I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 249: Don't bring such a bully

Scorpion's hand quickly squeezed toward He Chenguang's neck. In such a scene, He Chenguang didn't even react. He wanted to resist, but it was too late.

Because at this moment Scorpion's hand was about to come to He Chenguang's front.


At this moment, a gunshot suddenly sounded, and the sudden situation caused a pause in the hand that originally wanted to attack He Chenguang.

Immediately afterwards, a heart-piercing pain came into his mind, which made the scorpion furious.

"It was shot."

Obviously, this shot was fired for the rest of his life.

Scorpion looked at Yu Sheng suddenly, his left hand was covering the arm of his right hand, and the severe pain made him almost scream.

The big beads of sweat flowed down the scorpion's forehead, leaving a lot of injuries on his body, but this does not mean that he is not afraid of pain.

Scorpion stared at Yu Sheng angrily: "You shoot, you don't speak credit."

Yu Sheng opened the mouth with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I accidentally wiped the gun and misfired. You don't know that I was just wiping the gun. Who knows this accidental misfire?"

"I can’t blame me for this. Don’t worry. When I go back, I’ll definitely apply to my superiors for a new weapon. This gun will be able to escape fire. The quality of this weapon is not good enough. I will definitely ask those weapon experts to calculate the account. This is too bad, how can weapons escape casually."

For the rest of his life, Scorpion staggered and almost fainted with anger.

Oh shit.


Are you crazy? Mischief? I believe in your ghost.

At this moment, your girl is holding a gun, and your index finger is holding the trigger. Your uncle, you told me to wipe the gun and misfire? Can you believe this?

This is obviously staring.


At this moment, He Chenguang jumped up and kicked the scorpion's chest fiercely. The scorpion was kicked somersault. He Chenguang did not let the scorpion go, and kicked again towards the scorpion. .

With his arm injured, Scorpion lost more than half of his combat power. Facing He Chenguang's stormy attacks, Scorpion was not his opponent at all.

"Boom boom boom..."

The muffled sound kept coming, and He Chenguang punched Scorpion with a punch, and every punch was full of anger. His father was killed by the Scorpion. It can be said to be the vengeance of killing his father.

After beating for a while, Scorpion was also a little dying. When Yu Sheng saw the situation in front of him, he also sighed slightly: "Enough."

The words of the rest of his life made He Chenguang stop abruptly. He Chenguang's face was already covered with tears at this moment. He Chenguang took a deep breath and calmed his heart as much as possible.

Yu Sheng looked at He Chenguang, he didn't laugh at He Chenguang, because if it were him, he would do the same.

Yu Sheng paused and said: "Clean up your mood, Scorpion will definitely be punished."

He Chenguang nodded slightly and said, "I will, but I still have to thank you."

"We are comrades-in-arms." Yu Sheng smiled and said.

"Yes, we are comrades-in-arms." He Chenguang said solemnly.

"Let's take the scorpion away. The living scorpion is more useful than the dead scorpion. Our law will surely make him fall for the law, so I will wrong you." Yu Sheng said.

"Not wronged." He Chenguang said: "For the country, we are willing to give up everything."

Yu Sheng nodded slightly. He looked at the scorpion. At this moment, the scorpion was beaten so miserably, he looked dizzy, and his eyes were almost swollen out of sight.

It can be seen that He Chenguang does not show any mercy to Scorpion.

No mercy for the rest of his life, such a guy should have died.

Keeping him is also a scourge to the world.


At this time, Fan Tianlei and the others also came here, and when Fan Tianlei and the others came here, they also saw the person lying on the ground.

However, the scorpion was beaten into a pig's head, and for a while, everyone at the scene was almost unrecognized. It was Fan Tianlei who recognized the scorpion.


Fan Tianlei exclaimed, and immediately looked at Scorpion with a sharp expression, with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

He also hates scorpions abnormally.

Unexpectedly, the scorpion actually broke the law, and was beaten like this.

Yu Sheng watched Fan Tianlei. He had watched TV series. In the last episode, Scorpion hijacked Fan Tianlei's lover. Finally, he pulled the grenade away and died under the grenade in order to save his lover.

However, this time, Fan Tianlei was not dead.

It was also because of his existence that caused some changes in the main line of the special forces world.

"Yes, he is Scorpion." Yu Sheng replied: "Scorpion has already broken the law, how are our people?"

"We are all right." Fan Tianlei said immediately.

But what excited Fan Tianlei most was the scorpion in front of him. He tried his best to catch the scorpion, but the scorpion was too cunning, he couldn't catch the scorpion at all.

Now that the scorpion is defying the law, how can he not be excited, and the hatred for so many years has finally been reported.

He has been living in pain for these years. If it weren't for him, his good partner would not die in the end. It is precisely because of him that led to his tragic death.

So he fell into deep self-blame.

This is also the reason why he has tried so hard to kill Scorpion over the years. Now that Scorpion is dead, his heart knot can be considered as solved.

Yu Sheng said: "Now arrest the scorpion and leave here."


Xu Tianlong and Wang Yanbing quickly walked to Xie Zi's side and set him up.

"My brain...what the **** did you do to beat the scorpion into this kind of virtue, this time it is really a scorpion and he can't recognize it." Wang Yanbing looked at such a miserable scorpion, and sighed. Shook his head.

The scorpion at this moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is really quite miserable.

"It's just a mess." Xu Tianlong spit out his own mantra casually: "But...if I change to me, maybe I will do it again..."

"The rest of my life is really a pervert... A Demon Shadow and a Scorpion were all killed by him alone. The most important thing is that he still caught the Scorpion alive." Wang Yanbing said with a sigh.

"Yes... In the previous training, he was a pervert. On the battlefield, this guy is a complete killing machine. Whoever encounters it is unlucky." Xu Tianlong sighed.

"The demon girl is still amazing." Li Erniu couldn't help but sighed: "I can become as powerful as the demon girl in the future."

"just you……"

Wang Yanbing glanced at Li Erniu, and said silently: "After doing it for a long time, you haven't done that tank. You are ashamed to say that you surpass Yaoji, and wait until when you have done the tank."

Li Erniu blushed, and said with some fear: "I...I really can't do that tank..."

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