I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2094: plan action

Chapter 2105 Plan Action

With a bang, the Hongmeng base seemed to burst open, the door of the research room was destroyed, and then the alarm began to flash.

"What's the matter."

Some members who did not know the situation exclaimed that they did not know that disaster was imminent.

He Chenguang dodged, solved a member and then continued to go in. The actions were also like ghosts, making people unpredictable.

"It can be said, don't let me know who it is, or else catch him and make him look good."

A voice said, indescribably hideous and unpleasant, as if it touched his brow and made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Okay, let's investigate."

Some of the subordinates walked out of the cabin door, but soon after they went out, screams came, as if something terrible happened.

"Since the corridor was breached, everyone was killed."

Someone exclaimed, unimaginable.

He Chenguang and the others have come in and let the animals go, but these animals followed He Chenguang and never left, wanting to wait for an opportunity to take revenge.

I saw some people being ripped from their chests and being retaliated by animals. No matter where they were, there were mourning sounds.

"Hurry up and destroy the laboratory in the central area."

He Chenguang started Plan B and prepared explosives.

There are not many explosives, but this is a special explosive device with full destructive power.


A series of explosions sounded, and the laboratory in the central area was vandalized and suddenly malfunctioned.

I saw that a continuous prevention and control of mechanical equipment could not be driven, and the entire organization fell into a kind of despair.

"It has been blown up, evacuate."

He Chenguang talked to Wang Yanbing, and then he evacuated from the other side.

"Okay, received."

Wang Yanbing didn't want to fight, and immediately left.

"Hmph, come as soon as you want, and leave as soon as you want."

A voice suddenly spoke, style="display:inline-block;widtdisplay:inline-block;wdata-ad-client="ca-pub-12data-ad4185134""data-ad-region="cont_mid"data-ad-slot ="6246767822"data-ad-(adsbygoogle=w[]).push({}); It can be seen that he is very annoyed, and he was extremely angry for the destruction of the two All twisted.

"Kill those who stand in our way."

After speaking, He Chenguang took out a caliber pistol and shot it straight.

"Bang bang."

The scene began to exchange fire, the two sides began to fight.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing are naturally experienced people and will not continue to entangle.

I saw a stagger, they jumped out of the window, the diameter rope was ready, and it was already going down quickly along the pulley.

"Damn, I can't let them escape."

There was chaos in the Hongmeng Building, and there were alarms everywhere. They were all looking for He Chenguang and his party, but they failed.

"Report, no one found."

said one member.

"Find it, find it for me."

In the words, He Chenguang and the others had already gone downstairs, then took off the black clothes on their bodies, put on their clothes again, and walked out.

"Good job."

On the phone, he informed Yu Sheng and got his response.

Wang Yanbing returned, "That's right, we still can't figure it out."

She was a little overjoyed. After all, the base was not only well-controlled, but there were also several soldiers lurking in the base.

"If they are followed, it will be troublesome."

He Chenguang was driving away, a little nervous, because when they left, it seemed that those people saw their faces.

"Leave this area in a while and we'll be safe."

Wang Yanbing felt that it was no big deal, and left the area of ​​the Hongmeng to investigate, that is, to reach the area of ​​another organization, and then it would be safe.

However, things didn't go as smoothly as they thought.

After the car turned a corner at an intersection, it saw that several cars had stopped in front of it and blocked the way.

A few figures came down from the car, exuding a strong aura.

"It's them."

Wang Yanbing opened his mouth and reminded He Chenguang that it would be a tough fight for them.

"If you want to leave after making trouble, how can it be so cheap."

A soldier king wearing sunglasses opened his mouth and slammed on the ground. Suddenly, there was a roar on the floor, and the ground was cracked and spread to the corner.

The car trembled a bit, Wang Yanbing and the others got off here, facing the five people.

"If you want to fight, we will accompany you."

Wang Yanbing was strong and strong, and immediately locked on one person and rushed up, waving the military fist in his hand to greet the other party.

"Hehe, a girl."

I saw that the man was rude, and also fought against Wang Yanbing, and the two fought fiercely in the fight.

Wang Yanbing's skills are very good, most people are not opponents at all, but the opponent is also the king of soldiers, and his level is similar to him.

