I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 400: Return for the rest of his life

This person's body is full of violent explosive power. If this terrible power is hammered on a person, I am afraid that no one can bear it. "He Chenguang said with some fear.

"My brain." Wang Yanbing couldn't help but glanced at this man, and said condensedly: "This man is very powerful, who of us is on it?"

"I...I'm coming." Li Erniu couldn't help but said: "Chenguang, you and Yanbing are on, let me come next."

"Er Niu, this person is very strong, can you do it?" Song Kaifei couldn't help but said.

"I try." Li Erniu couldn't help but said.

"Report." Li Erniu said loudly.


Seeing this, Fan Tianlei couldn't help saying.

"I want to compare with him." Li Erniu pointed to the tank and said loudly.

"You want to compare with him?" Fan Tianlei glanced at Li Erniu and couldn't help but said.

"Yes, I want to compare with him." Li Erniu said.

Fan Tianlei's expression was a little unnatural. He knew what was going on with Li Erniu. However, with Li Erniu's true strength, it basically depends on luck to defeat the tank.

Didn't he have never seen the tank? This guy is on the battlefield, that is, a humanoid tank, especially the terrifying power, which can kill a person with a single blow.

There used to be such a person who broke five ribs with a punch.

There is even one person whose breastbone should have been broken directly by him.

One can imagine how terrifying the tank is.

If Li Erniu fights with tanks, the obvious rhythm is to be abused.

Fan Tianlei scolded Yang Tianye in his heart. This guy is simply a lack of heart and morality.


Yang Tianye said in surprise: "This soldier is good and has courage."

"Lao Fan, you think this soldier in your family is going to make a move, why don't you let them both try?" Yang Tianye said openly: "Don't worry, you can't hurt him. Tank fights are still known in my heart."

"Try it." Fan Tianlei took a deep breath after hearing this. He felt that if Yang Tianye continued to wait here, he would be able to be mad to death.

This Yang Tianye is simply too irritating.


Li Erniu said loudly.

Then Li Erniu stood up and looked at the tank in front of him. For a moment, everyone gave way to two people. Li Erniu stared directly at the tank and said: "Let me come. Try you."

The tank glanced at Li Erniu with some contempt, smiled plainly, and said, "You are not my opponent. If you fight with me, you are asking for hardship."

"How do you know if you haven't played yet?" Li Erniu said in a naive way.

"Then try." The tank sneered, and immediately, two cold glows shot out from a pair of eyes, the cold glow was like an ice cave, which made Li Erniu feel a trace of coldness.

Obviously, this is pressure from the tank.

Li Erniu stared at the tank with fear, and said, "Go ahead."

The tank glanced at Li Erniu, smiled coldly, took a step forward, and blasted towards Li Erniu with a punch.

With a fist, the fist wind howled, this punch was enough to hammer a small tree off.

It can be seen that the tank did not keep its hands, but went all out.

The tank shot, opened and closed, there is a feeling of a force that will drop ten times.

Upon seeing this, Li Erniu put his hands on his chest.

Obviously, Li Erniu wanted to force this blow.

"not good……"

He Chenguang's face changed slightly: "Li Erniu is going to suffer."

"Er Niu, be careful." Wang Yanbing couldn't help reminding from the side.

Both of them knew that the combat effectiveness of the tank was mainly derived from his superpower. This strength could be said to be a force for ten times. As long as he hits him, he can be beaten to death by him.

This guy Li Erniu was so stupid that he wanted to shake the tank hard.

How is this different from looking for death?


Under these countless gazes, the fist of the tank and Li Erniu's arms smashed together, terrifying power burst out, and Li Erniu's face finally changed.

"Boom boom boom..."

Li Erniu’s body kept retreating, and backed a few steps before it was able to stabilize his figure. Li Erniu's arms trembled slightly. Obviously, the tank just hit him not lightly and almost hit him. Fractured.

"Ha ha."

Upon seeing this, the tank smiled plainly and said: "You are not my opponent, I think it should end here."

"I...I'm okay." Li Erniu's voice trembled.

Obviously, the tank just gave him a hard punch.

Tank glanced at Li Erniu, shook his head slightly, and there was a little disdain in his eyes.

Basically none of the members of the red blood cell team can fight, and these people are still too young, even if they have experienced the baptism of the battlefield, they are just a rookie.

And they were veterans of a hundred battles, if they had not experienced thirty battles, they would not be able to join them Sirius, and the elite of them, Sirius, had not experienced about a hundred battles.

This is the terrible thing about Sirius.

Fight with war! Only by constant fighting can you become stronger.

The appearance of the tank was seen by He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, all of them glared at him. He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others all stared directly at the tank.

"Damn, it would be nice if the rest of my life were here." Wang Yanbing couldn't help but cursed.

"Yeah..." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but said, "If the rest of his life is here, you can definitely call these guys Dad."

For the rest of their lives, they have full self-confidence. If these people are abnormal, then the rest of their lives is a metamorphosis in the metamorphosis, but... for the rest of their lives, they are still performing tasks and appearing here is obviously not realistic.

"After this incident, I will definitely train fiercely." Wang Yanbing gritted his teeth and said a little bit fiercely.

"It must be trained." He Chenguang said with a serious face.

Obviously, they are also a little angry about this, but they are not opponents of these people, so they can only use training to make themselves stronger.

"Old Fan, you soldier, it seems that you still can't do it."

Yang Tianye saw this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a smile on his face, smiled and looked at Fan Tianlei.

"But this soldier's physical fitness is good, and he can withstand a punch from the tank, not bad, not bad." Yang Tianye continued.

Yang Tianye's words were heard in Fan Tianlei's ears, but Fan Tianlei felt very piercing. This guy was simply too damnable. It was obvious that he was here to find fault.

But he had no way to organize Yang Tianye.

Fan Tianlei stared at Yang Tianye with a slightly unkind expression. Yang Tianye didn't seem to have seen it. Yang Tianye said in a bit of a cry: "Old Fan, or you soldiers, you can give me training."


But at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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