When the hermits crossed the world and frightened countless people, their Five Gods were nothing but a small Five Gods. Even now, if they see the hermits, they dare not say that they can beat the hermits. Even if the five of them join forces, there is no guarantee.

This is the horror of the hermit.

As for where the hermit has reached, no one knows.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the person recommended by the hermit. No wonder he is so arrogant." The wolf nodded slowly and said: "The old fellow the hermit is a little arrogant. Do you think this woman will hide Apprentice of the author?"

"I don't know." Sirius shook his head slightly, and then faintly said: "No matter who he is, as long as we are under our hands, we have the final say on how we train, and don't give him water just because she is a woman, because, on the battlefield There is no water for them, so when we train, we must go all out."


The human wolf and the others all nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with Sirius's statement. If they are not trained fiercely now, the enemy will not be soft-hearted on the battlefield. You must know that the enemy is terrible, far beyond their imagination. owned.

"We haven't trained new recruits for two years, right?" The Yellow Wolf sighed slightly, smiled, and said, "I hope these two little guys can stick to it."

"Yeah..." Xuan Lang also nodded slightly, and said, "It's not easy to stick to it, 50 kilometers off-road, where is that easy."

At this moment, Yu Sheng and Lin Qingyun went out at the same time and came in front of everyone. Yu Sheng and Lin Qingyun stood up and looked directly at Sirius.

"very good."

Sirius said faintly: "Now, run towards that side, don't let me see you playing clever, once I see you, then you will leave here for me."

"Yes, instructor." Yu Sheng said two people loudly.

"Now, running at full strength, before noon, you must reach it, if you can't reach it, hehe."

Having said this, Sirius grinned, but this smile made people seem to have a feeling of sorrow, even for the rest of his life, he couldn't help but shiver.


If they can't fulfill their requirements today, they still don't know how Sirius will rectify them.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's complexion also began to become dignified.

Lin Qingyun glanced at Sirius coldly, and then said indifferently: "It's only 50 kilometers off-road. It doesn't take midday. It only takes three hours to get there."

"Ha ha."

When Sirius heard this, he laughed and sarcastically said: "When you do it, come and say this to me again. If you can arrive in three hours, what you want, I don't care about you."

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Lin Qingyun heard the words, her pretty face was cold, and she immediately said loudly.

"Now, set off immediately." Sirius ignored Lin Qingyun and immediately yelled.


When the voice fell, Yu Sheng and Lin Qingyun ran towards the distance quickly, and when the two of them gradually disappeared, the yellow wolf smiled on his face and said with a smile: "Sure enough, he is still young. , 50 kilometers off-road, let alone them, but we want to arrive in three hours, it is not easy."

"Hehe, young and vigorous." Xuan Lang also smiled and said.

"I hope these two little guys can still be so quiet after seeing this road."

Having said this, the five people all laughed. At this time, Sirius and Manwolf were all watching the place where Yu Sheng and others disappeared, their eyes flickering.

Sirius smiled and said: "We haven’t been moving for a long time. It’s time to move. Let’s go. Let’s follow along and watch these two guys. If something happens, we won’t. All right."

"Okay." The wolf nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "In the past six months, I am going to waste. I just take advantage of this opportunity today to get active, hoping that our bodies have not rusted yet."

"Let's go!"

Immediately, with an order from Sirius, a group of five people rushed into the forest one after another. Obviously, they were all paying attention to Yu Sheng and Lin Qingyun’s every move, and logically speaking, they could Taking a helicopter, relying on their abilities, to transfer a helicopter is not difficult.

But for them, they prefer the scene of shuttle in this kind of forest.

The group of them quickly caught up and followed closely. At this time, Yu Sheng was aware of it, but Yu Sheng didn't say much.

Because these people follow, it may not be a bad thing.

For the rest of his life, he ran fast. He carried a 30-kilogram off-road. Naturally, it was not a big problem for him. However, even for him, this fifty kilometers was a little bit stressful. After all, it was a fifty-kilometer off-road. And it has to be done before noon.

For now, it's just around three o'clock in the morning, that is to say, they have to finish 50 kilometers in nine hours. In this case, he would run this ten kilometers every less than two hours.


With so much time, is it really that simple?

For the rest of his life, he was a man who came out of Spike, and he trained with Spike, as always, it was cheating.

It's definitely the kind that you don't want, so Sirius said that in nine hours, let them run to the top of the mountain, then, this is definitely not as simple as imagined.

And the woman in front of him even said that he would arrive in three hours without embarrassment, he didn't believe it.

Yu Sheng glanced at the woman behind him, and had to say that this woman did have two brushes, and this strength was quite good.

Lin Qingyun glanced at Yu Sheng indifferently, apparently realizing that Yu Sheng was looking at him, Lin Qingyun snorted coldly, stepped on his feet, and accelerated a little bit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ soon, surpassing Yu Sheng.

When he saw this for the rest of his life, Wei Wei was a little speechless, and he didn't seem to offend this woman, right? This is so bad temper that someone is used to. It's really weird.

Yu Sheng shook his head slightly, and then quickly ran forward. They ran for about half an hour. At this moment, Yu Sheng and Lin Qingyun suddenly stopped. For a while, Yu Sheng looked at the place in front of him with solemn expression. A piece of land, the eyes of the rest of his life are full of solemnity.

"Fuck... so inattentive?"

The next moment, Yu Sheng couldn't help but yelled. Yu Sheng couldn't help but glance at this piece of land in front of him, and muttered in his heart.

"Is this... a minefield?"

When Lin Qingyun saw this land, Lin Qingyun's beautiful eyes also flashed a touch of surprise and incredible.

But then Lin Qingyun sneered.

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