I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2109: someone to fight

A special starting style made his strength skyrocket. I have seen such a starting style for the rest of my life, like the kind of power used by the envoys who were killed at the beginning.

It's just that the starting style is different from theirs, but the way of power exertion is the same, and the energy in the body is communicated through a chanting method.

The sixth sense of war was activated, and Yu Sheng's spiritual sense became extremely sharp. For him, such an enemy was interesting.


The two collided violently, and finally the man flew out and fell to the side.

At this time, the guards surrounded him, and then asked Yu Sheng to stop.

"This is in the hotel, fighting is not allowed. If it doesn't stop, don't blame us for being rude."

These defenses are very strong, and almost no one has the strength of a general of the town. If you can invite these people, it seems that this hotel has spent a lot of money.

Yu Sheng nodded, he didn't plan to embarrass this person again and let the opponent go.

The man looked at Yu Sheng with some fear, as if he saw a monster.

"You are strong, I lost."

He apologized to Yu Sheng, the situation was turned around, and he invited to a party called the gathering of the strong.

Yu Sheng put away the invitation and nodded.

The man didn't expect the other party to accept it so readily, and didn't trouble him because of the previous incident, and suddenly felt that the other party was a good person to get along with.

"I hope you will come on time."

Yu Sheng nodded, "Yes, but don't be so arrogant next time. In fact, there are many masters, they just disdain to shoot."

The man nodded, as if inspired by something.

But he said again, "The main reason is that I want to fight with you, and I want to find an opponent."

Although this way of a man is not good, Yu Sheng felt that the other party was also a belligerent person, so he did not particularly embarrass him.

The three of them continued to swim, including He Yanbing who also joined recently, without much concern.

After waiting, they went back to the room to rest and found that dinner had been prepared for them.

This is a one-part vegetarian meal drawn with cactus **** and others, and there is even a vegetarian meal next to it. Since it is a meal made with Gusha beast, the meat under the hard shell is steamed and then put in spices and Other development, looks very delicious.

"Hey, are there only these raw materials?"

The city emperor still wanted to eat a big meal, but I didn't expect that since it would be such a thing, I suddenly felt a little lack of interest.

"It's good to have something to eat."

Several people eat at the same time, with some beer, there is nothing to eat.

After hiccups, they returned to their respective rooms one after another, and the rest of their lives chose to turn on the TV and watch the news for a day.

The rest of his life has been spread in various urban areas, and his achievements have been exposed by some media, and also by some people, adding fuel to jealousy, and finally it became a different situation.

Yu Sheng didn't take these things seriously. The only thing he worried about was whether his actions would affect Fan Tianlei's side. He was afraid that someone would take revenge on him, which would not be good.

It happened that Fan Tianlei called at this time.

"You kid has acted again. Since this time, since you killed an extremely powerful ancient martial artist, those envoys from extraordinary origins were all killed by you. Now you can't think of being famous."

In the face of such words, Yu Sheng still had no arrogance and smiled at Fan Tianlei.

"Don't you know me yet? If I wasn't approaching a desperate situation, I wouldn't take the initiative to attack."

Yu Sheng said this, in fact, he and Fan Tianlei also said it at the beginning.

However, Fan Tianlei didn't take it to heart at the time. On the one hand, he taught Yu Sheng to do things according to his ability, to be able to do things relatively justly, and not to retain absolute justice. This was his philosophy.

And Yu Sheng is now relying on his own desire to change some periods, establish a kind of absolute justice, and make every organization feel terrified. At the same time, Fan Tianlei is proud of cultivating such soldiers.

At the same time, he is also worried about the future of the rest of his life.

His future is bound to go all the way, or he will be killed halfway, this is all possible.

"There is one more thing, that is, people from the International Killer Association are eyeing you."

Fan Tianlei was extremely serious, not joking.

The Killer Association, different from the general organization, was founded by a killer, and not many people knew about it.

Just know that they are rarely active, and the general order will take a long time to recover, even the sky-high order.

But what I didn't expect was that someone placed an order for Yu Sheng because of this, and it was bound to eradicate him.

"Okay, I know. I will protect myself. Whoever comes to kill me will have to pay the price."

Fan Tianlei was relieved to hear these, and then they hung up the phone after chatting for a few words.

By the next day, Yu Sheng had already made a plan for returning to urban area D.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing don't need to stay with him for the temporary split action~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chief, you are. "

Wang Yanbing saw Yu Sheng's concerns and asked.

"I was targeted by a special force, and I don't want to implicate you. You are the only ones who were not present when I performed a special mission."

In most organizations, not many people know about the characters He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing.

After all, in this era when the King of Soldiers is like fireworks, it's not much hope to really throw out one or two that can fight.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing understood and followed Yu Sheng's request.

The emperor of this city also looks forward to it, and there are other forces who dare to provoke them if they are not long-sighted.

At noon, Yu Sheng immediately checked out of the room, also withdrew the deposit of more than 10,000 yuan, got in the car, and left the star-rated hotel.

When we returned to City D, some people blocked the way and happened to meet Yu Sheng and his group.

These people are watching over them and making them stop.

Yu Sheng noticed that these were bloodline people. Although they restrained their breath, he knew that they were definitely bloodline people, but what did they want to do when they appeared at the same time.

"Yu Sheng, the king of blood, finally waiting for you."

A person came out, wearing a ghost mask, looking very ferocious.

"Who are you to stop us from doing anything."

Yu Sheng asked.

"Of course I'll send you on your way."

The masked man said that he was very strong, as if he was going to rush over to attack them in the next second.

Yu Sheng knew that it was useless to say more, and it was estimated that these bloodline people were bribed or gathered by some forces that had grievances with them.

Yu Sheng replied, "I don't know who sent whom on the road."

He directly took out Nibongguo's saber, and immediately turned into an inch of lightning and killed it.

Several bloodline people were beheaded on the spot, and there was no room for the rest of their lives, and a single shot would inevitably cause a single person to be severely injured.

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