I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 771: Upgraded

Yu Sheng lay on the ground, constantly sniffing the smell on the ground. The smell of rotten leaves made Yu Sheng frown. Lin Qingyun on the side was also a little dumbfounded when he saw Yu Sheng's situation.


"Is this a dog?"

Lin Qingyun stared at the rest of her life in a dumbfounded manner, feeling so incredible, not knowing it was so fierce, for a while, Lin Qingyun was speechless for a while.

Lie on the ground, what is this sniffing? Can a human nose be the same as a dog's nose?

However, for the rest of his life at this moment, he frowned, thinking about something.

For the rest of his life, he sniffed the ground, although he could smell a lot of smells, but the faint feeling in his heart was just a bit too close. Only a little bit, he could smell the mines on the ground, as long as he could smell it. If there are mines on the ground, then he will pass this minefield with full confidence.

I have to say that I am afraid that only the rest of my life will be able to perform such a show operation, using the nose to smell the mines. This is really a bit nonsense. Even when a dog comes to a minefield, no one dares to let a dog do it. After all, A dog is an animal, who can't speak and don't know the danger of landmines. If you step on it, it will be dead.

"Not enough, not too much."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng vigorously rubbed his nose to make his nose more sensitive. Yu Sheng constantly felt the surrounding smell, which made Yu Sheng gradually fall into a strange state.

Yu Sheng poked his nose vigorously. He felt a soreness in his nose, and then Yu Sheng's nose became more anxious and sensitive, and the surrounding smell became clearer.

For the rest of his life, he kept tossing his nose. If the average person was tossing like this, it is estimated that his nose would have been tossed away. On the contrary, the rest of his life did not feel any discomfort. He still felt unusually comfortable and his nose became more transparent. This makes Yu Sheng more and more excited.


Suddenly, Yu Sheng felt as if his nose had been changed. A strange sensation flooded into his body, which shocked all the rest of his life.

"So transparent."

Yu Sheng noticed that his nose was abnormally transparent, and he could even smell the mixed smell in the air, he could also tell how many ingredients there were, and he could even smell the smell on the ground, including the oozing from the ground. He can clearly distinguish the smells of these smells.

"No, my nose seems to have changed..."

For a while, Yu Sheng's eyes changed a little, and he became a little excited.

"This is……"

The next moment, Yu Sheng smelled a very special smell, Yu Sheng felt it, it seemed to be a chemical composition, but Yu Sheng didn't know exactly what it was.

"It's a landmine..."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's expression became a bit agitated. Many landmines nowadays are made by chemistry, similar to the black powder on the ground, and are generally not used much. After all, the explosive power of that thing is too bad. .

Landmines that can be completed with chemical things are very powerful.

"Didi, congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, comprehending the blood of the snarling dog, the second form, tracking thousands of miles."

"Following thousands of miles."

After Yu Sheng heard the news, it made Yu Sheng shocked all over his body, tracking thousands of miles away, no wonder, no wonder I felt my nose cleared a lot, it turned out to be an upgraded skill.

I thought it was because of this.

Thinking of the rest of his life here, his expression became a bit agitated. He could perceive that this second form caused his nose to be at least a thousand times more sensitive than before. This is a very impressive number, zoom in directly. Thousands of times, very terrible.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and then started to sniff with his nose. A scent poured into his nose. In an instant, he could distinguish the distribution of landmines.

"Ha ha."

When he noticed the distribution of these mines, Yu Sheng's mouth also raised a faint smile. With such a nose, he can basically determine the location of these mines.

"It's not enough to use these mines to embarrass me."

For a while, Yu Sheng possessed absolute confidence in his body. Then Yu Sheng sniffed. After smelling a land mine on his left front, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, then he smiled, and quickly digging with a dagger. Up.

Seeing how busy the rest of her life was, Lin Qingyun also changed her pretty face slightly: "What are you doing."

"Of course it is digging landmines, otherwise what else can be done." The rest of his life said without replying.

"stop it now."

After Lin Qingyun heard this, her pretty face changed drastically, and she hurriedly stopped: "Do you know that you dig landmines like this. Once the landmine explodes, you will harm us like this."

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it just a small mine? It's all trivial."

For the rest of his life, Lin Qingyun ignored Lin Qingyun’s continued digging of landmines. Lin Qingyun’s face was pale and angry. You must know that this place is full of landmines. These landmines have a very powerful explosive force. Once a landmine explodes, even he will suffer threat.

For the rest of his life, it was obvious that they didn't put their lives in their eyes. Lin Qingyun said angrily, "Stop it."

Lin Qingyun wanted to walk towards Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng immediately reminded: "You suggest you better not move. You are surrounded by landmines. You don't know its location. Once you move, you will step on the thunder."


The feet that Lin Qingyun wanted to step out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ instantly stiffened. Lin Qingyun retracted his feet. He stared at Yu Sheng with an angry face. Then Lin Qingyun took a closer look. She relied on herself. With expertise, I want to get through this minefield.

Yu Sheng ignored Lin Qingyun and continued to dig the mines here. Yu Sheng soon dug a mine out. This was more than that. After digging the mine, Yu Sheng ran toward the front quickly. Step, came next to another mine, and dug it again.

For a while, everyone was watching Yu Sheng's actions, and everyone present was a little dumbfounded. Even Lin Qingyun was dumbfounded on the spot.

No one thought that Yu Sheng would be so vigorous and jumped directly on the minefield. Is this guy really wanting his life? Or he already knows the location of the mines, but... how is this possible? This way of burying mines, even he felt great pressure, but for the rest of his life...

Isn't it too easy?

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