After Yu Sheng got rid of the man, Yu Sheng picked up the man's gun. At this time, Yu Sheng groped around the man again, and summarized the things on the man's body. Now He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing only had a little bit of trouble. He breathed a sigh of relief and said solemnly.

"Looking at this man, he doesn't look like an ordinary explorer. Who are they?"

"It should be someone from a big power." He Chenguang said condensedly: "Judging from their skills, these people are not simple, and they are not simple people at first glance."

"It seems that someone has already mixed in here, which is not a good thing for us." Wang Yanbing said condensedly.

They also didn't expect that someone would sneak in here. Fortunately, there was only such a person. If there were too many people, they would have died.

"I fired, and now I must have alerted the others." Yu Sheng said slowly, "They are here, and they will never come here alone."

"We all have to be careful."


Immediately, He Chenguang and others took out the pistols they carried with them. As for this rifle, it is obviously impossible to carry it. After all, this thing is really eye-catching, but the pistol is not a big problem.

Wang Yanbing said solemnly, "Yusheng, what shall we do next?"

Hearing this, Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and said in a condensed voice, "This underground world is very big, and this ancient city is just a part of it. We want to complete the exploration, and it is unlikely for a while."

"And we killed this person, and we have already alarmed other people, so I'm afraid we still have to be careful."

Speaking of this, Yu Sheng's face was also extremely solemn, and he said solemnly: "Let's leave here first, this place is full of weirdness, and we will come here again when we have the opportunity."

"Leaving now?" He Chenguang was taken aback.

"This place can't continue to stay. Now that I have noticed this, it doesn't make sense for us to continue to stay here, not to mention that the compressed biscuits we carry with us are not too many, and we must leave here as soon as possible."

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing nodded solemnly when they heard Yu Sheng's words. They didn't expect such a thing to happen. It was because their faces were a little ugly, and they all took a deep breath. His tone was indescribably solemn.

"Okay, it seems that we can only do this now, leave here first and then talk about it."

"let's go……"

Yu Sheng's voice fell, and immediately, Yu Sheng took He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing to the side carefully. Dao's figure quickly dared to come here.

When they saw their own dead, it surprised them all.

"No, it's ours."

"Our people are dead, and there are other people here."

"Go, go and inform the captain."


Immediately, these people also quickly left here.

Obviously, they were also taken aback by this scene. They thought that no one could come here, but they didn't expect that there were other people here.

You must know this place, but they found it after digging for a long time. They didn't expect someone to get there first, which made them all very angry.

At this time, Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and others had already left the ancient city. After all, the ancient city was not very small. It was actually quite easy to avoid these people.

After the few of them left here, Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and the others breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Wang Yanbing said slowly, "Fortunately, we didn't meet anyone along the way."

"It seems we avoided these people."

Wang Yanbing's face was a little solemn.

"Yeah." He Chenguang nodded slightly.

"Let's go, let's get out of here first, it's not very safe here."


Immediately, the group of people quickly left here, but just as they were about to leave this place, suddenly, Yu Sheng's body moved, and he threw He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing to the ground. One rolled and hid aside. He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were both quick-witted and quick-witted. In the blink of an eye, they left here and ran in another direction.

This speed is extremely fast.

"Bang bang..."

Several gunshots rang out, and there were several more bullet holes from their original positions. The sudden situation also changed the expressions of He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing slightly.

"No, it's a sniper."

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were stunned. They didn't expect that there would be snipers staring at them in this dark place. If Yu Sheng hadn't been quick-witted and threw them to the ground in an instant, they would have all died.

Realizing this scene, Rao is that they are all incomparably shocked.

"Damn, these snipers have no killing intent at all." Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said.

As an excellent special forces soldier, they can clearly feel the killing intent of the enemy, and they can also make preparations in advance to take advantage of the enemy's killing intent. Once the enemy shoots, they will Reflex-like avoidance is also possible.

These are all instinct.

However, in this world, not everyone will show killing intent when sniping at the enemy, because it is easy to be detected by the enemy if they reveal the killing intent, so when they assassinate the enemy, they will hide their killing intent, especially Those top snipers will hide their killing intent extremely well, and some people are already dead before they even feel the enemy shoot.

That's what makes these top snipers so good.

At this time, Yu Sheng's face was also extremely solemn. He carefully glanced ahead. There were some obstacles in front of him, and these obstacles blocked the enemy's body.

Yu Sheng condensed: "There are five enemies in total, and one of them is a very powerful expert. Be careful."

As soon as Yu Sheng's words came out, the expressions of He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing changed slightly. Even Yu Sheng said that there was a very powerful expert, so there must be a very difficult person.

Aware of this, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing's expressions turned gloomy. They carefully hid next to the obstacle and did not dare to show their faces.

They don't have sniper rifles on them, so that limits their usefulness.

However, at this moment, there is only such a sniper rifle in Yu Sheng's hands. He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing are very clear in their hearts that this sniper rifle can only exert its strongest combat effectiveness in Yu Sheng's body.

