I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 764: Weird woman


Lin Qingyun's words caused the Earth Wolf and the others to be slightly taken aback. Obviously, he did not expect that Lin Qingyun would say such a sentence in his mouth. For a while, this made the Earth Wolf and the others a bit inexplicable.

As for the rest of his life, he glanced at this woman in a daze.

Is there something wrong with this woman? What is the name of Spikes? People who don't have many good things? Did the wolf-fang provoke this woman? For a moment, everyone was puzzled.

However, Sirius, Yellow Wolf and others all smiled.

Obviously, they were not angry because of this, but rather plainly said: "You are right, we wolffang people have no good things, but next I think you will believe that we are not things."

When the voice fell, Sirius shouted violently: "Everyone has it, stand at attention."

The voice of Sirius fell, and immediately, Yu Sheng and Lin Qingyun both had their expressions condensed, and they stood in a row without saying a word.

"Take a rest," Sirius said loudly.

Yu Sheng and Lin Qingyun took a rest for a while, and at this time, Sirius glanced at Yu Sheng and Lin Qingyun indifferently, his expression was flat, his eyes mixed with a little indifference.

"From today, the five of us will be your current instructors."

"I don't care what reason you have, and I don't care how you hate us, but now."

"You are in my hands. In other words, you have to do whatever I ask you to do, because my words are commands."

Sirius looked at Lin Qingyun again, and said coldly: "Houtu, right? I can tell you, here, I will not indulge you because you are a woman."

"Because on the battlefield, there is only life and death, no connivance, no distinction between men and women."

"I don't care how you hate us, hate Spikes, but from now on, the five of us are your instructors. We want you to die, and you must die."

"Now, do you all understand?"

Sirius’ voice almost roared, and on Sirius’s body, it used an extremely violent aura. That terrifying aura made the expressions of both Yu Sheng and Yu Sheng change drastically, especially Lin Qingyun’s expressions. Seriously, staring at the Sirius in front of him.

"Why? Don't you have ears? Do I need to repeat it again?" Sirius roared.

"Report to the instructor, I understand." Yu Sheng shouted.

"Don't you have long ears? I tell you, you came in through the back door. If you don't want to stay here, you can get rid of me." Sirius looked at Lin Qingyun and said in a cold voice.

After Lin Qingyun listened, her shell teeth bit her red lips, Lin Qingyun's eyes were a little angry, but Lin Qingyun still yelled, "I understand."

"very good."

Sirius nodded plainly, and continued to speak: "I am honored to tell you that you will end up in a very, very miserable manner if you fall into our hands."

"If you can't survive, get out as early as possible and don't waste our time and energy."

When Yu Sheng heard the words, his expression condensed, and he didn't say much.

Sirius glanced at the two of them and continued.

"From now on, load off-road, fifty kilometers."

"Before noon, arrive at the top of the mountain. I hope you don't let me down." Sirius smiled coldly: "Here, you are a rookie. You can't reach fifty kilometers. It is impossible to reach the king of soldiers in this life, and... "

When talking about this, the corner of Sirius's mouth picked up: "You can only follow this road. If I find anyone who dares to make a detour, I will add another fifty kilometers."

"Yes." The two said in unison.

"Very good." Sirius said faintly: "Now everyone, with a weight of 30 kilograms, immediately, immediately."


Following the words of Sirius, the two of Yu Sheng left here quickly and walked towards their own house. When they left, the earth wolf at this moment glanced at Sirius and said: "Sirius Isn’t it a bit too cruel to play like this? It’s not a small amount to carry a weight of 30 kilograms and a 50-kilometer cross-country, and most people cannot meet this requirement."

"This is just an appetizer."

Sirius said calmly: "These two young people are proud of themselves. If they don't sharpen their edges and corners, they won't be able to teach them well in the future. Now, the most important thing is to find a way to sharpen their edges and corners."

"But... will this be counterproductive?" The Yellow Wolf hesitated.

"will not."

Sirius said indifferently: "If you can't even stick to this point, how can you become the king of soldiers in the future? To become the king of soldiers is extremely difficult. However, the road to the king of soldiers is even more difficult. It is said that this time The International Special Forces Tournament is even a master of the King of Soldiers. If they participate in the International Special Forces Tournament, they must break through to the realm of the King of Soldiers. Otherwise... they will only be eliminated by the people inside."


When everyone heard the words, they nodded slightly. At this time, the mysterious wolf asked: "Sirius, I see that kid Yusheng seems to be quite at ease, and he doesn't seem to be an arrogant lord, especially this time. I was very curious to discover our movements quickly, how he did it."

"It should have been heard."

Sirius slowly said.

"I heard it?"

As soon as these words were spoken, all the people present were dumbfounded. For a while, everyone looked at Sirius, with deep doubts and puzzles in their eyes.

"Isn't it? Hear it? Can you hear this thing too?"

Sirius said: "This kid's hearing is very sensitive. I think he should have heard it. Maybe it's because we moved a little bit harder when we acted."

"This kid really has two brushes." Xuan Lang said in surprise.

Indeed, when they act, they pay special attention to the sound of their footsteps, so they almost minimize the sound of their footsteps when they act.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered by this kid~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How long this kid's ears are? Is it impossible to install a sound amplifier?

"Also, don't look at this kid looking comfortable. The arrogance in this kid's heart may not be greater than the arrogance of Hou Tu. It still needs to be polished."

The words of Sirius caused everyone to nod their heads slightly, and the Yellow Wolf said: "Sirius, what is going on with this girl? How do I feel that this girl seems to have hatred with us, Langfang."

Hearing this, Sirius frowned, his expression became a little dignified, and said: "Houtu was recommended by the hermit, so this time we have to take over."

"However, I am not very clear about his origin."

"The hermit?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expressions were slightly paused, and there was a little jealousy in their expressions.

Others may not know the name of the hermit. The hermit is a code name, but this code name is a powerful pronoun.

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