He Chenguang. "

Yes, this person is He Chenguang.

He Chenguang quickly ran over from a distance, and after seeing the rest of his life, He Chenguang looked happy.

"Demon Ji."

After Yu Sheng ran over, he saw the scorpion not far away, He Chenguang's eyes flashed, and his eyes flashed with thick killing intent.

Faced with such a murderous Scorpion, this made Scorpion's complexion a bit ugly.

"What's the matter? Where did this kid come from such a big murderous intent, it seems that he has not sinned against this kid, right? How can it be like killing his own father."

Scorpion furrowed his brows and stared at He Chenguang, he was really afraid that He Chenguang would blow him up with a single shot.

Yu Sheng looked at Scorpion, then at He Chenguang, and said casually: "Falcon, I think you already know who this guy is in front of you."

He Chenguang gritted his teeth and said, "Scorpion."


Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said, "He is a scorpion."

"Now I ask you to go up and fight him, would you like to go?" Yu Sheng asked.

He Chenguang heard the words and gave Yu Sheng a grateful look. Of course he knew what Yu Sheng meant, and he was not stupid. At this moment, the scorpion was pointed at by Yu Sheng with a gun. The scorpion was obviously out of weakness. As long as Yu Sheng was willing, he would completely Can kill the scorpion in one shot.

"Yes." He Chenguang said.

"Go and see if there are any dangerous goods on your body, and if there are any, unload them." Yu Sheng said.


Afterwards, He Chenguang moved towards Scorpion, his heart tightened, and then he stared at He Chenguang and Yu Sheng. He was still observing He Chenguang. If he could, he wouldn't mind holding He Chenguang to see if he could manage it. He Chenguang killed.

However, He Chenguang was obviously not a simple character. Seeing this scene, Scorpion couldn't help feeling a little desperate.

After He Chenguang came to him, he quickly removed all the dangerous goods from the scorpion.

Yu Sheng walked over slowly, looked at Scorpion with a smile, and said with a faint smile: "Next, you will fight him."

Scorpion was full of anger, staring at Yu Sheng, and said sharply: "You said you let me go."

"Did I say that." Yu Sheng asked with a puzzled look: "I haven't said this sentence from beginning to end, right?"

"You took my money." The scorpion stared at Yu Sheng with gritted teeth, wishing to break Yu Sheng into pieces. There was also a glimmer of hope in his heart, but he didn't expect Yu Sheng to regret it.

This made him extremely angry.

If possible, he really wants to kill Yu Sheng, but now, he has become a prisoner of Yu Sheng, if he changes, Yu Sheng will shoot him.

"Oh, I did receive the money." Yu Sheng nodded his head with approval, and then he smiled: "But you don't know if you don't receive money."


Hearing this, Scorpion couldn't help but yelled. At this moment, he was smoked by Qiqiao, who was also angry with the rest of his life. Damn, collect money and don't do business. You are a gluttonous man.

In or out?

How come there are such wicked people.

"Let's do it." Yu Sheng said casually: "As long as you can beat him, how about I let you leave here?"

Scorpion snorted coldly when he heard the words.

The guy in front of him didn't speak credibility at all, he didn't believe that he would let him go for the rest of his life.

"This time I swear, as long as you can beat him, I will let you go, I will do what I say." Yu Sheng opened his mouth.


Hearing this, Scorpion couldn't help raising a glimmer of hope. At this moment, he had lost his original calmness, but he also knew that he was already a turtle in the urn at this moment.

The rules are in Yu Sheng's hands, and he can only seek this illusory hope.

However, He Chenguang gave Yu Sheng a weird look at this moment.

Because from the conversation between Yu Sheng and Scorpion, he heard about money, let go of the word Scorpion, and thought, this guy, isn't it because he received Scorpion's money? It seems that the scorpion has not been released for the rest of his life. This is obviously a scorpion.

He Chenguang is not that kind of pedantic person, he will receive the money as soon as he receives the money.


Scorpion's gaze was placed on He Chenguang, and his eyes were full of fierce intent.


He Chenguang fought with Scorpion together.

He Chenguang has been a martial arts champion since he was a child, and his strength is extraordinary.

The two fought together, it can be described as a terrible trick. For the rest of my life, I secretly squeezed a cold sweat. Fortunately, He Chenguang didn't have much to do, and he was also good at strength.

Otherwise... the result is really hard to tell.

The fighting between the two is extremely fierce, every move and every style, they directly greet the other party's vitals, obviously, they all want to kill the other party directly.

However, when the Scorpion was killing He Chenguang, he obviously hesitated.

Because he knew that if He Chenguang was really killed, the rest of his life would definitely kill him.

Therefore, this slight hesitation led to his battle, which obviously had some loopholes.

Even so, Scorpion is still not to be underestimated!

Although He Chenguang is also very powerful, but after all, He Chenguang has not experienced actual combat. Compared with the experienced Scorpion, he is naturally much worse.

However, this can also allow He Chenguang to grow up quickly. After all, this is a life-and-death struggle. When a life-and-death struggle, whoever is timid and retreats, then this person loses.

Therefore, to fight for life and death, we must use our best.

"Boom boom boom!"

The muffled sound continued to resound. At this moment, He Chenguang was at a disadvantage. Although Scorpion could not use his full strength, He Chenguang was still at a disadvantage.

After all, He Chenguang's experience is not so rich yet.

However, in the process of playing against the Scorpion, He Chenguang's experience in the battle was also rapidly improving, which made Yu Sheng couldn't help but sigh after watching it.

He Chenguang deserves to have the protagonist's aura, and he really has God's favor.

However, Yu Sheng has forgotten at this moment that he is still a wall hanging. Relatively speaking, it seems that his wall hanging is more favored by heaven. I have seen the protagonist's halo strong, but I have never seen the protagonist's halo so powerful.


The scorpion hit He Chenguang's chest with a punch. He Chenguang stepped back, his face was a bit unsightly, and his eyes showed anger.


He Chenguang didn't want his life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and hit Scorpion. Scorpion was furious when he saw this situation.

Damn, how did I provoke this kid, how did he look such a deep hatred.

What kind of hatred, what kind of resentment, so desperately.

Scorpion thought of this, and he immediately started to act unambiguously. It was a fatal move. He also gave up the last hope. The other party would definitely not let him go so easily. Instead of this, it is better to hold He Chenguang or kill He. Chenguang, even before he died, he slapped his back.

However, at this moment...

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(End of this chapter)

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