I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 767: Got pitted

When Yu Sheng's figure moved, he climbed up the big tree. When Yu Sheng climbed up, he observed the surroundings and found the closest big tree to him, but there was still a gap between the two big trees. There is really some distance, but fortunately, this big tree is thicker, which is good news for the rest of my life.

Lin Qingyun saw Yu Sheng climb onto the tree, also with willow eyebrows.

"This guy, is it going to pass over the big tree?"

Thinking of this, Lin Qingyun shook her head secretly. It was obviously impossible to cross over the big tree. After all, they still had a weight of 30 kilograms, which was not light.

What's more, they are not allowed to let down their own weight. In doing so, even training is meaningless.

Therefore, the rest of my life basically wants to go over the tree, which is basically idiotic and impossible.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and his eyes condensed. It was about two meters away from another tree. It was not very far, but it was definitely not very short.


The rest of his life gave a violent shout, his body was full of strength, especially his legs, slightly bent, and there was a huge force under his feet.

With Yu Sheng's feet suddenly exerting force, Yu Sheng's whole body muscles were mobilized. The next moment, Yu Sheng's figure jumped up, and it leaped fiercely towards the big tree.

The next moment, Yu Sheng jumped directly onto the big tree, and with a bang, the tree seemed to tremble fiercely. This made Yu Sheng's heart trembled suddenly. He was really afraid of this big tree suddenly. Stop it, otherwise, the unlucky one must be yourself.

"Jumped over?"

Lin Qingyun was also a little surprised when he saw this. Obviously, he didn't expect that he would skip this way for the rest of his life. You must know that this guy carried a total of 30 kilograms.

In the distance, Sirius, Yellow Wolf and others all looked at Yu Sheng two in surprise. They have been following behind, watching Yu Sheng's every move, their purpose is also to see, Yu Sheng Er. Will people be lazy.

"Wolf, I didn't expect this kid to be so strong, you mine, I'm afraid it's going to fail." The wolf on the side joked.

"Ha ha."

When the land wolf heard this, he secretly shook his head and chuckled: "Any place can be placed with mines, this kid is just pretending to be clever."

"This kid does have two brushes, and he can find the minefield here, but...this minefield is not so easy to pass." Xuan Lang said with a smile.

They all know the land wolves' ability to deploy landmines, that kind of ability is very terrifying, even when they face such minefields, they are quite jealous.

What's more, it's a little rest of his life.

Yu Sheng stood up, he looked at the front, and there was a big tree in front of him. According to this distance, he felt that it was not a big problem for him to jump over.



Just when Yu Sheng was about to jump over, suddenly, there was a slight noise, a sudden sound, making Yu Sheng's complexion slightly changed, and then Yu Sheng looked at his feet.

When he could see his feet clearly, Yu Sheng's complexion became stiff and he was directly stunned on the spot.


Yu Sheng looked at his feet in amazement, which made Yu Sheng's expression change drastically.

Under his feet, there was a small pit, but the pit was well covered, and it was covered with bark. The most terrifying thing is this texture. If it was cut open by someone, Then, it must be discovered, but this time the cut was cut along the texture. This situation is so subtle that it is almost imperceptible.

For the rest of my life, I didn't pay much attention at the beginning, so I stepped on it with one foot.

What Yu Sheng didn't expect was that on this big tree, there was actually someone who had laid mines, which made Yu Sheng's expression a little unnatural.

There are **** mines on the big tree, what a good thing is this indifferent to do.

For the rest of his life, his face has become a little ugly.

Yu Sheng quickly lowered his head and looked at the landmine under his feet. This landmine is a 98-type landmine, which is a brand-new landmine that is currently not available on the market.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath. He quickly pulled out the saber from his body, and then carefully cut the outer skin. The outer skin is not iron skin. After all, the iron skin easily reduces the power of the bomb, so generally speaking, the outer skin is still very easy. Cut.

"Land mines?"

Lin Qingyun was also clearly aware of this scene, and her pretty face also changed slightly.

"Also insidious guy."

Lin Qingyun murmured secretly, arranging landmines on the big tree. This was something that I had never heard of before. Unexpectedly, this group of guys would be such a thief.

However, Lin Qingyun ignored the rest of his life, and instead dropped a pair of beautiful eyes on this area. Lin Qingyun knew that there were a lot of landmines in this area, and the layout of these landmines was so ingenious that it was hard for her to spot it.

From this distance, the land wolf who was watching here saw this scene, and he smiled and said faintly: "This kid stepped on a thunder."

"Treading on the thunder?" The Yellow Wolf was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked towards the other side suspiciously. They saw that the rest of their lives were still on the tree, which made them slightly confused.

"Wolf, didn't you also put mines on the big tree?" The wolf suddenly asked.


The wolf nodded with a smile, and said with a smile.

"You're really good enough." When Xuan Lang saw this, he couldn't help but raised his thumbs up, with some admiration ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Arranging landmines on the big tree, but it was too bad that Xuan Lang could think of it. , The key is that the enemy can't find the mines in this way, so the ability is a bit powerful.

Now they have a better understanding of the land wolves' methods of mine-laying.

"However, if you want to stump this kid with this, I'm afraid it's not easy." The wolf shook his head slightly and said calmly.

At that time, he had seen it with his own eyes, and for the rest of his life, all the mines had been removed. This method, even the wolf, was a little surprised.

It is absolutely impossible for someone else to do it. You must know that some of the mines are also made by the wolves, and even these mines can be removed for the rest of your life, showing that the rest of your life is powerful.

Therefore, he does not think that such a small landmine can be difficult for the rest of his life.

When the land wolf heard the words, he hehe smiled, and said: "This landmine is a type 98 landmine that I have buried. It’s not that easy."

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