He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others all seemed to have seen something, and they all looked forward.

"The rest of my life is here."

Xu Tianlong exclaimed.

The sudden voice also made Fan Tianlei and Yang Tianye stunned.

However, immediately afterwards, a smile appeared on Fan Tianlei's face. Fan Tianlei immediately looked in another direction. As expected, the rest of his life was running towards this side.

When Fan Tianlei saw this familiar face, his face was finally full of smiles.

"The rest of my life is back." Wang Yanbing's face is also a little excited: "The rest of my life is back, our red blood cells, we don't need to continue to be ashamed."

"Great." Song Kaifei also said a little excitedly: "The rest of my life is here, enough to abuse this **** Sirius without knowing them."

The arrival of the rest of his life attracted the attention of many people, and even Yang Tianye looked in the direction Fan Tianlei and the others were looking at.

This made Yang Tianye stunned slightly.

"Who is this guy?"

Obviously, he didn't know the existence of Yu Sheng, and he didn't know who Yu Sheng was, so when he saw Yu Sheng, he was a little confused.

"Do you know him?" Yang Tianye asked, looking at Ye Feng next to him.

"I don't know." Ye Feng shook his head slightly.

At this moment, Fan Tianlei straightened his waist and immediately looked at Yang Tianye with a smile, and said, "Lao Yang, don't you want to continue the competition?"

"Okay... our red blood cells have responded to your request and continue to compare with you."

Upon hearing this, Yang Tianye glanced at Fan Tianlei in surprise.

What happened to Fan Tianlei just now, he knows best, but just now Fan Tianlei obviously didn't intend to continue the competition. After losing so many games, if he was replaced by him, he would not continue the competition.

Because it makes no sense at all.

What I didn't expect was.

At this time, Fan Tianlei seemed to be resurrected with full blood, and his whole person became different, which made Yang Tianye look stunned.

This guy has changed too much, right? Is it because of the young man in front of him?

"Are you serious?" Yang Tianye glanced at Fan Tianlei hesitantly and couldn't help but said.

"Not bad." When Fan Tianlei saw this, he laughed for a while, he stared at Yang Tianye straightly, and said, "Did you see the person in front?"

"That is also your red blood cell?" Yang Tianye said.


Fan Tianlei said with some pride.

He was personally trained for the rest of his life. Of course he was extremely proud. Fan Tianlei said, "This is also my red blood cell soldier, codenamed Demon Ji."

"He had a mission before, so he was not here. Now it seems that his mission is completed."

He naturally knew what tasks he had for the rest of his life.

Yu Sheng went to help Leng Feng find Long Xiaoyun. Seeing Yu Sheng's return, according to his thoughts, Long Xiaoyun might have been found.

"The rest of your life, come here."

Fan Tianlei said loudly.

Upon hearing this, Yu Sheng ran towards Fan Tianlei quickly, but Yu Sheng's eyes were slightly surprised and surprised.

Why are there so many people here.

And looking at the situation in front of you, these people are not their red blood cells. Could it be that red blood cells are recruiting people again?

Yu Sheng quickly came to Fan Tianlei's side. At this time, he looked at Fan Tianlei and Yang Tianye beside him, and immediately said loudly, "The chief is good."

The rest of his life was a little surprised.

Because there was a military rank hanging on Yang Tianye's chest, and this military rank turned out to be two bars and four stars, Yu Sheng took a breath, and he did not expect a large colonel to appear here, which is remarkable.

Fan Tianlei's military rank is nothing more than a colonel, and this person is one level higher than Fan Tianlei. If this is higher, then he is a proper general.

"Yu Sheng, is your task completed?" Fan Tianlei looked at Yu Sheng, with joy on his face, so he wanted to give Yu Sheng a hard kiss.

This kid, it's raining just in time, it's too timely.

"No." Yu Sheng said, suddenly.

After that, Yu Sheng looked at Yang Tianye, a little hesitant, not knowing whether to report.

"You can just say it directly. They have all gone through harsh training and won't talk about things." Fan Tianlei glanced at Yang Tianye and others before opening his mouth.

He could see what the rest of his life was worried about.

Although he and Yang Tianye are somewhat at odds, but... they are all special forces of China, and it is naturally impossible to tell some secrets.

The reason why they are not in harmony is that they are not in harmony in strength.

In fact, they are also very good friends.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he was relieved, and immediately said: "I went there, but I didn't find Captain Dragon. Even Leng Feng didn't know where Captain Dragon was."

"However, there are people from China Huaxia who have encountered some minor troubles, so I followed to deal with it and came back late." Yu Sheng said.

"It's not too late, it's not too late."

Fan Tianlei smiled upon hearing the words and said, "Okay, I know about this, and other things, wait a minute."

Then Fan Tianlei looked at Yang Tianye again and said, "This person is Yang Tianye, Colonel Yang. He has a Sirius assault team under him, and it happens to be in our red blood cell to ask for advice."

"For the rest of my life, now I give you a task, that is to knock down all the people of Sirius. There is no problem, right?"

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he was slightly taken aback, and immediately said: "Guaranteed to complete the task."

Yu Sheng gave Yang Tianye and the others a surprised look. This person turned out to be the captain of the Sirius assault team, which was really interesting.

What made him even more surprised was that Fan Tianlei seemed to have an antagonism with Yang Tianye... Otherwise, why would Fan Tianlei ask him to teach Sirius?

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng thought of something, and secretly thought: "Could it be that... these people are here to play in red blood cells again?"

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng felt that it was really possible.

Otherwise, Fan Tianlei would not look like this.

"For the rest of my life, give them a good lesson and let them know how good my red blood cells are." Wang Yanbing couldn't help but reminded: "Just now several of us were damaged by Sirius. You can't lose~www .wuxiaspot.com~Yes, yes, you have to give us red blood cells a long face for the rest of your life." He Chenguang said.

"Teach them a lesson." Song Kaifei couldn't help but said, "For the rest of my life, it's up to you next."

"come on."

Yu Sheng glanced at He Chenguang and the others. Hearing what they said, he immediately understood that these people are here to choose places...

It seems that He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing have suffered from these people.

Yu Sheng showed a look that made them feel relieved. Then Yu Sheng's gaze fell on Yang Tianye, Sirius and the others, and Yu Sheng said loudly: "Langya Red Blood Cell Team, Demon Girl, come to ask for advice."

(End of this chapter)

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