I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2108: Enter the underground swimming pool

They walked in for the rest of their lives, opened a few room cards and spent tens of thousands of yuan, and the time was only three days, and they had to renew after three days.

"It's quite particular."

As soon as I came in, the city emperor leaned on a sofa, searched for the latest news, and found that there were a lot of news in D city. There were different star newcomers who advanced. The time of his glory has passed, and it has only been more than two years. moon.

"Think of my fame, since I was surpassed by these little fresh meat."

This city emperor said with some resentment, if he goes back to make a new debut, he must let those guys bow their heads and let them know who is the ultimate newcomer king.

"You got it, don't be rude, are you talking about reliable things in the entertainment industry?"

In Yu Sheng's eyes, only real strength is important, so there is no need to make people popular, and real ability.

The city emperor nodded, and then retracted his frustration at the beginning.

"Your assistant has already gone back early. I think it's enough to have him in the undercover job, and he has obtained a lot of information."

Yu Sheng then talked about some changes in City D. Recently, ancient martial artists have become popular, and some people have begun to come out to recruit disciples. Some training centers have also come out, replacing the original martial arts, and some training structures for judo. It can be said that they were killed halfway. A group of dark horses, which makes people dumbfounded.

"This is inevitable. After the bloodline practitioners are gone, new forces or frenzy must emerge. These ancient warriors are recruited in batches, and most of them just want to eat."

This is the conjecture of the city emperor, he replied.

Hei Man nodded, thinking that things should develop like this, otherwise he wouldn't be able to think of the reason for this frenzy.

"There are also bloodline people among the ancient warriors. These people are very strong." Yu Sheng said.

Just like the messengers they killed, they are authentic ancient warriors, and they have awakened the power of blood to a certain extent and used it as an ancient summoning technique to provide a spiritual medium.

The next time Yu Sheng encounters such a person, he will know how to fight. Their weakness is that they are aggressive, but their defense is weaker than that of the bloodline person. Basically, they are only a little stronger than ordinary people.

"What's the plan after that?"

The city emperor showed an inquiring look.

When he showed this color, Yu Sheng also glanced at him.

"Pulling out these institutions and destroying their foundations."

Yu Sheng felt that if these people gathered too many people, it might cause a riot one day, and there seemed to be some people on these ancient warriors, and some chaebols were also very supportive and willing to show up to these people.

Several people fell into a kind of conjecture, but in the end they still didn't learn much.

Perhaps, in order to understand these, further observation is required, which is what they have to face and experience.

"I don't want to do so much anymore, even having fun is what's important." At this time, the city emperor said, and then opened a bottle of red wine.

The red wine is warm and has a surprising taste that is intoxicating.

The intoxicating color and aroma make people forget their worries, and they drink happily.

At night, the emperor of the city is going to swim. There is a swimming pool in some places in the basement. This was notified when they came in. For this reason, they were eager to try it.

When I came to the swimming pool, I saw an artificial ceiling blue sky, advanced simulation, although the blue sky and white clouds are three-dimensional, they are extremely realistic and have a strong sense of substitution.

Under these immersive feelings, people mistakenly think that they are in an oasis, and some rich people or people with some small money choose to vacation here without any sense of disobedience.

Anyway, these people want to find a place to spend money and enjoy, enjoy that ultimate luxury and tranquility.

For the rest of their lives, their arrival did not arouse anyone's attention and waves. It seems that there are many rich people here, and they did not say who they were deliberately watching.

On the contrary, Wang Yanbing, who was beside Yu Sheng, had a hot body and attracted a lot of attention.

He Chenguang also followed, and they rushed over from the training room when Yu Sheng arrived here.

After rushing over, Yu Sheng asked them to wait in this swimming pool, and it was only then that they met, and there was a sudden feeling.

"It's good to come."

Yu Sheng told them what happened to them. There are still ancient sand beasts next to this desert. These guys use people as food. They are not many but they are extremely brave. There is no way to take pictures of them without hot weapons or powerful alloy weapons. into injury.

This kind of thing also made some people feel a crisis like the end of the day, so they had to find a way to use some odors and dyeing gas to expel these ancient sand beasts.

