sheng was a little surprised, and Yu Sheng said, "Go, go have a look."

Yu Sheng's voice fell, and immediately, Yu Sheng followed He Chenguang and quickly left here, running in another direction, and Yu Sheng's speed was extremely fast.


Under the leadership of He Chenguang, Yu Sheng quickly came to a place, and after Yu Sheng and He Chenguang came to this place, both Yu Sheng and He Chenguang looked condensed.

The place they came to gives people a very special feeling. The colors here are all black, especially in the most middle position, there is something similar to an altar. This altar It looks a little weird, and there are various patterns painted around it. These patterns give people a very unique feeling.

However, judging from these patterns, these murals are not good things.


The most shocking thing is probably the surroundings of the altar.

At this moment, Wang Yanbing has also come here, but Wang Yanbing opened his mouth and eyes wide, staring at the scene in stunned eyes, Wang Yanbing's eyes were full of shock and inconceivable.

Even surprised.

Wang Yanbing never imagined that such a situation would happen here.

After Yu Sheng saw the scene in front of him, even Yu Sheng couldn't help taking a breath. Yu Sheng stared at everything in front of him in disbelief, even Yu Sheng was a little dumbfounded.

Because of what the rest of my life has seen.

All are bones.

Yes, it's the bones.

There are many, many bones here, and these bones are scattered around, and sometimes you can even see the skulls. It is eerie and looks more like hell.

Very scary.

A gust of gloomy wind blows, which makes Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and the others shiver.

At this time, He Chenguang hurriedly said, "Damn, where is this place, and why have so many people died here?"

He Chenguang was also taken aback, this place is really weird, they have never seen such a weird place before, there are so many dead people here, even they are full of shock.

"Yeah, damn, how many people have died? Look at these people, all of them are lying on the ground, as if they have died inexplicably. Does this mean that this place is a burial?" Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said.

"In ancient times, there was a saying of burial, but isn't it too cruel to bury so many people at once? And this place doesn't look like our ancient Chinese society."

"Hehe, who said that there is no funeral in this foreign country."

As He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing talked, they all stared at the scene in front of them.

At this time, Yu Sheng took a deep breath. He suppressed the restlessness in his heart. Yu Sheng glanced at the bones on the ground, then at the altar, and said, "I'll go take a look."

"Yu Sheng, be careful." He Chenguang hurriedly said: "This place is a bit weird, I think we should leave this ghost place quickly."

"Yeah." Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said, "This place is too weird, and I don't know what other unknown things exist. It's better for us to leave this ghost place quickly."

"It's too depressing here. I didn't expect that we would come to such a ghost place."

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were both full of fear.

It's not that they haven't experienced the battlefield. They are now qualified special forces, and they are still very powerful.

But this kind of scene, even if they have never seen it before, this kind of scene is simply unbelievable. I never thought that such a scene would still exist here, which is really incredible.

Therefore, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were more or less afraid in the bottom of their hearts.

It's so weird here after all.

Yu Sheng shook his head slightly and said, "This should be an altar. I'll go over and take a look."

Yu Sheng took his steps and walked towards it.

However, when Yu Sheng stepped on some bones, the bones could not bear the weight of Yu Sheng and were directly crushed.


These bones have existed for a certain number of years. The reason of time has caused these bones to be a little crisp, so they will be broken when they are stepped on.

Yu Sheng came here on foot, and after Yu Sheng came here, Yu Sheng carefully observed the surroundings. On this ground, in the south, south, north and west, there were some ancient shirts, and Yu Sheng did not know what these things were. thing.

It just feels like these things are old.

Immediately, Yu Sheng looked around again, and after a careful observation, Yu Sheng vaguely felt that this place should be the so-called altar.

Nine times out of ten, the people here were the ones who were killed when they were offering sacrifices here.

For the rest of my life, I also saw a pool next to it, and there was red in the pool, but the pool had dried up.

But you can still feel it for the rest of your life. There may be blood in it back then, and this red color is probably the scene of blood drying up.

Thinking of this, even the rest of my life can't help but take a breath, killing innocents indiscriminately, it's really a bunch of bastards, killing so many people here, just for a sacrifice, what's the point of this sacrifice ?

Yu Sheng shook his head secretly, and at the same time felt a little cruel to the people here.

These people are just too much.

Yu Sheng didn't think much about it. He continued to observe the surroundings. With Yu Sheng's observation, Yu Sheng also discovered more information. The seat that surprised Yu Sheng was a mural on the altar.

From this mural, Yu Sheng saw something similar to a spaceship flying towards the earth. Not only that, Yu Sheng also vaguely noticed that the people on the spaceship were enslaving something.

Such a scene, watching the rest of my life is amazed.

Does this mural also represent something that cannot be done?

Yu Sheng pondered.

But when Yu Sheng and the others were contemplating, suddenly, a figure came here. When the figure saw Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others, the figure was stunned for a while, and then pointed a gun at Yu Sheng. And He Chenguang and others, said loudly: "Who are you..."

The man stared sharply at He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and the others, with a hint of killing intent on his face.

Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and others also reacted. They hurriedly raised their hands and raised their hands. At this time, Yu Sheng and He Chenguang all looked at this figure.

It's a foreigner and he's wearing camouflage.

Such a scene made He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others have a heavy look on their faces.

"Could it be..."

"Y soldier?"

Yu Sheng and the others were all staring at the figure in front of them.

"Who are you?" Seeing that Yu Sheng and He Chenguang didn't speak, this person immediately scolded again.

Yu Sheng heard the words, but walked down from the altar with a smile, Yu Sheng slowly walked towards the man, with a slight smile on his face, he said with a smile: "We are tourists who come here to play. ."

"Sir, we have no ill will."


As soon as Yu Sheng's words came out, the soldier frowned. He took a deep look at Yu Sheng and others, sneered, and said, "Tourist?"

"It's impossible for tourists to go this deep."

"You are not ordinary people, tell me, who are you?"

The man stared at Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and others. Obviously, the man was also a seasoned veteran. Yu Sheng was slightly surprised when he noticed this scene.

Yu Sheng took a deep look at the man, and Yu Sheng said, "We are indeed tourists here, sir, don't kill us."

"If you want money, we can give you all of our money."

As Yu Sheng's words came out, the man's eyes narrowed at this time, and he stared at Yu Sheng with a stern look in his eyes.


"No matter who you are, since you are here, you should be damned."

"Just to be on the safe side, so you should die..."


Just when the man wanted to shoot, Yu Sheng's expression also changed, Yu Sheng snorted coldly, and then Yu Sheng picked up a gun from his waist and shot at the opponent instantly.

Because the man did not shoot Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng had plenty of time.


Yu Sheng's gun was drawn very fast, and before the man could shoot, Yu Sheng shot the man in the head.

The man also sensed the danger at this moment, but when he wanted to avoid it, it was too late, and the man's face had a strong look of horror.

"not good…"

The man wants to avoid, UU reading www.uukanshu. com but he simply can't pass the bullet fast.

A bullet shot directly into the man's head. The man's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief, because he never dreamed that he would be shot dead by Yu Sheng.

The man slowly lay on the ground, and for the rest of his life, he glanced at the man indifferently and sneered.

Although the man's strength is not weak, compared with him, the difference is too much. Now he has been promoted to become the existence of Banbu Zhenguo general. It won't be long before he can break through this realm and reach A real town general.

The meaning of the general of the town, that is, a general to control the country. In all countries, there are very few people in this realm.

Therefore, the strength of this general of the town country can be said to be very, very terrifying.

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