I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2110: shoot yourself

The quality of the bamboo mirror is talented, and it is made of a special kind of wood, but it is said that there is no writing on it, so it is so easy to be bought by him.

Buying it at a convenient price of 100,000 is nothing for the rest of his life, so he doesn't feel anything.

From time to time, people come up with things at the appraisal exchange meeting, and of course they are limited to things in modern language.

A wealthy businessman took out the green water ghost on his wrist because he went bankrupt and immediately started bidding.

The value of this luxury watch is also around several hundred thousand, but hesitant to wear it, some people take the opportunity to bargain, which makes the bankrupt wealthy businessman a little embarrassed.

"The price of 100,000 is still reduced, it can't be lower."

He said with a hint of anger, his eyes were not good.

In fact, it can be sold at a good price at the right time, but if he doesn't take advantage of it today, he doesn't know when there will be such a flow of people.

It's like a feast, if you miss it, you won't have it again.

He didn't need any luxury for the rest of his life, so he didn't buy it.

He Chenguang didn't feel anything about this thing, but Wang Yanbing looked at it a little blankly.

"You want it." Yu Sheng asked at this time.

"How come, this is what boys wear. What am I going to do?"

Wang Yanbing seemed a little shy, as if feeling that his surprised eyes were discovered.

Yu Sheng didn't buy this green water ghost directly with a card, and then handed it to Wang Yanbing.

"Take it."

For the 100,000 yuan item, the rest of your life will buy without blinking your eyes. This is a normal operation.

However, he didn't know that Wang Yanbing was pleasantly surprised. He liked this watch very much. Of course, she wouldn't bring it by herself.

"I plan to stay." Wang Yanbing replied.

Yu Sheng nodded, he no longer cared how the watch was used, it was the other party's business.

Immediately after the appraisal meeting, there were some strange things, and even at the end, there was an auction of ancient warriors.

This is shocking. Since it is directly up to the person, it is interesting, and I really dare to do it.

"Don't get me wrong, this ancient martial artist wants to sell himself, not us."

An official person came out and explained that he would not cause a mess and be gossiped by others.

Yu Sheng's eyes looked over, which was extremely interesting. Since it was selling himself directly, this was something that had never happened before. What the other party was going to do made people feel a little meaningful.

If this is the case, then they can't stop others.

Yu Sheng thought for a while, and then directly said that he would also buy it.

Some people in this venue directly took Yu Sheng to the special seats, and there are some other people in the seats, all of them are quite big, and at first glance, they are all directed at the ancient warriors.

I saw that the gauze was unscrewed, revealing an alluring face.

This face is very beautiful, and it is much stronger than some of the current stars. The key is that the temperament is absolutely incredible.

This is a complete beauty, without the slightest reverie, let alone pay attention to her carefully, even a little observation makes people feel bloody.

Yu Sheng also watched from the sidelines, and the lizard eyes kept rotating to every detail.

Immediately, the woman seemed to have been pricked by a needle somewhere, and there was an aura.

Yu Sheng felt that a force seemed to be coming invisibly towards him. This was too sudden. He never thought that the other party would respond when he used his ability.

Is this the body's autonomous defense mechanism? The race of ancient warriors is really too mysterious, and the body is full of fog that makes people imaginative.

At this time, there were people bidding, and it directly rose to five million.

The starting price for this woman was only ten yuan. Obviously, the ten yuan was just a top price. As soon as she appeared, she immediately paid.

First of all, a wealthy businessman called one million at the beginning, and then someone slowly raised it to five million.

Some people think that since they are selling themselves, they should take more, otherwise they will regret it later and suffer a loss.

In fact, the reason why these wealthy businessmen are so enthusiastic is that they have regarded women as lovers.

As long as you have money, it is similar to a lover with unlimited use. Of course, you can sell it when you don't need it.

Of course, they naturally wouldn't take the initiative to reveal these filthy thoughts, and they often appeared to be very gentlemen.

Yu Sheng saw that the price was raised to 5 million and then raised by 1 million, which immediately caused some people's dissatisfaction.

"Who the **** is this? Raising one million at a time is killing people."

