I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 735: The shock of the hacker world

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They never dreamed that their IP was found out by someone, and it was also hung up on this website... This almost caused people all over the world to know the existence of this IP, that is to say... they are very Will soon become a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouts and screams...

Thinking of this, these hackers no longer dared to hesitate, hurriedly packed their luggage and fled away from their residence.

After solving these things, a sneer hung on the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth, and this matter finally came to an end...


With the exposure of these IPs, this has caused various countries to start to panic. There are countless police officers dispatched one after another. Obviously they are going to arrest these people.

After Yu Sheng finished all this, he was also a little relieved. At this time, Yu Sheng stood up, stretched his waist, and said, "It's done."

"This... is this over?"

At this time, all the people present were still looking at the rest of their lives in front of them with dumbfounded expressions, and their eyes were shocked and unbelievable.

"Ah, this is over?" Yu Sheng gave these people a puzzled look, and said, "Is there any problem?"

"Our laboratory data is kept?" Zhang Haiguo couldn't help asking.


Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and then slowly said: "Not only the data is preserved, but I also found out who is attacking our laboratory. Now I have directly linked the IP addresses of these people on the website. At this moment, it is estimated that people all over the world already know this, the ip of some people, I think, people in these countries should be arresting these hackers... But, will these hackers be taken by people in these countries? I don’t know how to use it."

"Very good."

Zhang Haiguo said happily, "Xiaoyu, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, this time, our laboratory would have suffered a huge loss."

However, Lieutenant Zhang and some other technicians were all dumbfounded. Lieutenant Zhang was full of shock and said: "You, you mean... you found all the hacker IPs that attacked the laboratory? "

"Not bad." Yu Sheng nodded slightly.


At this moment, Lieutenant Zhang and these technicians all took a breath of cold air. They all looked at Yu Sheng with a bit of shaking, and there was a strong shock in their eyes.

They were all frightened by Yu Sheng.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Zhang Haiguo looked at Zhang Lieutenant and the others with some confusion, and asked.

"The problem is big."

Zhang Lieutenant said with excitement: "Lao Zhang, you may not know. Finding the other party’s ip for the rest of your life is equivalent to locking the other party’s identity. That is to say, unless the other party changes their identity, otherwise... we can easily Find them."

"You know, there are a few of them who are the world's top hackers. Their hacking skills are terrifying, and even the world's second-ranked dark night."

"Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng was so powerful that he even found the ip address of Dark Night..."

"This kind of technology can be said to be against the sky."

Lieutenant Zhang couldn't help it anymore, looking at Yu Sheng with a little excitement, and said, "Yu Sheng, are you interested in coming to our technical department? Research systems in our military area?"

"As long as you are willing to come, I will definitely persuade our chief to give you the greatest rights."

Second Lieutenant Zhang is also a little moved, Yu Sheng, that is a computer talent, there are talents like Yu Sheng, where are they in China, where are they afraid of the enemy attacking their country?

After that, the rest of their lives can teach them how to behave.

However, when Fan Tianlei saw this scene at this time, his old face was dark. He found that no matter where he went for the rest of his life, someone would always dig his wall.

Unexpectedly, even a small second lieutenant would dare to pry him into the corner. Fan Tianlei immediately said: "The rest of his life is my soldier. It is impossible for him to go to any technical department."


At this time, Lieutenant Zhang thought, yes, the direct leader of the family is still there, and he is here to pry the corner of the family. This is indeed a bit inappropriate.


The rest of his life’s powerful technology makes him feel unexcited. If he joins them for the rest of his life, they will definitely be in good water. The special forces are nothing wrong with their careers, and they are simply a waste of talents.

If Fan Tianlei knew what this guy was thinking in his heart, he wouldn't know if he would lick his mouth with excitement.

Because it’s no longer a person saying that the rest of his life is not doing business properly...

What is the right job?

"Okay, okay."

Zhang Haiguo said with excitement: "We should teach these guys a lesson. If it were not for the rest of their lives, our laboratory would probably suffer a heavy loss today."

"For the rest of my life, I would also like to thank you on behalf of my laboratory, thank you for helping us keep these precious materials, and thank you for finding these criminals."

Yu Sheng heard the words and hurriedly said: "Professor Zhang, I am also a member of our Huaxia. Naturally, I am obliged to protect this laboratory. Don't betray the kid."

"Okay, okay."

The more Zhang Haiguo looked at Yu Sheng, the more pleasing he felt that the young man in front of him was neither humble nor overbearing, neither arrogant nor impetuous. Such a young man is rare.

"Okay, the matter has been resolved, let's go and eat something first." Zhang Haiguo said, "I will treat you today."


As these words were uttered, everyone present shouted in excitement.


However, on this entire network, there was a major earthquake.

The sudden appearance of this person ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shocked the entire hacker community and felt so incredible.

"This... how is this possible?"

"Night, Ace and Scarlet Flower, their IP addresses were exposed, and they were forcibly hung on the website..."

"This... isn't this night second in the world?"

"Yeah...the world's second hacker, he was actually found the ip address, this world is too crazy, you see that on the Internet, it is said that this virus is a virus similar to Nantianmen, in the middle. There is an unruly monkey..."

"The Nantian Gate is a gate in the ancient Chinese mythology. I didn't expect this hacker from China to be so terrifying...Even the three of the black night and Ace teamed up, they are not his opponents, it is really terrifying, that is, God's hand, dare not say that this level can be achieved, right?"

"Yeah...Although the hand of God is also terrible, the scary thing about him lies in the virus he created, and this mysterious hacker from Huaxia came from his methods."

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