I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2107: The noise does not stop

Various organizations were in an uproar, as if someone was holding their throats, making them feel a pressure.

Is it going to go against the sky for the rest of my life? Why is there always such a number one person who can't get along with them, I never thought it would develop into this.

Fallen Sun Ridge is considered to be abolished. After all, there is no research institute. The work in hand can only be a treasure, and it is difficult to maintain it. There is no need to talk about any development, which makes people sigh.

In this case, some organizations have secretly investigated the formation of Yu Sheng and others, and they want to know and avoid this plague **** after a little trouble.

However, what surprised them was that another news came out that the black corpse of the Fallen Ridge came to life, blood-washing the sample extraction base of Fallen Ridge, causing it to collapse directly.

Fallen Ridge, as a group of people who made a fortune by copying and producing bloodline research, announced its demise. In the future, there will be no batches of bloodline people pouring into the market, because only their family knows this technology.

Some things in the back are beyond their control. Fallen Ridge was taken over by some other gangs and forces, and the end was tragic.

They broke in, and when they saw someone, they cut him off whether he was a bloodline or something else, and they couldn't stop him. Some of them also revealed that these people were bought by some organizations and wanted to get in trouble.

Yu Sheng didn't care about this. He knew that this action would definitely shake the outside world, especially the Tianzhi organization.

If a messenger like that dies, anyone would have the urge to vomit blood, not to mention that they have cultivated for so long, and they have to teach the provocative person a lesson. Now all parties are paying attention. Next What will be the action.

Yu Sheng, who was sitting in the practice room, opened his eyes. He had already recovered. It only took a day. The speed of recovery must be shocking.

Speaking of which, this time was really a near miss, and it happened that he realized that the unicorn body was released.

Unlocking some body shackles, some bloodlines are slowly reunited, but the effect remains unchanged, and the rest of his life still has that ability, but the bloodlines slowly turn in the direction of Qilin blood, which will make him stronger and stronger.

At this time, some chaebols or forces in City D invited Yu Sheng to be a guest, saying that there must be surprises when they go back.

Yu Sheng smiled when he saw the emails sent, and he ignored the invitations of these people.

For a few days, the rest of his life was precipitated in some trivial matters, and he recalled the battle with the messengers in his mind, and he pondered over and over again.

To this end, he paid a lot, sometimes remembering the weird symbols or reciting the hand gesture, which made him even a little trance, and his forehead was sweating.

"Or not."

For the rest of his life, these efforts have not been rewarded. Sure enough, if there is a lack of a considerable handwriting, some key information will naturally be missing. It is difficult to become a monk halfway, especially for these profound studies.

This city **** came to see Yu Sheng, and he came the next day. Obviously, he had been in and out of the villa with that woman recently. The relationship between them was delicate, and Yu Sheng and others knew it.

"When will you marry someone and come back?"

After so many days, Hei Man felt that it was time to watch the day and let the neighbors in Fangyuan join in the fun.

This City God was speechless, with a black line on his face, he ignored Hei Man and went to practice his boxing.

Hei Man did not give up, but still asked some questions, such as how he felt about other girls, and whether he had cooked rice with raw rice.

This time it annoyed the city god, and finally gave him a ji, which made Hei Man jump in pain.

Everyone has secrets, Yu Sheng looked at the city god, he knew what the other party was deliberately hiding. For that woman, Yu Sheng always felt something was wrong and strange.

When the time is right, or the city **** will let go, he believes that he knows their worries, and if they don't say it at that time, Yu Sheng will go to meet the catwoman in person.

In the past, it would be a critical time, when the city **** would arrange a mission.

Or go directly with Hei Man, as if suddenly attacking the other party by surprise.

Thinking of the rest of his life, he shook his head again, how could he think in a narrower sense, and there seemed to be a grudge in his heart.

In the end, he didn't think about it, and concentrated on studying the six stars, and then spied on that mysterious power.

There is a boom in d city. There are large-scale bidding meetings, some unearthed cultural relics meetings, and even some learning exchange meetings.

