I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2093: natural color filter

Yu Sheng just took a bite of the steamed bun and thought it tasted good. This is a very authentic practice.

"I'll try it too."

He Chenguang naturally doesn't choose to eat steamed buns, one steamed bun is wiped out all at once, knowing that it is delicious.

"If you don't do tasks in the future, you can open a family by yourself."

Wang Yanbing said with her beautiful eyes gurgling.

"Open a family, that's fine, I think I can make more buns."

Hei Man jokingly said that everyone's emotions were also relaxed.

It is like a clear stream in this sea of ​​blood, and finally has the feeling of life.

After eating, Yu Sheng came to the shooting site, the studio was ready, and he was waiting for the actors to come.

"Let it go, let it go."

A voice was coming, and then the city emperor appeared beside this person.

I saw that the city emperor's face was also filled with a very smiling look.

"This kid."

When Yu Sheng saw him wearing ancient costumes, he looked a little scholarly.

"The rehearsal test shooting is going on soon, please don't worry."

Assistants and some staff are maintaining order.

"City emperor, city emperor."

Amid the cheers, someone was elated, obviously coming towards the city emperor.

There are too many female fans to count, and Yu Sheng was squeezed out and almost disappeared.

The emperor of this city came over in person, and then supported Yu Sheng, surprising everyone.

"Director, I want him to play some supporting roles."

The city emperor made a rare suggestion.

This suggestion wasn't very abrupt when it came to auditions, as the role was still in the pipeline.

"Okay, I'll see what fits."

The director gestured for the rest of his life and nodded, "If you have the second male lead, let's play other supporting roles."

He was speechless for the rest of his life. He didn't expect to be so tricked by the city emperor, and he became a cameo.

"it is good."

Yu Sheng agreed, but he still glanced at the city emperor with a look of contempt.

He was calculated by the other party, and he wanted to make a cameo for him, but fortunately not as a stand-in. If so, he would have to vomit blood for the rest of his life.

Of course, he can also refuse and make the other party face black.

As the number of people increased, the scene became lively.

"very handsome."

The rest of his life is also very handsome. Although it is a supporting role costume, it cannot hide his temperament.

"It's nice to be young."

The director patted Yu Sheng on the shoulder and showed an intriguing smile.

"Look, there is another handsome guy who is auditioning."

A female fan noticed Yu Sheng, which immediately led to a wave of discussion.

Because some fans were instantly fanned by Yu Sheng, some of them were brainless, which polarized the atmosphere at the scene.

"Ha ha."

There was a radiance in the eyes of the city emperor, he was purely looking for something to do for the rest of his life.

"How about it, let you enjoy this atmosphere, not bad."

This city emperor rarely sees the rest of his life embarrassed, and he is in a good mood.

Yu Sheng said, "You don't have to do this, just say it if you don't want to do it."

The rest of my life is also out of temper.

The people at the scene didn't know what they were talking about, they just knew they were very familiar.

"I want this handsome guy's autograph."

"Yeah, really handsome."

Some female fans had peach blossoms in their eyes, making Yu Sheng feel speechless. He didn't say that he was handsome, but it had nothing to do with them. If they had the ability, they would take a look.

Speechless, he kept saying.

The audition went well, and in the afternoon, the busyness ended quickly.

"How's it going."

Yu Sheng asked the city emperor in the lounge, and he felt that something should be done.

"You also know that I wouldn't do this if there was no change. I feel that there are aliens in the actors, that is, bloodline people."

Is it a coincidence that it is played by a bloodline person? It is not.

There are so many things that bloodline people can do, and they don't even bother to act.

"I see."

Yu Sheng's eyes have some seriousness, as if very solemn.

"From now on, you have to keep an eye on it and take action when necessary."

For the rest of my life, I was afraid that these bloodline people would harbor evil intentions or do something out of the ordinary.

"It will be over soon and I will be watching their actions closely in the meantime."

The city emperor patiently answered, and at the same time he also set a goal for himself.

In the past, they encountered similar difficulties in carrying out their missions. At that time, he made a decisive decision and continued to lurk after the solution, eliminating the uncertain factors.

"Hopefully everything goes in the right direction."

This is the expectation for the rest of his life and the meaning of this mission. He doesn't want to make any mistakes.

