I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 770: Is this kid still a human?

Moreover, they also believe that this kind of landmine is also the first time they have used it. This kid shouldn't be able to get the news of the 98-type landmine so quickly. This thing has not been applied by the major military regions.

This kid saw this kind of landmine for the first time, and he could remove it. How did this kid do it? The land wolf had been dismantled for a long time and studied for a long time before he thoroughly studied the 98-type landmines. Then he could easily dismantle the landmines, but he removed them after the first meeting in the rest of his life. This guy is a monster. NS?

"What is this kid's background? How could he be so strong?" The Yellow Wolf couldn't help but look at Sirius and asked.

"Didn't you say it? It was the person introduced by Fan Tianlei." Sirius sighed slightly: "It seems to be Fan Tianlei's proud disciple. The reason for coming to us is because Fan Tianlei can't teach this kid anymore."

"No wonder."

When everyone heard the words, they nodded slightly and said, "Although Fan Tianlei is also good, but their teaching method is too soft to stimulate the true potential of these people."


"Okay, keep watching to see if this kid can pass through this minefield, this minefield, but it's not that easy. When I set up the minefield, I blended into nature, and most people can't see it at all." He smiled and said, "If this kid wants to pass, I guess he will have to spend some thoughts."


Immediately, everyone was waiting, and for the rest of his life, after removing the mine under the sole of his foot, he was a little relieved. Although it was training, he dared not take care of it. The five gods of war were indeed a little shameful. , No one thought that these **** would arrange mines on the trees.

It's too cunning.

Lin Qingyun stood there, still afraid to move. After seeing Yu Sheng demolished the mines under her feet, she was a little surprised. She also experienced special training and was even more tyrannical than some men. Only one step away, she came here because she wanted to break through herself.

And her master is the hermit, but few people know the existence of the hermit.

Only after reaching the status of the Five War Gods did he know the existence of the hermit. This was also the reason why the Five War Gods gave Lin Qingyun face so much.

"This guy actually removed the mines here, it's kind of interesting." Lin Qingyun gave Yu Sheng a secret glance.

Yu Sheng climbed down from the tree cautiously. At this time, the rest of his life had a gloomy face. He did not dare to continue to wave on the tree. The layout of the mine was too clever, and even the lines of the tree were used to arrange it. Such a clever mine, even he hadn't thought of it.

I have to say that these people are all scheming bitches.

For the rest of his life, he carefully observed the surroundings. He didn't know where there were mines. His earth-sensing shooting skills were completely ineffective, so he could only rely on his senses.

But relying on the senses... is too vague. After all, no one can say that the senses are wrong. What if the feeling is wrong? Isn't that terrible?

"It's a mess. It's fateful." Yu Sheng took a deep breath, his face looked a little unnatural, and for a while, he also had a slight headache. He didn't know how big the minefield was. If it is too big, it will be a big trouble.


"There seems to be another trick."

At this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly thought of something.

"The blood of a hundred-year-old beast roars the sky dog, the first-level form, and it can be traced within one mile."

For the rest of his life, his eyes began to flicker, and for a while, his nose became extremely sensitive, not more than a dog nose.

This is also a skill that he has always thought to be more tasteless.

At present, this skill is the most appropriate. As for the Thor’s manual, although it teaches you how to mine mine and remove mines, he is not the other party after all, and he doesn’t understand the other party’s thoughts. I want to use the Thor’s manual to find It is not so easy to come out.

It is estimated that when it is found out, it is dark, and it is impossible for them to complete the task.

The Thor manual is not a panacea.

Right now, with the blood of this snarling dog, it can help him a lot. Everyone knows that the most famous snarling dog is the nose.

Yu Sheng's nose moved lightly, wanting to smell the smell, but the smell inside this mine is so easy to smell.

"What is that kid doing?" Seeing the man wolf, he was slightly taken aback and asked curiously.

"I don't know." The Yellow Wolf also said puzzledly: "How do you see that kid's appearance, it seems that he is smelling something?"

"Does he want to rely on his sense of smell to smell the mines here, right?" Xuan Lang suddenly thought of something and asked with a strange expression on his face.

"Probably not?" The land wolf said suspiciously: "This land mine has been specially processed by me. It basically has no smell. Even if it has an smell, it is very faint, and when it is buried in the ground, the smell is emitted. If it doesn’t come out, it’s impossible for a human nose to smell it."

"That's not necessarily." Sirius suddenly said.

"Sirius, what do you mean? Could anyone still rely on a pair of noses to smell the mines I have arranged and fail." The wolf said in disbelief.

Although he admits that Yu Sheng is indeed very powerful, it is basically a foolish dream to smell the arranged mines with a pair of noses, unless it is a dog nose.

Sirius explained: “Don’t underestimate the world. There are many powerful people in the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are also many people with special skills. Now foreign countries have developed genetic drugs that can instantly enhance their own strength. Speed ​​and endurance, if it continues, maybe they will develop genetic humans. It is said that some people have already begun to study."

"No?" The wolf hesitated, then said slowly: "Although those people took the medicine, the effect of the medicine is limited. As for those genetic people, we have also killed one of them. Although that person is very strong, But the success rate of such people is too low, not everyone can be suitable."

"This is obviously a normal person for the rest of my life, I shouldn't be able to do it." The wolf said.

"Just look at it." Sirius also looked at the scene in front of him with interest, and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I saw such a funny kid. This time Fan Tianlei sent one. Interesting seedling, I hope he can complete our training."


Everyone nodded solemnly when they heard the words, and then they turned their gazes on Yu Sheng. They were also looking forward to it. They didn't know what surprise Yu Sheng would give them.

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