At this time, Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and he glanced carefully outside. At this time, Yu Sheng frowned, because he found that it was not convenient for him to look at his opponent.

When he noticed this, Yu Sheng carefully groped his body for a while, and soon, Yu Sheng found a small mirror, which was placed on his body before Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng raised the mirror, carefully glanced at the surrounding situation, and a faint sneer appeared on the corner of Yu Sheng's mouth.

And at the same time.

In this other place, there are also several figures, waiting for an opportunity.

The man at the head was the leader of the troop just now, named Black Bear.

The black bear stared coldly at Yu Sheng's side.

The black bear said in a deep voice: "Black bear, I didn't expect that there are other people here, and I don't know if the things are still there, whether they will be taken away by these people, we need to kill these guys."

The black bear's eyes are sharp, and his brain is running fast. He seems to be thinking about what's going on here. He didn't expect that there are other people here, which is somewhat beyond his expectations.

At first, he thought that he was the first to arrive here. After all, not everyone can come to that pool. Unexpectedly, they met Yu Sheng here.

Of course, the black bears don't know who Yu Sheng is and who they are, but the moment they shot, they found that Yu Sheng and He Chenguang were evading very fast. Judging from their skills, these people are all not simple.

This made the black bear's face a little dignified.

However, they are not simple people.

The black bear said sharply: "Give me a way to kill them, they can't be left alive."

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people also looked condensed, and they all nodded solemnly.

In the rest of their lives, they took the lead, and they didn't know if they found what they needed. If they found it in the rest of their lives, then they had to kill the rest of their lives and get back what they wanted. After all, this thing is for them. , is extremely important, so it cannot be missed.

Thinking of this, they all watched carefully.

At this time, Yu Sheng suddenly raised his gun and shot.

Yu Sheng's reaction speed was extremely fast, and he didn't even shoot his head. Following the small mirror in his hand, he shot.


Yu Sheng held the sniper rifle with one hand, and when Yu Sheng shot, Yu Sheng's body also trembled slightly, but this did not affect Yu Sheng very much.

However, a bullet pierced in one direction.

The speed of the bullet is extremely fast, and people generally cannot see the trajectory of the bullet. Of course, some people with good eyesight may be aware of some situations, but in general, the human eye is basically invisible.

At this moment, a figure was hiding behind the wall. He glanced at the black bear. However, with such a glance, the bullet was directly embedded in his temple.


Blood splattered, and the person's head was instantly penetrated, and even before he could react, he was directly killed.

Such a scene made this person sluggish on the spot.

Then, he fell softly to the ground.

The black bear and the others on the side all changed their expressions slightly.

"not good……"

They hurriedly looked at their opponents, and when they saw their teammates, they were horrified to find that their teammates' heads had been blown off.

Blood flowed all over the place, even accompanied by white brains.

Such a scene shocked them all.

"No, be careful."

The black bear's complexion also changed slightly, and the black bear carefully hid.

"What a powerful marksmanship, it turned out to be a blind sniper."

One of them glanced at the scene in front of him with a gloomy expression, and they were all full of shock and inconceivable.

You must know that their opponents are extremely hidden. According to reason, they are unlikely to be hit by the enemy at all. However, Yu Sheng killed their teammates. Obviously, the opponent has a very powerful sniper, otherwise If so, their teammates won't die at all.

When they noticed this scene, their faces became extremely heavy, and they didn't expect that things would turn out like this, which was something they didn't expect.

"Damn bastard."

"I'll kill them."

One of them gritted his teeth for a while, which made him very angry. Immediately, he took two steps to the side carefully, and then aimed the muzzle at the place where Yu Sheng and the others were. Hesitantly shot.

Yu Sheng also noticed the existence of the other party. At this time, there was a faint smile on the corner of Yu Sheng's mouth. Yu Sheng sneered. Then, Yu Sheng lay on the ground and cautiously moved forward.

Yu Sheng was lying on the ground, squirming on the ground, the rest of the people did not notice, and soon Yu Sheng came to another sniper spot.

When Yu Sheng arrived at this sniping point, Yu Sheng also had a faint smile on his face, and Yu Sheng sneered.

Then Yu Sheng aimed the gun at another person and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


As a dull voice resounded, in the next second, this person's sniper rifle was instantly smashed, and this person's hand also trembled suddenly, and even because the bullet collided with the opponent's sniper rifle, the opponent's sniper rifle was severely damaged. Hit the man hard.

Then, the man groaned, and a mark appeared on his face, and the man almost cried out in pain.


The man glanced at his sniper The man was furious. He didn't expect that under such conditions, he would still be able to shoot for the rest of his life, and he even shot and smashed his sniper rifle directly. For him, it was a blatant provocation, and Rao was a man with an indescribable anger.

He didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

"Be careful, the other party is a master." When the black bear noticed this, the black bear's face was also a little heavy. Although there were only two shots, the black bear could detect it. This person is very powerful, even if he is a He also had to be cautious.

These people are just too strong.

The black bear's face was extremely solemn.

"Be careful, the opponent is very strong, we attack the opponent from there, don't give them a chance to breathe."


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