I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 727: Hacker attack

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"That's troublesome?" Yu Sheng asked.

"It's troublesome." Li Xueqi's pretty face became extremely ugly: "In the past, people from some countries specialized in resisting these foreign invaders, but... I don't know what happened this time. The enemies we encountered were very strong. Some people can't stop these hackers."

"Is there no defense system here?" Yu Sheng frowned again.

Logically speaking, the defense system of this network should be very powerful. After all, this is an important national research institute. The research here is related to state secrets. If there is no defense, it is impossible. Generally speaking, similar to this kind of place, it should be strictly guarded and extremely strong, just like a fortress.

Someone can break through?

According to Yu Sheng’s knowledge, China has a supercomputer. This supercomputer cannot be attacked by any hacker. The main reason is the calculation speed of the supercomputer. It is really too fast, and other computers simply can’t keep up with it. The operating speed, coupled with various special firewalls, etc., is as difficult as breaking through.

But if there is a firewall on this supercomputer, it would be as difficult for the enemy to break through.

This situation has also surprised Yu Sheng.

"Yes." Li Xueqi said solemnly.

"There is a very powerful firewall here, but... these hackers are extremely powerful. Our firewall can't stop them. Now our firewall is about to be breached. Our people are still guarding against those people. So we have to delete the information here as soon as possible."


When Yu Sheng heard this, he was in a daze, and said in shock: "Is it gone if I deleted it?"

"No way." Li Xueqi took a deep breath and said: "This is also a last resort. If these materials fall into the enemy's hands, the blow to us will be even greater. Maybe the enemy will follow this. Things have developed other things...We can’t leave any information to the enemy."

"Take me over and have a look." Yu Sheng made a decisive and solemn voice.


Li Xueqi glanced suspiciously at Yu Sheng, then hesitated, then said: "Okay, you come with me."

When the voice fell, Li Xueqi swiftly moved in one direction, Yu Sheng and Fan Tianlei also followed.

At this time, the people in the entire laboratory were in a hurry. Obviously, the hacker's actions this time were really not small, and it made everyone present panic.

For the rest of my life at this time, I also came to a studio. This place had a lot of computers. From the looks of it, all the computers here are top-of-the-line computers.

Even, there are some computers here that have not appeared on the market. Yu Sheng knows that these computers are probably better than any kind of computers on the market.

He knows that these businesses will not update their computers too quickly, and national research will not release these top-of-the-line computers, because once the computers are researched by the enemy, it will be very troublesome.

Therefore, these things can only be released after being eliminated.

This is also no way.

But for now, these things on the market are enough. After all, even if these top-notch computers are released, there are very few people who can afford them.

Yu Sheng looked at the people here. There were probably more than a dozen people, all wearing military uniforms. Obviously they were all nationals. They were a team, a team specializing in network management.

But these people were sweating profusely in anxiety, and it seemed that the other party was very powerful.

"Xueqi, you are here too." Zhang Haiguo at this moment saw Li Xueqi and said softly.

"Professor Zhang, how are things now?" Li Xueqi asked hastily.

"The situation is not very optimistic. The people here are resisting the enemy's offensively, but listen to them, the enemy's offensive is very tricky and powerful, and they have not yet been able to solve the enemy."

"Then what should we do?" Li Xueqi asked hurriedly.

"Maybe, you have to delete the things here, but it will take a while to delete these things..." Zhang Haiguo's face was also a little unsightly.

There are too many things here, and they did not leave any backups at all. After all, once there is a backup, it is easy to circulate. In order to prevent data leakage, no one is allowed to back up any data here.

Once discovered, they will face legal sanctions.

"Professor, once these things are deleted, it may take us several years to restore these materials." Li Xueqi's expression was also a little unnatural.

"Oh no……"

At this moment, there was an exclamation resounding, which made Zhang Haiguo, Li Xueqi and others, their faces changed. They are scientists and don’t know much about computer programs, so they can’t help at this moment. What busy.

"What's wrong?"

"The enemy is about to break." It was a second lieutenant who spoke.

From the grade point of view, this person is probably less than 30 years old, and he can reach a little military rank, which is quite good.


When Zhang Haiguo and others heard this, all their faces sank, and their most worried thing happened. Once the information is deleted, it will take a long time for them to restore it.

However, if these materials are not destroyed, they are likely to be used by the enemy. Instead of this, it is better to destroy these materials.

"Second Lieutenant Zhang, in any case, I have to delay for an hour. As long as I delay for an hour, I can delete all the information here." Zhang Haiguo hurriedly said.

"It's difficult~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lieutenant Zhang changed his hands quickly, typing on the keyboard, and Lieutenant Zhang was also anxious, saying: "The enemy's offensive is very sharp. He is a very powerful master. Now, I can't stop them. One hour, half an hour at most..."

"Half an hour."

As soon as he said this, Zhang Haiguo's expression became even more unnatural, half an hour was not enough, he had to block it for an hour.

Unexpectedly, things would turn out to be like this, Zhang Haiguo said: "I will delete immediately..."

Yu Sheng watched the scene in front of him, his expression condensed. At this time, he suddenly said, "Professor Zhang, why don't you let me try."


The sudden voice resounded, which caused Zhang Haiguo, Li Xueqi and others to be taken aback, and then looked towards Yu Sheng...

There was a little consternation in their eyes.

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