, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

at the same time.

In this place abroad.

This is a black room. There is a mess in this room, but there are several LCD screens. Obviously, this is a computer.

It's just that there is more than one computer here.

In front of this computer, there was this person. This person quickly changed his hands, typing on the keyboard, and a series of codes appeared on the screen, but these codes were not understood by ordinary people.

This person is obviously a foreigner.

But if someone knew his id, he would definitely gather all his eyes.

Because of this person, he is called Dark Night.

The mention of this person's name makes the enemy frightened in this hacker world, because this person is well-known in this world, and even many people call him second.

Yes, this so-called second is the ranking in the hacker world, and he ranks second.

It can be seen how terrifying this person is.

Dark night has left behind various legends in the hacker world. These legends are frightening. So far, no one knows whether Dark Night is male or female.

Because no one can find the location of the night.

"Tsk tsk."

With a smile on his face, Heiye murmured: "China's firewall is indeed a bit powerful, but...it can’t help me in the night. This time, I united the three masters to deal with you. I don’t believe it. , A small laboratory, can still stop our joint attack."

"In another half an hour, I will definitely obtain the authority of the other party's administrator. At that time, all these materials will be his... As long as he sells these materials, he can make a lot of money."

Thinking of this, the night can't help but feel a little excited.

This time, in order to attack the laboratory, they spent a huge price, and even combined Ace and Scarlet Flower to attack the laboratory.

"Ace, Scarlet Flower, we are attacking quickly. We have to break through their defense system within half an hour and get the information."

Dark night sent a message out quickly.

In other places, after two people received this news, they responded one after another, and immediately, their offense became even sharper.


And China at this time.

When Yu Sheng said this sentence, Zhang Haiguo, Li Xueqi and others all took a look at Yu Sheng, and Li Xueqi said: "Yu Sheng, this is not a joke, although you are very talented in weapon manufacturing. But this does not mean that you are also very talented on the computer."

Li Xueqi's words made Yu Sheng smile slightly, and said, "I'll try it. Now this situation, no matter how bad it is, it won't go anywhere."

"What's more, there are so many people around me watching. I am not more than one person, and I am less than a lot of people."

Yu Sheng's words made Zhang Haiguo silent for a while, and immediately said: "Okay, you can try it. As long as you can hold them back and extend the time as much as possible, we can destroy as many data as we can, and it definitely cannot be cheap. these people."

"Don't use it yet."

After thinking about it for the rest of his life, he said, "Wait for me to look at it."

Yu Sheng's words stunned Zhang Haiguo, but Zhang Haiguo shook his head slightly and didn't say much. What he needs now is to delete these data as soon as possible. These data must not be leaked.

Yu Sheng quickly came to a computer. Yu Sheng glanced at the computer and took a deep breath. His hands quickly tapped the keyboard.

Over time, Yu Sheng discovered that his hacking skills could not stop the enemy's attack, which made Yu Sheng's expression a little unnatural.

His hacking skills come from the system, but at present, his hacking skills are elementary, even if they are elementary, they are still much better than some people, but they have not reached the top in the world.

For the rest of my life, I never expected that the enemy would be so tricky.

At this time, Lieutenant Zhang looked at Yu Sheng and immediately said: "The enemy is attacking us in three areas, and this time, at least hundreds of people are attacking us. Among them, three are the most powerful. If I expected it to be good, These people are well-known hackers all over the world."

"Especially this guy's sharp play style just now, I am afraid it is Dark Night, in the world, as long as Dark Night's play is the sharpest, this guy ranks second in the world."

"The other two people may be Scarlet Flowers and Ace."

"Now, our strength can't resist the world-class master of the other party at all. It takes 15 minutes for the enemy to break through our firewall and obtain administrator privileges. Then the enemy will copy all the data away."

Second Lieutenant Zhang's face was extremely ugly. Although his skills were considered good, he was still far behind these world-class masters.

At this moment, the other side of the computer, the dark night and the blood-colored flowers, etc., all showed excitement, because they knew that they could break through the firewall of this laboratory in 15 minutes at most. They can copy the information inside.

They can also sell these materials to various countries, and they will have a lot of money in their hands.

For a while, the night and others all became a little excited.

Everyone was excited.

At this time, the rest of his life was also resisting the attacks of these hackers, and Yu Sheng's brows were constantly frowning, because his attacks could not resist these guys at all.

"Horse eggs."

Yu Sheng couldn't help but cursed secretly, this group of guys were really men to deal with.

"Didi, system task."

At this moment, a rush of voice resounded in Yu Sheng's mind, and the sudden voice also surprised Yu Sheng.

"Protecting the home and defending the country~www.wuxiaspot.com~ protect the information here, and reward military merits according to the host’s performance level, up to 10,000 military merits."


After Yu Sheng listened to this sentence, even Yu Sheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This was the first time he saw so much military merit.

In the old days, it was rare to see a thousand, not to mention this ten thousand military merit... Good guy, this is terrible...

Ten thousand military merits... This is a full ten thousand military merits. With this ten thousand military merits, how many good things he can buy, and how many times he can refresh the mall.

This time, it was so rich...

For a while, Yu Sheng became a little excited, but in the same way, Yu Sheng is not stupid. This time the system has produced such a big reward, and the enemy faced this time must be not simple.

However, what can be done even if it is not simple.

"System, accept the task immediately."

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