Many people know that this time it should be aimed at the destruction of Fallen Sun Ridge and wants to gather some useful people and win them over.

To make these merchants so eager, everything stems from interests. To put it bluntly, it is very transparent, and most people actually know it.

In any case, they are going back for the rest of their lives, because the task here has been completed and the Fallen Sun Ridge has been pulled out, so there is no need to stay any longer.

The ancient warriors are very low-key now, and they did not take the initiative to jump out, and the magic that the messengers used, according to Heiman, was an ancient offensive technique. There is unpredictable power.

This is absolutely unimaginable in the past. There is such a thing, and I am eager to practice one or two techniques for the rest of my life.

Although he feels that he is strong enough, he knows that the danger never stops, and he hopes to be stronger if he can.

In the end, he didn't think about anything, and his mind reached a state of fusion, since he began to comprehend profound theological knowledge.

Buddhism, he also read and memorized it, and spent the rest of his life endorsing it, as if it was a meaningful thing for him.

Snake came back from get off work and found that Yu Sheng was still reading, and felt that he admired him a little. If he had the energy of Yu Sheng when he was in school, he must have been admitted to a good school.

Yu Sheng was covered with a layer of white lines. This situation appeared from time to time and did not last for long. They were also called miraculous for this change.

All this makes them unimaginable, and there is no way to infer what happened and what the rest of their lives are like. This is all a mystery.

With the convening of the large-scale elite meeting, various forces have already prepared people, but Yu Sheng is still indifferent in the practice room. This is definitely a dead house, and everyone does not know whether he will go or not.

When the day of departure finally arrived, Yu Sheng came out of the practice room. He seemed to be revived, with a restrained charm, like an abyss that people could not see through.

The snake said softly, "Do you want to go today?"

On the one hand, he also asked Yu Sheng's opinion. If Yu Sheng didn't go, they would go by themselves. No one would want to miss such a conference. Many times, the trend of some forces also indicates future development, and they must go and have a look. .

Yu Sheng nodded, and he could clearly see the brilliance in his eyes. At the same time, a unique temperament also reflected that he was prepared for this trip.

However, they can't take it lightly, because it is very possible that they will be killed by someone on the road, so they can't take it lightly.

Yu Sheng and his party finally left, leaving here with yearning for the country C side.

In the desert, I saw a car gleaming in the sun, and there was only one main road in a blazing hot area. Car accidents or something are very common these days.

I saw a car rolled up in front of me, and the sky was filled with dust.

When Yu Sheng and the others were watching, they just saw a shocking scene. An ancient sand beast with a huge body was picking up a line of passing cars. The situation was tragic.

Any obstacle is like a decoration in front of this behemoth.

Acting in front of them, they would not ignore it for the rest of their lives, so he directly caught a small car and slowly put it on the road.

The person who thought he was killed saw that he had been saved, and immediately thanked him. Yu Sheng smiled lightly and didn't care too much about it.

At the same time, the ancient sand beast also discovered them, and immediately walked over.

The ancient sand beast with the momentum of destroying everything can be called a tyrant in the desert, but now they have encountered Yu Sheng's group. It is estimated that this tyrant wants to continue.

The city **** moved, and two long dragons appeared on its back, which seemed to overwhelm the ancient sand beast.

However, during this period, the shaking of the ancient sand beast was not suppressed, and the city **** only felt that there were waves of huge force being introduced from the dragon energy, which was where the crazy attack of the ancient sand beast came.

The city **** retreated, and it slaughtered over, its huge body showing sharp claws, trying to open the belly of the person in front of him.

Soon, the city **** evaded, and he turned over and threw the other party out for a distance.

Killing such an ancient sand beast was a bit embarrassing for him. At this moment, the city **** kept retreating, and at the same time, they also supported him to distract him for the rest of his life.

Yu Sheng held a sniper gun in his hand, like a silver color bar flashing in the sun.

It didn't take long for Yu Sheng to pose as if aiming at the ancient sand beast and fired a shot.

With an extremely large body, it is actually very difficult for the ancient sand beast to avoid such a shot, not to mention that now it only wants to marry their lives, it is even less white.