Suddenly another soldier king appeared beside him, with cold eyes, he joined in and shot at her.

"Brilliant soldier."

He Chenguang was a little angry, but he was also in a hard fight on his side. There were three people who fought against him.

"You are very good, I am a little reluctant to kill you."

The leader's expression froze, and he spoke highly of He Chenguang.

"I'm going to mama."

He Chenguang was unmoved, and immediately pulled away from the side, kicked a person with a flying leg, and at the same time the whole body rotated 180 degrees and buckled on the neck of one person.


The soldier king looked frightened, and then died.

Everything has come to an end, and in a flash, He Chenguang beheaded a soldier king of the same level, which is shocking.

The leader's face was very ugly, because of his underestimation and arrogance, a companion was killed, which made him angry.

He glowed red, and a blood-colored wolf emerged from his chest, revealing a tattoo.

"Blood, blood wolf."

He Chenguang felt a dangerous aura, spreading from the leader, and he was a bloodline person.

"Come on."

He Chenguang said to Wang Yanbing, and then entangled with Duofan alone.

Wang Yanbing looked over, with her ability and means, it was not difficult to escape.

But she couldn't do it, and wouldn't do it.

"I won't leave you alone."

Wang Yanbing said.

"What nonsense you say, who cares is up to you, you can leave, our mission has been completed, you go to the chief at the same time, he will come to support."

After He Chenguang finished speaking, he saw a fist in front of him, and he was knocked out very far.


He is a little unwilling. He is not a bloodline opponent, because this level of bloodline is still the king of soldiers, and has the strength of a general of the country. This kind of person is too perverted, so that they who have no bloodline ability can only cope with it.

He Chenguang felt despair, and there was no light of dawn.

"Do not."

Wang Yanbing couldn't believe it, and couldn't accept it. Is He Chenguang going to lose?

"Go, go quickly."

He Chenguang used the rest of his strength to entangle with the bloodline person, the blood wolf. Even if he didn't have the bloodline power, he still had strength. Several collisions were evenly divided, and the blood wolf was shocked.

"I'm becoming more and more interested in you. I don't know what it would be like to take you back for research."

There was fiery and cruelty in his eyes, and he said to He Chenguang.

"You are dreaming."

He Chenguang opened his mouth coldly and attacked without hesitation, and he just shot a few military fists to bombard the past.

"What a powerful fist."

I saw the opponent compliment the fist intent at the same time, and the same move also greeted the past. The two touched and turned together, creating a spark.


The two separated, with completely different faces. He Chenguang's face was pale. He suffered a small loss from this blow and injured his hand.

"Struggling, if ordinary people want to fight with our bloodline people, they are destined to bleed, and you are a typical example."

This man is very arrogant. I saw that he had a pair of corns and looked very bad. With that smile, it was even more depressing.

This is very bad for He Chenguang, he is actually injured now.

"Why, do you still want to fight, the result is the same, it's better to surrender, so at least you can save your life."

The bloodline person also looked in the direction of Wang Yanbing and said, "She won't be able to support her for long, and she still wants to escape, it's just a dream."

Just looking at Wang Yanbing's direction, one of the two people glowed with blood on the mountain, and a shadow appeared on a tattoo, it was a fox, a blood fox.

After activating the power of the bloodline, the combat power has improved a lot, and Wang Yanbing, who was suddenly pressed, kept retreating.


Wang Yanbing originally wanted to support He Chenguang, but did not expect this person to be so difficult.

She is also an ordinary person, without the power of blood, she only relies on experience to fight, which is obviously a bit of a disadvantage.

"None of you want to escape today, either surrender or die, you can only choose one."

The cold words said, from the person who was fighting with He Chenguang.

Now, the situation is in crisis, He Chenguang is helpless. I am afraid that he will not be able to retreat today. He sighed and prepared to work hard. He took out a bottle and prepared to take it. This can activate the potential of the human body. medicine.

"Hehe, I still want to play tricks."

This member of the Red Alliance will not allow any variables, and hastily blocked it.

"Do not."

He Chenguang was a little desperate, because those medicines were scattered, and he didn't even have the chance to take them.

"With such a big side effect, it's not a good thing. I'll keep it for you."

