I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 734: You exposed

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"With this firewall, our laboratory is solid." Zhang Lieutenant said.

"So, our laboratory is all right?" Li Xueqi asked with some surprise.

"Not bad." Second Lieutenant Zhang nodded slightly. At this time, Second Lieutenant Zhang couldn't help but look at Zhang Haiguo and asked, "Lao Zhang, where did you find this? If such technology can stay in the army, it will help us If the country works for..."

Hearing this, Zhang Haiguo sighed and said helplessly: "He is a special soldier."

"Special forces?"

When Lieutenant Zhang heard these words, he was a little dumbfounded for a while, and said unbelievably, "What you said is true?"

"Yeah." Zhang Haiguo nodded slightly.

"The special forces are so strong?"

Second Lieutenant Rao is very knowledgeable. For a while, he couldn't believe it. He didn't know the special forces. Sometimes, he often went to some special military districts to help with some systems, but...these special forces said Strong, it is only strong in combat effectiveness, this does not mean that they are also so strong in computer technology.

Judging from the strength of this guy's computer, he doesn't look like a special soldier at all.

Zhang Lieutenant looked dumbfounded.

At this time, Yu Sheng quickly tracked the ips of some of them. Yu Sheng's tracking technology can be described as unpredictable. Yu Sheng's tracking technology is very concealed. Sometimes, when you can't imagine it, you can track the other party's. The ip address and ip address are exposed, which also causes the identity of the other party to be exposed.

In this way, they can quickly lock each other.

After all, hackers cannot be exposed, and once they see the light, they will undoubtedly die.

At this time, Yu Sheng found a series of ip addresses. He compiled these ip addresses into a file. After cleaning up these guys, Yu Sheng focused on finding the ip addresses of the other three guys.

Yu Sheng knew that the ips of these three guys belonged to the three of Ace, and these three guys were still quite difficult.

Because the other party is very cunning, they used a lot of ip to disguise themselves, so as to confuse the enemy, but... Although these guys are very strong, they are still a little short of his intermediate hacker skills.

His intermediate hacking skills have almost made him enter the ranks of the world's top hackers, especially this new type of text and code, for these people, it is simply deadly.

For the rest of my life, I feel vaguely that if I can be promoted to become a senior hacker, my own hacking skills will probably make the world frightened.

Of course, even if he is frightened, the rest of his life will not do anything to sorry the country.

Because he is a soldier.

Yu Sheng quickly tracked it down, but at this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly discovered that a person was still attacking and testing himself, which made Yu Sheng a little surprised.

For a while, Yu Sheng laughed.

He is worrying about how to track these three guys. If these three guys escape together... he is really not very good at tracking them. I am afraid that one will escape when the time comes.

Unexpectedly, at this time, someone was trying to test him. This was simply a godsend opportunity.

Immediately, Yu Sheng did not hesitate, his hands quickly changed, and afterimages flickered, and Yu Sheng quickly compiled a set of programs on this computer.

at the same time!

Ace is facing the computer, attacking the firewall for the rest of his life with all his strength. He wants to analyze the firewall and see what it means.

But at this moment.

He suddenly discovered that his computer had been attacked, and the moment his computer was attacked, Ace was horrified to realize that he hadn't even realized it.

"How can it be……"

For a while, Ace was a little panicked, you know, he is a hacker, and now his computer has been compromised by the other party, which means that his IP is very likely to be exposed to the other party's sight.

Thinking of this, Ace also feels cold in his hands and feet.

On this network, they can turn their hands on the rain, but in this reality, they are just ordinary people...

When encountering such a thing, they naturally have an inexplicable fear.

next moment!

Ace suddenly realized that his computer was out of control. This sudden situation made Ace's face change drastically: "It's not good..."

Then, Ace saw that a door appeared on his computer. This door was the legendary Nantian Gate.

The sudden entrance of the gate made Ace's expression change drastically. Then, in the middle of the gate, a monkey appeared. I have to say that the rest of his life is still quite nasty.

This monkey looked like pointing the country, and Ace was a bit crazy looking at it.

At this moment, a line of text appeared under Ace's sight.

"You have been arrested."

As this line of text appeared, Ace’s pupils shrank. Immediately, Ace quickly left the computer and quickly packed his luggage. Obviously, he wanted to leave here quickly. He knew that his address was exposed. , The next thing you may face is the disaster of prison.

After all, he is a hacker.

No country will allow such uncontrolled people to appear.

Therefore, he must leave here as soon as possible.

at the same time.

The dark night and the blood-colored flowers ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were also shocked. They hurriedly withdrew from their IP. On the way, they made a lot of IPs to disguise themselves, wanting to get out of their bodies.

But...what they didn't expect was.

When they thought they had retired, they were shocked to find that their computer had also been poisoned...for a time, this made them all horrified and inexplicable.

Immediately, they also quickly turned off the computer, unplugged the power supply, and quickly packed their luggage. Obviously, they wanted to leave here...for fear of being found by someone.

At this time, after Yu Sheng collected the IPs of three people, there was a slight sneer between the corners of Yu Sheng’s mouth. Immediately, Yu Sheng quickly opened a website and hung these IP addresses directly at the top. Using his own technology, others can't modify his permissions at all, and now he is like the boss of this website.

With the exposure of these ip addresses, at this time, the entire network was exploded. Countless people were watching these ips one after another, which made them horrified, and those hackers who didn’t know what happened, After seeing that these ip addresses have their own addresses, all these hackers were taken aback.

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