Some of the rich businessman's children muttered, and they were also very angry, and they couldn't bear to be robbed by them like this.

Yu Sheng's move was a bit sudden, and even Ben Chenghuang and his party did not expect him to do this.

"You shouldn't want to save the suffering. She sells herself. If she doesn't really like it, why should she bid for it."

The city emperor said slowly.

Yu Sheng was also straightforward and didn't hide his answer, "I just like her, and she's an ancient warrior. If I buy it back for our use, don't you think it's bad."

"For our use, which aspect do you mean." The city emperor pretended to be thinking.

Yu Sheng almost wanted to give the other party a ji, if he had eaten too much for a day, he would know his thoughts.

Wang Yanbing also heard such words, and his face turned red, and he did not dare to approach the content of their conversation.

Hei Man is also curious and doesn't know what it means, but she also feels that the woman is too pitiful, is there any difficulty in selling herself so cheaply.

"It's better to buy it, otherwise, if someone else buys it, she may have a hard time." Hei Man said.

When the emperor of the city saw what he said, he immediately laughed, "Would you like to buy it back and be your wife?"

"Be a wife."

Said that at this time, Hei Man finally showed an embarrassed look and was a little embarrassed.

"It's just me, I'm worthy of others, I'm afraid she won't like it."

Hei Man still has self-knowledge, but it can also be seen that he does not seem to resist, as if he has a strong sense of integration.

"If you get it, I'll make a joke for you. I bought it not to be a wife, but to be a team member." The city emperor replied.

Yu Sheng rolled his eyes at him, motioning him to stop talking nonsense, or else he would really give the other party another discipline.

At this time, the woman's eyes met Yu Sheng, a pair of eyes that looked through the autumn water. When she saw Yu Sheng, she seemed to feel something and smiled at him.

Yu Sheng also responded politely to each other's smiles.

After bidding, Yu Sheng always raised the price and made 10 million.

The number of 10 million is unacceptable to some people.

Even if the person in front of them is really a fairy, they can't talk so much. After all, it's just a companion for them for a while, like brushing their teeth and washing their faces, they will eventually get tired of it.

"I didn't expect it, it really is a disaster, this guy likes this kind of ancient costume."

Some wealthy businessmen murmured to themselves after they couldn't get what they wanted.

You don't care about this for the rest of your life. Since you have already spent money, there must be nothing to say. You can't quarrel with each other because of some people's jealous words.

There are a lot of people who can't eat grapes and say that grapes stink. Maybe he cares about it, it's almost impossible, otherwise he won't be a fool.

After Yu Sheng bought this woman, he immediately felt some hostile gazes glaring.

"Hey, if you really like these people, then 10 million people should continue to follow them. Obviously, these people are only interested in bidding at the most."

The city emperor said while joking, causing some people to cast murderous eyes.

Sometimes people are like this. Even if they do something wrong, they don't need to be told, otherwise they will appear unhappy or even turn their face.

"This kid, you are tired and crooked, what a bb."

Some wealthy businessmen or **** children began to rhythm, scolding the city emperor, and said some vulgar words.


The city emperor stomped his feet on the ground, and there was a sound from the place where the sound was made. I saw a few people collapsed suddenly, and their bodies looked a little embarrassed.


They suddenly realized the strength of the people in front of them, but they didn't need to humiliate them so much, even though they appeared unkind just now.

Several strong men moved forward, directly surrounding Yu Sheng and his group, and stopped moving.

"Step aside."

Yu Sheng said.

"Ask your friend to apologize to us and get out of the way."

The man in the leather jacket said, his eyes were cold and soft, like a knife.

"Your kid is clearly a man, the elder has a melon-seeded face, and he looks nondescript, what he looks like, neither yin nor yang."

The city emperor responded directly and resentfully.

After these words were spoken, it immediately embarrassed the man's face and was the most unbearable for others to say that to him.

"This is beauty. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. Be careful to break your tongue."

"If you don't apologize, wait until the exchange meeting is over, then there will be a good show to watch."

The man responded in a threatening tone, as if he was pinching it.

The city emperor directly punched him in the abdomen, and the pain caused the opponent to fall down.