Yu Sheng found a seat, and they were chatting here, while the city emperor plunged into a swimming pool. There were men and women in the swimming pool, with graceful figures and some fair skin, white and rich beauty.

The city emperor's body with eight contoured abdominal muscles appeared, and a few bright eyes were immediately passed over. Those eyes from the opposite **** immediately made some people in the room hot.

It doesn't matter to the city emperor, they just have to look at it anyway, as long as they don't make trouble.

"This handsome guy, come out to play alone."

A pretty good looking woman asked. Her slender figure, especially the upper part, will make normal men feel dazed. It is such a woman who came to greet the city emperor and attracted some attention.

There are cold, hostile, disdainful, and even envious, and some incomprehensible eyes in these eyes.

"Hehe, you are really good."

He Chenguang took off his coat, and he was also full of tendons. However, his skin was relatively white, and he belonged to the handsome sunshine type with a little muscle.

I have to say that after the two showed their muscles and figures, they became the focus in the swimming pool of this small pavilion.

In fact, I don't say that there are no other handsome guys here, but with the help of muscles, how many are real ones. Generally, they are obtained through fitness and running practice, and there is no such thing as they are sharpened in the blood and rain of swords.

In terms of temperament, it is like a sharp blade out of the body, and there is no reverie in the body, exuding a natural beauty of power.

Yu Sheng smiled slightly, he also planned to join in, and then took off his clothes.

I saw some people paying attention here with wide eyes, because the muscles on Yu Sheng's body are even more exaggerated than those of the city emperor and He Chenguang, an unparalleled muscle line, without a bit of reverie, it is completely like welding natural Inlaid to every detail.

This kind of body shape suddenly made some women scream, even if there is an object around.

"Oh, you have to wash too."

The city emperor originally wanted to show off a wave, but he didn't expect that when Yu Sheng appeared, he would steal all the limelight.

"Haha, it's been a long time since I went swimming."

After Yu Sheng finished speaking, he strode forward, as if a lot of water splashes appeared here, and he rhythmically jumped under the water, jumping out for a long distance in an instant.

This is shocking, if this kind of swimming proficiency can be rated, the rest of his life will definitely belong to the s-level.

Seeing the situation, the emperor of the city was not behind, jumped into the water and chased each other vigorously, and immediately caught up, and then He Chenguang did the same, the three seemed to be walking side by side.

Yu Sheng smiled, then immediately accelerated, throwing away the two of them.

"This guy is clumsy."

The city emperor was a little anxious. He didn't expect such a result, and he was a little annoyed and chased after a quick walk.

Breaststroke, snake rush, jump rush, curved stroke, all kinds of moves are staged, it seems like a swimming event where is the ordinary diving.

Yu Sheng traveled around with them, and suddenly some people noticed, because there are many people here, some are couples, some are masters and students, and others are in a relationship. They were here for some time in Yu Sheng and their competition was destroyed This beauty.

"Are you three looking for death?"

At this time, a cold voice suddenly came, which immediately stopped Yu Sheng.

I saw that the man's eyes were like a lamp and he forgot to come, and beside him was an extremely beautiful woman.

"I'm sorry to bother you, you continue." The city emperor said with a smile.

He can only say the same about destroying the good things of the other party.

Yu Sheng also nodded in apology, and then they dived slowly.

It's just that the man didn't seem to let it go, and swam over to attack them.

I saw a splash of water, followed by a person's fist as fast as lightning.

This man was very powerful, and directly knocked over a lot of water splashes to form a wave, and Xuan Fei attracted many people.

Ben Chenghuang and He Chenguang went to save people, while Yu Sheng confronted the man.

"What do you want."

He didn't cause trouble, and of course he wasn't afraid of trouble, so he immediately retreated.

"What do I want, of course you will be punished." The man said angrily, pointing to Yu Sheng.

"You kneel down for me, or kneel down to apologize to my girlfriend, and it's over."

Having said this, the city emperor and He Chenguang also came here just to hear these words, and they suddenly became angry.