The Red Alliance and the Fallen Sun Ridge are actually ready and are already collecting special bloodlines.

Everything is going in one direction.

"They don't know where the next target is, and the ancient warriors don't know what's going on."

It is impossible for human beings to give up research on the development of ancient warriors, and there has been no news that can only explain one problem.

"You mean, they weren't detained at all."

This city emperor thinks there is a possibility.

Yu Sheng showed a dignified color, considering many things.

"Their ability makes it difficult to subdue this group of people, and they may be enslaved."


The city emperor also exclaimed, this is not a small piece of news, if this kind of news spreads, it will inevitably cause a certain degree of response.

"So we can't take it lightly, and we can't underestimate the ancient warriors."

For the rest of his life, he will go to a newly established organization to investigate.

"Don't go this time, and film well."

This is the decision I made after thinking about it for the rest of my life.

"Okay, good luck to you."

The city emperor stood there to watch the rest of his life.

Yu Sheng came to the research institute of the Red League organization to receive a member of the Red League.

"What are you here for, sir? Are you here to place an order?"

When he said the word placing an order, the member's face was filled with excitement and brilliance.

"Okay, let's customize the product, but I want to take a tour."

Saying that, let the other party lead the way, so that you can observe slowly.

Yu Sheng was taken to a secret room. After coming here, he realized that the so-called tourist customers were not only him, but others.

There are some animals here, like monkeys, and some dolphins.

Of course, they are selling privately, and these cannot be sold privately.

Yu Sheng nodded, "That's it, what's the point?"

Yu Sheng pointed to an elk and said.

The deer was normal and was grazing. With the sound of the conversation between the two, he turned his head.

Yu Sheng can see emotions in the eyes of the other party, this deer has changed.

"What's so special about you selling these things?"

Yu Sheng asked.


The members looked sullen, then walked to the side of the elk, and then stroked the antlers with their hands. I saw that since the deer had a pattern on it, there were some lines, which were very beautiful.

Yu Sheng opened his eyes and opened his five senses to observe, without missing a single detail.

"Are these things ordinary animals?"

Yu Sheng was puzzled, because this is unlikely, how can normal animals have their bodies glowing.

"This is specially bred, so there will be this phenomenon. In fact, some are ordered by some circuses, and some are ordered by private animals, so they are very popular."

The members of the Hongmeng said carefully, the words seemed to be tireless, and the reason was to help customers analyze.

"What's the price?"

Inquiry for the rest of your life.

"The price is not expensive, and the one just now is only 100,000 yuan."

One hundred thousand yuan is not expensive, and the rest of my life is speechless.

"It's not expensive, but it's an expense."

He was a little speechless, as if he was thinking about it, and he was a little reluctant to give up money.

"Sir, it's really not expensive. Think about where you can find such a sika deer. You can't find it with this book."

The members' words were tempting, and then they said how the sika deer grew up, what training did it use, what did it eat, and usually take it for a run at five o'clock in the morning, massage and so on.


Yu Sheng was a little dismissive of his introduction, but he still affirmed it on the surface.

"Sir, what I said is true, so don't think it's expensive. If you like it, I can give you a little cheaper. It's two hundred yuan cheaper, and you can use it as a meal."

The members said politely.

I was speechless for the rest of my life. What’s the point of buying 100,000 things for 200 yuan cheaper, and what this person said was funny, for a meal of 200 yuan, what can I eat for 200 yuan, and fast food is about the same.

"You think too much, I don't have so much money, I didn't prepare so much, unless it's 20,000 yuan cheaper." Yu Sheng said to himself.

This made this member of the Red Alliance's face change, and it was 20,000 cheaper, so what else would he sell, and he wouldn't bring it in the bargain.

"It's not that much cheaper, I'm sorry, you can look at other things, such as the spirit monkey over there."

The members waved their hands, and saw a spirit monkey also looking over, then dancing in place, and then staring at Yu Sheng with a pair of eyes, as if to convey a well-behaved look.

Yu Sheng was stunned, thinking that this monkey was very human.

"No, I'm not feeling well today, so I won't buy it, I'll see it another day."

Yu Sheng knew what was going on and wanted to leave.

