Chief, this is..."

The man-wolf looked at this world, then he smiled, and said, "Boy, if you want to reach our base, you guys really have to cross mountains and ridges."

"As long as you cross this cliff, then you will reach our base, boy, how about it, are you scared?"

The wolf smiled and glanced at Yu Sheng, with a little smile in his eyes.


When Yu Sheng heard this, he snorted and said faintly: "I don't know how to write the word afraid."

"Arrogant enough."

When the man wolf heard this, he glanced at Yu Sheng with a little admiration, showing a little smile, and said with a smile: "I like you like a arrogant young man."

"If that's the case, then you follow me."

When the voice fell, the human wolf jumped directly onto the chain. Then, the human wolf walked towards the opposite shore step by step with a steady pace.

For the rest of my life watching such a scene is also shocked.

"This guy……"

For the rest of my life, the whole heart was mentioned in his throat, and the wolf was walking on the chain, which was exactly the same as the juggling tightrope walker, except...

Under this circumstance, if one accidentally falls, it will almost certainly die. It is a luxury to want to live, after all, there is an endless cliff below.

Falling down, it's fateful.

But the man-wolf in front of him is really a ruthless man. He walked directly on the chain and walked forward step by step. After walking about ten meters, the man-wolf turned and smiled and looked at Yu Sheng. , This scared the rest of his life.

"Boy, have you seen it? If you want to cross the bridge, you have to go through this way. However, your kid as long as you can come over, but I can remind you that this bridge is not so easy to come over. Once you have any accidents, it will almost There is no doubt that you will die, so you kid should think carefully."

"However, if your kid quit... then you can now go back the same way."

When the voice fell, the man-wolf continued to walk forward, and walked for a short while, this fifty-meter-wide bridge, the man-wolf came to the end, the man-wolf jumped on the opposite bank, and the man-wolf looked at the rest of his life. Although the distance between the two of them was about 50 meters, the wolf could still hear clearly for the rest of his life.

"Boy, have you considered it clearly? If you have considered it clearly, then make your decision. I don't have so much time to wait for you here."

Hearing this for the rest of his life, his expression also condensed.

He also didn't expect that this human wolf would be so perverted and walked directly from here, Yu Sheng's face was extremely heavy, similar to this thing, he really had never walked.

Moreover, there is a cliff below. If you are not careful, you may fall. This is not the same as climbing. Climbing has a borrowing point, and there is only one borrowing point for this, and that is this iron rope. It looks rough, but it doesn't mean it can't be broken.

Once he reached the halfway point and suddenly dropped it, it was almost dead.

However, these fears are not a big problem for Yu Sheng. There are many life and death battles he has experienced along the way. Every time he survived, a small cliff naturally couldn't hold him.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath. The next moment, a wave of confidence surged from Yu Sheng's body. Yu Sheng glanced at the iron cable lightly and smiled calmly.

"It’s not that easy to want to stump me on this iron rope."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's eyes flashed.

"The blood of six-eared macaques for a century, the second form, flexible and changeable."

The moment Yu Sheng used this skill, Yu Sheng felt that his body was lighter.

Many people should know that this monkey is a very flexible little guy, and... this group of little guys can climb trees and mountains, and their stature is extremely flexible.

Yu Sheng used this skill to make his body more flexible, just like this monkey.

It is definitely not easy for people to cross this bridge. After all, people are not animals, and they don’t have such a flexible body, but...

Monkeys are different.

The monkeys’ four claws are almost the same as the hands, and they can also grab iron ropes and climb from here. In addition, they often walk among the woods. Therefore, these monkeys are extremely flexible.

The man-wolf who stood on the opposite side looked at the rest of his life with a smile.

Over the years, there have been many special forces sent here, but...the five of them, not everyone can teach.

Therefore, a lot of levels have been set up on this road. As long as these people can pass these levels, they will teach them. If they can’t even pass these levels, they won’t even care about them. There is not so much time to lead troops.

In the same way, these levels are set up to verify the strength of these young people and to look at the mentality of these young people. If they don't even have the mentality of winning, they won't waste time teaching these young people.

Over the years, at least 80% of the people who fell in this last pass.

This level is undoubtedly to overcome the fear in my heart, and this is a cliff with a width of almost fifty meters, once a person falls from the top, it is almost certain to die.

Before, two people had fallen, and in the end, they were thrown into mud.

But this is also no way. I told them when I came here before that there may be life-threatening danger. If these people die, there is no way.

If they can rescue, they will naturally not be stingy to rescue, but in everything, there are The wolf is staring at Yu Sheng so directly, this Yu Sheng is indeed a manufacturable material. The man wolf also liked Yu Sheng. He hadn't seen such an aggressive young man for a long time. At this time, the Yu Sheng was just a piece of jade. As long as he sculpted it, he would become even more dazzling.

Moreover, this carving depends on who is going to carve. A person who doesn't understand anything will only scrap this piece of jade, and only those masters can turn it into treasure.

The wolf secretly thought: "Boy, this level is your last level. There are not a few people who are damaged here every year. If you guys can't even pass this level and want to attack the king of soldiers, so too Very difficult."

The wolf knows that if it is a king of soldiers, it will be very simple to cross this road. If they want to become a king of soldiers, they already have the beliefs in their minds, and these beliefs are enough to support them.

Just when the man-wolf just thought of this place, suddenly, the man-wolf saw it, and for the rest of his life he stepped on the iron rope...

(End of this chapter)

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