I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 772: In its own way

From this distance, Sirius and others, who had been watching Yu Sheng's every move, were all staring at Yu Sheng in front of them. For a while, all five of them were a little dumbfounded.

who are they? That is the famous Five Gods of War, and even the existence of the king of soldiers. They have a lot of knowledge and have never seen any kind of genius, but it is the first time they have seen a genius like Yu Sheng.

"What the **** is this kid? He found a landmine?" The Yellow Wolf asked in shock.

"Earth wolf, did you release the water when you laid out the landmines? How did this kid find the landmines you buried?" Xuan Lang murmured.

"Fart." When the wolf heard it, he couldn't help cursing: "How do I know how they know about buried mines? This kid really has two brushes."

For the rest of my life, I dug a hole quickly. There were more than a dozen landmines before and after that. Then I dug a hole again quickly for the rest of my life and buried these mines. For the rest of my life, when digging and burying the hole, it was buried very naturally. Even the technique of burying thunder for the rest of his life was not inferior to that of the Earth Wolf, and even stronger.

The landmines buried for the rest of my life are truly integrated into nature, and other people simply cannot detect it.

After Yu Sheng finished solving these mines, there was a slight smile at the corners of his mouth, and Yu Sheng thought secretly: "Let you be so sullen, and treat your body in the same way as your own people, haha."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng wanted to leave here. At this time, he saw Lin Qingyun in front of him. Lin Qingyun walked more than a dozen steps and looked extremely slow. Yu Sheng quickly walked to Lin Qingyun’s side not far away. Yu Sheng glanced at Lin Qingyun. Casually said: "Do you want me to help you."

"Get out of the way." Lin Qingyun scolded her red lips lightly when she heard the words.


Seeing this for the rest of his life, he was taken aback for a while, and then a little speechless: "I have such a bad temper, be careful not to find a boyfriend."

When the voice fell, Yu Sheng disappeared in a smoke, and when Lin Qingyun reacted, Yu Sheng had already walked a few steps out, Lin Qingyun's pretty face was slightly cold, and a little angry.

At this time, when Yu Sheng was walking, he deliberately left some footprints on the ground. He didn't really hope that Lin Qingyun would fall here, although this guy didn't seem to be friendly to him.

The rest of his life quickly passed through this minefield. When the rest of his life left this minefield, Sirius and Earthwolf were all dumbfounded, and they all looked at the disappearing back with dumbfounded eyes. .

"This kid, just passed it?" Xuan Lang complained: "Damn, this kid didn't just play with us? He looked embarrassed just now, why is it so fast this time?"

"Yeah...what the **** is going on with this kid, why suddenly he passed this minefield so fast, this shouldn't be...isn't he scared of stepping on a mine?"

"Isn't it luck?"

"How is it possible." The wolf was also a little unbelievable.

"This kid..." Sirius saw this scene, and a little smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. He said with a smile: "This kid is not easy... unexpectedly dug out a lot of landmines. Let's go. have a look."

"Go, let's go and see too."

When the voice fell, Sirius and his party rushed towards the minefield. At this time, Lin Qingyun just left the minefield. After leaving the minefield, Lin Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he There was no danger, and luck was pretty good.

Walking through this kind of minefield sometimes requires luck. If you don't have enough luck, you might step on the mine. When Lin Qingyun had just left here, the five gods of war came to this minefield one after another.

At this time, they saw the small pit left on the ground, which made everyone slightly startled.

The land wolf's expression was a little unnatural.

"Land wolf, at least ten of your mines have been removed." The man wolf looked at the land wolf with a smile, and said with a smile: "It seems that your landmine technique has regressed a bit. "

"Impossible." Hearing the words, the land wolf said unnaturally: "My mine-laying technique has always been at its peak, and I haven't regressed at all."

"This kid, indeed, has two brushes, and he can see where I have laid mines. It is indeed a bit capable."

The land wolf snorted, but he didn't think he could be comparable to him on landmines for the rest of his life.

"This kid is indeed good." Sirius laughed and said: "I use a nose to find the location of a landmine. This is the first time I have seen such a person. I didn't expect that there are people in the world who have such a sensitive nose. Somewhat incredible."

"Is he really smelling it with his nose?" Xuan Lang asked in surprise.

"Eight or nine do not leave ten." Sirius said with a smile.

"Sirius, let's hurry up and take a look. The road behind them is not easy. It is not easy to reach the destination at noon. As for the matter here, we will ask this kid when we turn back. "Human Wolf thought for a while before he said.

"Well, good." Sirius nodded slightly, and said, "Come with it."

Then they quickly entered the minefield. This is the minefield arranged by the earth wolf. The earth wolf naturally knew it very well. However, when they had just stepped into the minefield and had just walked out of the minefield, the expression of the earth wolf was With a slight change, the wolf immediately waved, and everyone present stopped.

The face of the Earth Wolf became extremely solemn at this moment.

"Earth Wolf, what's the matter?" When Xuan Lang and others saw this, they were all taken aback and asked curiously.

"No, the minefield has changed." The wolf said in a condensed voice.

"The minefield has changed? What do you mean?" Xuan Lang and the others all had their expressions condensed.

"The minefield here has been manipulated, not the minefield I arranged before." The wolf said in a deep voice.

"Impossible?" The Yellow Wolf asked suspiciously, "If someone passes here, we should be able to detect it. It seems that no one has experienced this place. How can you feel that the minefield has been touched by someone? Could it be that the earth itself is in motion, and the ground here will also be a little sinking~www.wuxiaspot.com~, so the accuracy of the mines is not enough?"

"No." The land wolf looked solemnly and said: "The mines here are just being touched by someone. It is absolutely impossible to go wrong. If it were mines I arranged, even if it changed, I would know its location."

"Have you noticed it? That kid seemed to have dug a lot of mines for the rest of his life. You said, could that kid set up minefields?" The wolf suddenly thought of something and said immediately.

"Arrange minefields..."

After everyone heard this, the expressions of the people present changed slightly, and then everyone's expressions became a little unnatural. If this is the case, for the rest of my life, this is a naked challenge to them... …

One chapter was blocked yesterday, "Chapter 756 was pitted". It is estimated that it was deleted by mistake. Today, I just applied for the lifting of the ban and was just released. So the two you saw before may not match the number, but if you are watching it now, there is nothing wrong with it.

(End of this chapter)

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