From not far away, a warhead suddenly flew by, directly penetrating the foot of the ancient killer, directly passing through the thick blood that exploded there, it was its own blood, and the foot was suddenly broken.

You must know that this foot is comparable to a human body, but it still breaks the sniper rifle bullet for the rest of your life.

The ancient sand beast wailed, and its body suddenly lost its balance and fell, but its eyes were still staring ahead, as if it saw the rest of its life with a sniper rifle, and it barked its teeth at him.

"One shot isn't enough, isn't it? I still want to come."

At this moment, Yu Sheng did not act immediately, but looked at the ancient sand beast and seemed to be communicating, which seemed a little relaxed.

The ancient sand beast, who was wailing alone, still dragged its body crookedly and rushed forward, trying to tear up and eat this group of people.

Ahead, Yu Sheng was already preparing for the second blow. This time, he aimed directly at the opponent's key parts, and he didn't have any reservations about killing him in one blow.

Soon, the maddening sound of the ancient sand beast was stopped. With the sound of the gun, it fell down, dragging its inertia to move forward in the desert for a period of time and completely lost its strength.

After a gunshot, the bullet penetrated directly into the head of its hard shell, smashed the inside, and broke its foundation for survival.

"I warned you, if you don't listen, this is the end."

Many times the rest of my life does not want to kill them all, but this is the only way to deal with such inhuman beasts.

"Not quite dead yet," Hei Man said.

After speaking, he picked up a stone from the side and knocked it directly on the head of the ancient sand beast, making it completely breathless.

After a few people completed this, they continued to get in the car and drove forward, which attracted some eyes from the people watching the lively behind, and their eyes were full of surprise.

They may not have seen such a strong person, such a powerful bloodline person, indeed, the combination of these people in Yu Sheng is very strong.

The real battlefield will not give the enemy any breathing time. Yu Sheng felt that Heiman did it right. If they don't completely solve this ancient sand beast, who knows if he will make a comeback later.

The car is very gentle. I drove the air conditioner along the way to an oasis. There is a swimming pool here. This is a desert star hotel with all the facilities.

With this kind of mind, the person who would want to invest in opening a five-star hotel in the desert is also a talent.

Not to mention the electricity aspect, even some other supplies have to be sent from the main road, which is extremely troublesome.

The building is particularly conspicuous in the sunlight, but also has a high temperature, which can be seen to have a thermal insulation layer, which separates the sunlight and the erosion of the overheated environment in the desert.

"Go in and stop for a while," Yu Sheng said.

As if corresponding to Yu Sheng's words, the automatic rotten gates opened, and Yu Sheng drove the car down the basement.

"There is also a basement, which is rare."

This city **** is also a little ridiculed, he feels novel about this facility and should have spent a lot of thought.

"Otherwise, how do you make money? I dare say that their service is expensive here."

The snake stuck its head out and said such words, and when it was close, he took a photo with the camera as a souvenir.

The basement is very cold, and at first glance, since there is a circulation system and a refrigerator, there are drinks such as water and ice cream for sale.

Who wouldn't want to try this kind of ice drink when they encountered it in a local place, and the rest of his life also read the price list of this vending machine, and a bottle of water directly sold for 1,000 yuan.

"One thousand yuan is not much. If the traveler really can't walk, it's good to come in and buy a bottle of water." Snake said.

"These guys are really good at making money~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This city **** is somewhat resentful, it seems that when it comes to making money, the first thing he thinks of is profiteers.

Yu Sheng smiled lightly and didn't say much, just bought a bottle of ice drink for no one, and then went in.

The auditorium of the hotel is directly on the third floor. Yu Sheng and the others took the elevator to get here. If the elevator does not advance one block, it is one floor, and people will come in. There are also several floors in the basement, which also makes Yu Sheng speechless. .

"Welcome to Desert Oasis Hotel, where you have the warmest and most comfortable experience service. I wish you a pleasant journey and a happy stay."

The rest of my life saw a lady at the front desk say this to me, which made several people feel that there was a very high-end feeling.


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