There was something wrong with the animals here, and he had to go back and figure out how to deal with it.

"Okay, welcome next time."

The members took Yu Sheng out, and when they got to the front, someone suddenly knocked down Yu Sheng with a click stick.

"See if you don't buy it. If you don't buy it, you will bargain with me."

After the member finished speaking, he carried the rest of his life into a secret room.

The rest of his life was pretending to be corona, and upon getting here he was pushed into a machine.

"Enjoy it."

The members' faces are very ugly, and it's not good that they didn't earn a penny today.

When the machine is turned on, for the rest of my life, I only feel that two strings of electric currents hit my brain, trying to tamper with the memory of a certain period, or to erase the memory.

"Okay, get up."

I saw a person clear his memory and let the rest of his life get up.

"Where am I."

Yu Sheng pretended to cover his head and said.

"It's right if you don't remember, you fainted, this is the hospital, you can go."

Immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng came out and looked at this place.

Customers who don't buy goods will come here to automatically clear their memory. Such a good method makes the rest of their lives unclear what they are going to do.

"It's weird."

The rest of my life decided to investigate.

But where to start is a bit difficult.

In the end, he asked for Dr. D, who is good at this research.

"Just in time, someone sent me a monkey, and he bought it."

Dr. D brought a cage and fed the monkeys in it.

"You know, he has his own IQ, which is rare. Dr. D replied.

"But he will die within six months of his lifespan."

At this time, Dr. D has a lonely look in his eyes. After all, he bought this monkey, so he still has some feelings.

"Half a year is too short."

Yu Sheng understands his emotions somewhat, after all, he has raised small animals.

"I'm not saying it was a normal death, but a special bloodline implanted to die."

Dr. D began to say that animals were used to test the power of blood. Those animals were all failed tests, so they sold them at high prices, hoping to get back some of the research costs.

"It's a good deal."

Yu Sheng said that he also began to dislike the practices of the Red Alliance.

Although they don't hurt the world, but using this method is too despicable.

"The key is that this technique is seamless, you can't do anything to him, and there is no evidence, because after integrating the power of blood, when the body mutates, there is no trace in the blood."

Yu Sheng understands that similar differences can only be found from genes.

But the answers are often unexpected.

"Most of the genes can't be detected." Dr. D sighed after he finished speaking.

Hongmeng, Yu Sheng went to investigate again.

This time, he just pretended to be a big boss and wanted to talk about business.

"Hello, please come in."

It was still the child of the last member, and he did not recognize it as Yu Sheng.

Talk to him for the rest of your life.

"I want to buy everything here, animals."

The rest of his life is one hundred million as soon as he opens his mouth.

"Mr. is really rich, but we can't sell so much."

This member also knows that selling so much at one time will definitely cause problems. After all, these animals die every once in a while, and there are no signs that they will be discovered sooner or later.

"Is it less than 100 million, in front of money, there are still things that can't be done."

Yu Sheng said a little arrogantly, with the make-up beard, his temperament was so controlled that no one could see any problems.

"I'm serious, it's not about money, it's about principles."

This member was also a little annoyed. After all, Yu Sheng kept changing the topic, saying that as long as he had money, he could buy them here, not to mention these animals.

"Sir, you are serious, we won't sell it here, and if you really want to buy it, you can buy it in batches, just come once every three months."

After listening to Yu Sheng, he nodded. He finally knew the death cycle of these animals. This batch was three months.

After three months, these animals will all die even if they are not sold, and another batch of new arrivals will have a lifespan of just a few months, which is really a good calculus.

"Okay, just wait three months."

I want to leave for the rest of my life. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com said that if I waited three months, I would not buy one today.

The members' faces turned green, and after making trouble for a long time, this guest was here to entertain him, and he didn't plan to spend a penny.

Yu Sheng was given an electric shock this time, and this time it was more thorough. He felt that the power was larger than the last time.

"where am I."

Yu Sheng woke up and said, pretending to be scared.

"Don't be afraid, go home when you wake up, you fainted just now."

The members said to Yu Sheng.

After Yu Sheng came out, Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang were contacted to start action.

"Already in action, wait a moment."

"It's already underway, and it'll be fine soon."

The two of them sent such news at the same time, and Yu Sheng felt relieved.

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