This swimming pool is originally a public place, and it is not just a swimming venue. If they are not satisfied, they can leave at any time, but now they are asked to kneel for the rest of their lives. What is the reason?

"This friend, you are too much."

The emperor of this city replied, "Everyone who should apologize has apologized, and you are still pushing people, so don't blame us for being rude."

"Oh, you guys are welcome, are you planning to go together?"

The man exudes the power of turbulent waves, and there seems to be a kind of disillusionment in the pair of child holes, which is a bit surprising.

Yu Sheng knew that this was the power of blood, or the potential of the body evolved.

If the other party is not a bloodline person, then it must be a powerful ancient martial artist, someone who cannot be easily provoked.

But they can't be easily provoked, and that doesn't mean they have to admit to cowardice.

"I'll fight you, and if you lose, you get out of here."

The city emperor finally couldn't stand it anymore, so he suddenly replied.

Yu Sheng pulled him, because he felt that the man's breath was too unusual, and he was afraid that he would suffer.

"It's okay, wait until I finish teaching this guy what he's talking about."

The city emperor made a gesture of invitation, and the man walked over slowly with a smile on his face.

The two were standing in the swimming pool, the water had reached their necks, they looked at each other, and then started.

The man's strength is heavy, and his every move seems to be unscrewed, and there is a huge energy rising up.

"He's actually so strong, it seems that it's just his ordinary power, not all of his power." He Chenguang replied consciously.

In fact, as he guessed, the opponent's strength is indeed stronger than the city emperor, at least in simple encounters, I don't know how it is in other fields.

The two were fighting in the water, and every blow had splashes of water, but some swimmers had no energy to play here, and they had avoided going ashore far away, fearing that they would be affected.

The two fought fiercely, as if there was only a tie in their eyes.

The city emperor finally jumped directly to the shore and looked at the man in the water coldly.

"Why, I ran away like this."

He said with a look of disdain, as if he was not ashamed of the other party's behavior and felt that he couldn't afford it.

This city emperor was a little anxious, he almost suffered a loss, he was really inferior to the other party in the water, so he chose to go ashore.

"Fight on the shore, I'll be afraid of you."

"Okay, it's for you."

The man fought with the city emperor on the shore and the city emperor was inseparable, and the city emperor's physical strength was obviously not much. After all, the man's moves were ruthless, and he used all his means and strength to cope with the difficulties.

"Why is he getting more and more energetic?"

He Chenguang also realized some problems. The other party seemed to have a steady stream of physical strength, and the city emperor was no longer an opponent.


Yu Sheng said to him.

The city emperor reluctantly retreated.

"Why, don't dare to fight, you admit defeat."

The man said sarcastically.

The city emperor replied, "You beat me, I admit defeat."

For the rest of his life, he never imagined that the city emperor, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, would admit defeat so much, which made him a little frowning.

"If you lose one, then let's go to the last one. I just haven't played enough. If I think it's okay, this matter will pass, provided you have me interested."

Yu Sheng nodded, "It will satisfy you."

Yu Sheng came out, and then the two shot.

The man threw a punch, and with his extremely confident moves and the rest of his life, he felt that this punch could completely break the opponent's bones and tendons.

However, Yu Sheng directly bombarded the past with a punch, and came over with the same touch as the man.

The huge force seemed to break through a wave of explosions and screamed. After this, the man flew upside down and smashed heavily on the pool floor.


The man glanced at Yu Sheng with a bit of fear in his eyes. After all, his move was actually defeated. Although he said that he did not use his full force, but seeing the other party's expression, it seemed that he did not seem to be doing his best. He was a little shocked.

"What am I~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What do you want to say." Yu Sheng asked.

At this time, he stared at the other party with the eyes of a superior, "You are not my opponent."

The man gritted his teeth, a little unconvinced, because he just said that he lost with this one move, how is this possible, he just felt that he didn't lose.

"If you want me to lose, knock me down," he said.

"I really don't have much interest in knocking you down." Yu Sheng replied as a matter of course.

"You are too arrogant." The man immediately used his trump card, wanting to win or lose in one fell swoop.


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