The subordinates immediately helped them up when they saw it, and then they fought against the emperor of the city.

The scene suddenly became lively. What they didn't expect was that it was incredible that so many follow-ups were caused just because of a small problem. Both sides couldn't bear to be too strong.

Some people recognized the young master and immediately said, "Isn't he Young Master Jin, why is Young Master Jin here?"

What makes people curious is that this guy never speculates in stocks, and usually he will mess with flowers and cause trouble, and then settle it with his father.

Of course, his crimes are not very big, at most they are wretched and the like.

Most people certainly don't believe that this is the case, and some people think that those with special eucalyptus, such as the tumbleweed, are probably suppressed and solved with money.

"I didn't expect to know that since he stretched out his hand here, he had a bad idea of ​​that beautiful ancient warrior. It's really bad."

These people are not afraid of a lot of things, they are talking about it, and they have learned a lot from their mouths for the rest of their lives, and they use their hearing ability to enlarge and collect them.

"Master Jin, it's not appropriate for you to threaten us like this. If that's the case, then it's better to kill you here."

This city emperor is not so easy to talk about, and the opening is to kill the other party, which makes people terrified.

Several masters surrounded him with blood and energy. Each of these people was a soldier king, and some of them even surpassed the level of the general of the town. It can be said that they are loyal to this young master Jin.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the venue. Someone was present, it was an old man, and he discouraged him from the middle.

"The two of you don't make a big deal to hurt your peace."

The old man gently pushed the people on both sides to separate the distance.

To be able to have such strength and means to form an air wave to push people away, this old man must be very strong, and suddenly people have a kind of reverie, this should not reach the level of innate.

Innate, is a state of martial arts, similar to the higher the level of the soldier king, the more he can reach a special state, with the supreme soldier soul.

The old man's methods were unexpected, almost the same as the innate powerhouses. Such powerhouses have almost only seen scales and claws in some historical records. People believe that those who really know kung fu are long gone. , the rest are all for show, or for on-the-spot play.

Now seeing such a powerful old man again, one can't help but feel awe.

"Okay, let this brat go first." Young Master Jin said angrily.

Yu Sheng nodded, and then continued to look at the others.

The ancient warrior in the iron cage came over and made a courtesy in front of Yu Sheng and others.

"Don't be too polite, it will be your own in the future." Yu Sheng said.

"Yes Master."

The woman smiled sweetly, provoking others to look over, envying the rest of her life.

Yu Sheng nodded, "You don't need to call the master in the future, you can settle down first, answer some of our questions, and then explain the situation to you to see if you are suitable to stay in the team."

For the rest of my life, I won't raise useless people, and I don't want to see an idle person dangling in front of me, even if the other party looks good.

After all, he only liked Wu Zeqing, and he didn't know what happened to Xiao Wu now.

Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help thinking for a while.

The woman said, "My name is Xiaoling, and I will be your concubine from now on."

Yu Sheng stopped directly so that the other party didn't have to say anything, and then took her to stroll around here.

While experiencing a birthday banquet, Yu Sheng found a golden thing glowing, since it was an amber-like thing, it looked amazing.

The price is 10,000 yuan, authentic lake stones.

After seeing it for the rest of my life, I bought it directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No one came to the gun directly.

"Look at some fools who still buy that useless stone. This kind of amber stone is the most useless, and the contents inside cannot be taken out, but can only be used for viewing."

However, Yu Sheng didn't think so, because he felt that the worm seemed to have vague life fluctuations.

This is very weak. If he hadn't been confirming it, he wouldn't have noticed such fluctuations. It's amazing.

When Yu Sheng bought it, he directly handed it to Xiaoling for him to keep.

The ancient warrior Xiaoling nodded and said that she promised to complete this arduous task.

Wang Yanbing has some catalysts, feeling that this newcomer is too talkative, as if there is a smell of green tea, she can't help but look at Yu Sheng.

The rest of my life is very ordinary, I am not attracted by anything, on the contrary, I am leisurely and continue to look at things.

In the last hour, Yu Sheng looked at various aspects, and there was nothing that I wanted to buy, which was of little value, so I didn't buy it.

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