Said the man left half the bottle and said to He Chenguang.

"Don't struggle, you'll just die faster."

Having already won, he let out a laugh and slowly walked towards the injured He Chenguang, approaching slowly.

"Let him go."

I saw that at this time, a voice came from a position behind.

When everyone reacted, they saw that a figure was directly shot up, and the man was horrified, just a face-to-face, how did he do it.

Hei Man appeared and punched the blood wolf headed directly.

The blood wolf was punched and flew out, staggering into the haystack, his chest heaving.

"who are you."

The blood wolf was horrified and at the same time a little wary, the person who came was beyond imagination.

"You don't need to know who I am."

I saw Hei Man came to Wang Yanbing's side, and when he twisted his hand, he grabbed the arms of the two and threw them out.

The faces of the two soldier kings turned pale, and their hands lost their focus and were lifted up.

"Do not."

They vacated their bodies, and then fell to the ground, making close contact between their faces and the soil.


The leading man was furious at the moment, which was simply provoking their authority.

"Is there anything to say, I still want to fight."

Hei Man was domineeringly responded.

He Chenguang was very relieved to see his companion appearing. He had never seen Hei Man make a move, and he did not expect to be so clever.

"You are also a bloodline."

The blood wolf said with some dissatisfaction, because so far, he has not seen the opponent manifest the power of blood, and he just fought them with physical strength.

Hei Man replied nonchalantly, "You guys want to know, it's not enough, let's beat me."

Defeating him is a joke. Just now, several members of the Red Alliance were suppressed, and they couldn't help each other.

"Let's go."

Heiman responded to He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing to leave, he didn't want to fight.

"it is good."

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing got into the car, and Hei Man was preparing to leave behind.

"You're going to leave like this."

The members of the Red Alliance are impatient, and they come and leave when they think about it. They just take them for something. It's like giving him a slap and swaggering away.

"You don't want to leave."

After speaking, I saw more than a dozen cars approaching, and some people walked off to work. Half of them were bloodline people, exuding a powerful atmosphere.

Some of these people are not the king of soldiers, just ordinary soldiers and mercenaries.

But this can't hide the blood in them.

There are soaring snakes, lions, tigers and other bloodline people with bloodline power, which can be said to be crowded and show extraordinary strength.

"What to do, it's over."

He Chenguang's eyes were dim, they didn't expect to be ambushed.

It's all to blame that they wasted so long in this place and didn't get rid of those people, and now they are besieged, and he also has an indescribable bitterness.

"Don't worry, you are waiting for me here."

Hei Man walked out, this time a faint black energy appeared on his body, there was murder in his eyes, and the jealousy around him also appeared.

"This is."

The people outside were shocked, but they didn't expect Hei Man to be a bloodline person, and he was still a jerk.

The king's bloodline naturally restrains other bloodlines, and in the eyes of these ordinary bloodline people, it is far less than the black barbarian.

"kill him."

The members of the Red League organization said, and then rushed up, also holding various sharp weapons in their hands, wanting to kill the black man.

However, Hei Man rushed into the crowd unceremoniously, opened and closed, these cold weapons could not hurt him at all.


Hei Man waved his fist, and there was a ripple in this place that seemed to explode, and someone flew out.

"This is the bloodline person, with such strength."

He Chenguang was not shocked by Heiman's strength at this point, and at the same time hoped to have such strength.

However, UU reading www.uukanshu.com they neglected that Hei Man is not only a bloodline person, but also an ancient warrior. In the ancient warrior level, he is also one of the best in existence, so the general bloodline person is not an opponent at all. Settled.

"Don't be so arrogant next time."

After Hei Man dropped these words, he got into the car, leaving behind the mourning people.

Wang Yanbing felt that Heiman's dangerous and oppressive aura had left, and the two were a little shocked, because seeing him for the first time was too strong.

"Is the head of Yu Sheng so strong now?"

Wang Yanbing said.

"No no no, I can't compare with him." Hei Man said modestly.

He Chenguang didn't know what to say, so he could only sigh, are the people around him so powerful?

Wang Yanbing continued, "Have you guys ever compared? I think your combat power should be no weaker than your chief."

(End of this chapter)

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