I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 766: Terrible minefield

Obviously, Lin Qingyun did not take this minefield to heart.

But the rest of my life is different.

Yu Sheng's senses were very keen, and when he stepped here, he felt a threat, and that threat, even if it made Yu Sheng, feels like a blast of hair.

Before, when Yu Sheng was here, he dismantled at least two hundred mines, but Yu Sheng could clearly feel that the minefield in front of him was very different from the minefield before.

Because, I don’t know why, Yu Sheng always feels that this minefield in front of him has a **** feeling of coming alive...is it possible to come alive?

Could it be that the minefield here still has its own life?

For a time, Yu Sheng had unspeakable solemnity.

At this moment, Lin Qingyun stepped out, and when Yu Sheng saw the scene in front of him, he exclaimed, "Be careful."

Lin Qingyun stepped out, ignoring Yu Sheng. Instead, he stepped forward and walked forward. In the blink of an eye, Lin Qingyun had walked seven or eight steps. When Yu Sheng saw the scene in front of him, he His face changed drastically.

"Earth induction shooting, second form."

Yu Sheng did not hesitate to use his earth-sensing shooting technique. Immediately, the rest of his life was to feel the surrounding environment carefully. For a time, the little movement around was under Yu Sheng's control, as if he was this area. generally.


The next thing is to make Yu Sheng's look change drastically.

"How can it be?"

Yu Sheng was taken aback, because he was shocked to discover that this land didn't seem to have any passive scenes. What was going on? Since there was no passiveness here, why did I feel a taste of palpitation.

The rest of his life was also a little shaken. This was the first time in his history that he failed to use the earth-sensing shooting technique. You should know that when he was looking for traps in the past, he would follow the second form of the earth-sensing shooting technique. If the environment is passive, he will immediately notice it.

But now, he felt that the surrounding environment was intact, and there was no place to pass his hands and feet. This was the place that surprised and shocked Yu Sheng the most.

This time for the rest of my life, I finally knew how terrible this place was.

"It must be deliberate. The mines here must have been deliberately arranged like this by other people." Thinking of this, Yu Sheng could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Yu Sheng knew that the person who laid the mines must be a master.

Since the Five Gods of War allowed themselves to run cross-country from here, then... the person who arranged this minefield was probably one of the Five Gods of War. I never expected that among the Five Gods of War, there is such a master who can The mines here are fully integrated into the environment.

Yu Sheng knew that once the mines here were completely integrated into the environment, then... he wanted to feel it with his second form of Earth-sensing shooting technique, but he couldn't feel it.

Because landmines have been completely integrated with nature.

And this earth-sensing shooting technique is to feel the nature, as long as some places are damaged, he can detect it, and then judge whether this place is buried with a mine.

But now, his earth-sensing shooting skills are completely invisible, that is to say, the mines here are completely integrated into the environment, even he can't break it.

He couldn't feel the existence of mines, and he didn't dare to enter the minefields rashly. The minefields here are all real minefields. If it really explodes, it will be fatal.

"No wonder, this time I finally know why these five guys are so sure."

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and he knew that the road would definitely not be peaceful, but he guessed it. No wonder it’s not bad to arrive at the destination in nine hours, Ma Dan’s, on this road, A lot of obstacles must be set up, just the first obstacle, it is not so easy for them to want to pass, not to mention there are many unknown things behind here.

Now I have some toothache for the rest of my life.

These people are really cheating.

"What to do? You can't go around, you can only go here, Ma Dan..." The rest of his life had a headache, and for a while, he couldn't think of a good way to pass from here. After all, this is a minefield, and it is still completely integrated. If you want to pass from here, you must know where the mines are hidden in the natural minefields.

How else would it go?

Yu Sheng looked at Lin Qingyun, who had walked into the minefield. He saw that Lin Qingyun’s pretty face was extremely ugly. Obviously, Lin Qingyun had also encountered a problem. Yu Sheng secretly shook her head. This woman was still a little too impulsive. Can such a minefield be rushed at will?

The minefields here must have been arranged by chicken thieves like the Five Gods of War. If you want to get past here, you have to find another way.

For the rest of his life, his brain was running fast, his eyes turned four times, and he looked at everything around him. The mines should have only been placed on the ground, and there may not be any other places.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng’s eyes flickered. If this is the case, the more you think about it, the more Yu Sheng feels that this is possible. As long as you pass from above, then you won’t touch the minefield here. , As long as the minefield is not sent out, there is nothing wrong with me, but how can I get over from above?

Yu Sheng looked at the big tree here. There was still some distance between the big tree and the big tree. If he said that he was not carrying a weight, he felt that he would pass here easily, but he was carrying a weight of 30 kilograms. , If you want to pass from here, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered.

"No matter what, you have to try, otherwise, they may not be able to reach the destination at noon, fifty kilometers, and they also set up various obstacles. If they can pass, then there will be ghosts~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath, then he quickly came to the side of a big tree, Yu Sheng hesitated for a moment, and then climbed up the big tree.

For the rest of his life, he used the flexibility of the six-eared macaque.

This is the second form.

Therefore, Yu Sheng's body is a lot lighter, but the 60 kilograms on his body, but the actual kilograms, this thing can not be faked.

Therefore, the rest of my life also felt a little awkward when climbing up.

After all, the weight of the back is a bit bigger.

"I hope it succeeds."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and the next moment, his eyes became sharp.


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