I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 399: Red blood cells are miserably abused

Fan Tianlei's expression was a little unnatural, Yang Tianye was fighting with him, he was naturally clear, and similarly, he was also fighting with Yang Tianye.

However, what made him somewhat unexpected was that Yang Tianye would come to him at this time and challenge the red blood cells.

For the rest of his life, the people with the strongest red blood cells are He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing.

Relatively speaking, it is naturally a little bit worse.

However, after experiencing the baptism of the hunter students and the battlefield, the combat effectiveness of the red blood cell students has soared.

However, compared with Yang Tianye's players, it is still a little worse.

The Sirius Commando is a well-trained and sophisticated unit.

All of them are veterans on the battlefield, and they have gone through countless battlefields to form the most sophisticated Sirius commando team today.

The Sirius Commando can be said to be fed from the battlefield.

At this point, the members of the red blood cell team are obviously much worse than the Sirius assault team.

However, Fan Tianlei would feel at ease if he were to spend the rest of his life.

Every time, the rest of his life can create miracles. If the rest of his life is there, he also has confidence. After all, for the rest of his life, he killed the Flying Dragon Special Brigade alone.

"Chief of Staff, I want to compete with them again." He Chenguang couldn't help but shout loudly.

"Yes, Chief of Staff, I also want to try again with them." Wang Yanbing looked at Yang Tianye with red eyes and shouted.

Fan Tianlei looked at Yang Tianye deeply when he heard the words.

Fan Tianlei could see that He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were not opponents of the Sirius Commando at all. Even if they competed again, the result was the same.

Because He Chenguang always had a gap with them, he also knew that He Chenguang wanted to keep the honor of the red blood cell team.

For a while, Fan Tianlei also had a slight headache.

For the rest of his life, he was destined to be slapped in the face by the Sirius Commando today.

Yang Tianye glanced at He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing casually, and said with a smile: "Lao Fan, you two soldiers are good, but they are worth training."

"Maybe in the future, it's another soldier's material."

Having said that, Yang Tianye smiled and looked at He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, and said casually: "You two, how about coming to my Sirius Commando?"

"I think you have also seen the strength of our Sirius assault team."

"In a year, the number of missions performed by our Sirius assault team is at least ten or more. Every soldier can be said to be a veteran of a hundred battles. Coming to us, for you, it will improve faster and change. Stronger."

"How about it?"

Yang Tianye dug He Chenguang and others directly in front of Fan Tianlei, which made Fan Tianlei's expression even more unnatural.

Damn, this old boy is too much.

Actually digging his own soldiers in front of his own face.

When was his old fan pried over the corner? In the old days, but only when he pried other people's corners.

Now Yang Tianye, the old boy, is prying his corner in front of him, which makes Fan Tianlei also angry.

"Lao Yang, you are going too far. Who doesn't know that each of you Sirius is an elite. It hasn't been long since my red blood cell team was established. Besides, your soldiers are all fighting on the battlefield, my soldiers. If it passes, it will be very unaccustomed."

Although Fan Tianlei said very euphemistically, but with rejection in euphemism, he didn't want Yang Tianye to continue speaking. If He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were really moved, it would be troublesome.

"Look at what you said." Yang Tianye laughed and said: "As a soldier, naturally you have to go to the battlefield, and the battlefield is their final destination."

"Moreover, no matter who it is, only on the battlefield can he grow rapidly and become stronger."

Yang Tianye's words made Fan Tianlei's face black.

"How? Do you want to come over to me Sirius?" Yang Tianye smiled and stared at He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, and said: "Sirius is your ultimate home. If you want, you can come directly to my Sirius assault. Team, as for Lao Fan, don’t worry, I will take care of the rest."

When Fan Tianlei heard it, he was so angry.

There are only a few good seedlings in his own red blood cells. If Yang Tianye pryed away both He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, it would be fine.

Unbearable, unbearable.

"Feel sorry."

He Chenguang said: "I am a person of red blood cells when I am born, and death is a ghost of red blood cells. We don't want to leave the red blood cells."

"Me too." Wang Yanbing also said loudly.

The words of He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing made Fan Tianlei feel happy. This is the soldier he trained, and the soldier he trained is definitely not ungrateful.

Fan Tianlei glanced at Yang Tianye a little, as if provoking.

It seems to be saying, don't worry about it in vain, my red blood cell soldiers will never go to your Sirius, so you should save your worry.


Yang Tianye shook his head slightly: "It's a pity."

As soon as Yang Tianye said this, Fan Tianlei's face became even more black, and said, "Old Yang, what's a pity here? He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing are my red blood cell soldiers, and their two will become stronger and stronger. What a pity."

"Haha." Yang Tianye laughed and said, "I don't mean it like that."

"Who didn't know that your golden eagle is very good at training soldiers. Back then, a hundred bullets killed 101 enemies."

Fan Tianlei glanced at Yang Tianye, and said casually: "Lao Yang, you came to my red blood cell, isn't it the person who challenged my red blood cell?"

When Yang Tianye heard the words, he smiled and said: "How can I challenge the people of red blood cells? This is called a competition. Everyone is a soldier. A discussion can promote learning and make faster progress."

When Fan Tianlei heard this, he almost yelled at him. This Yang Tianye is simply a villain, grandson.

"By the way, Luo Yi, you come out. I remember that you haven't challenged you yet. Come and discuss and exchange ideas with the people in the red blood cell team. Only by communicating more can there be room for improvement."

Yang Tianye glanced at the man who was as strong as an iron tower.

The muscular lines on this man's body are huge~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, he is like a human-shaped tank, and his body is full of explosive power.

That terrible explosive power makes people feel scared.

because of this.

This man would be called a tank.

Yes, the tank is his code name.

As soon as the tank came out, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing all stared at the tank with solemn expressions, especially Xu Tianlong, whose expressions changed again and again.

"It's a mess. With such a big man, one punch can kill someone, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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