I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 773: 5 Ares trapped

Earth Wolf, are you right? This kid really changed your way of minework? And also laid such a minefield? "The Yellow Wolf said in shock.


The land wolf's expression became a little unnatural, and the land wolf said solemnly: "Have you seen these dug mines? These are all good things that kid did. If I expected it to be good, he used these mines to rearrange. I’ve touched the minefield. I don’t even know where there are mines and where there are no mines."

"That's not right, the wolf, even if this kid can lay out minefields, it is impossible to integrate into nature, right? Your mine-laying technique has been integrated into nature, and even some animals are hard to find. Do you think he can do it? "Xuan Lang couldn't help asking.

"It may not be impossible to do it." The land wolf's face was also extremely wonderful. He didn't expect that he set up a minefield for the purpose of blocking the rest of his life and the group, letting these guys know that the landmine is terrible.

And I also want them to understand that there are thousands of ways to mine mine. Don’t be reckless when encountering this kind of thing. If you can’t judge, find another way, but never expected that this kid would be such a chicken thief. Some of the mines here were removed directly, and the route of the mines was also changed. This caused him to dare not specifically determine where there were mines. I have to say that this kid is really a pervert.

"Then what do we do? The five of us are trapped here, but it's a bit unreasonable. If this kid knows about this, how will we train this kid in the future." Xuan Lang vomited.

Indeed, they are instructors. If they are really bluffed by the rest of their lives, and they are thinking of training them for the rest of their lives, it will be difficult to discipline them.

After all, as an instructor, I can't do my own soldiers, which is a bit unreasonable.

"let me try."

The Earth Wolf glanced at this minefield and sneered: "Although this guy has changed the minefield, it can't help me. Don't forget, I am the Earth Wolf."

"Land Wolf, you said that if we follow the pit that this kid dug, you can see if we can do it, after all, he has dug out the landmine." The yellow wolf thought for a while and said casually.

"I don't want to die, I advise you not to leave." The wolf looked at the yellow wolf and sneered: "This kid seems to be careless, but he is like a mirror in his heart."

"How did you know that he had dug away the mines in it? What if it was not dug away?"

The Yellow Wolf's words stunned the Yellow Wolf, and then the Yellow Wolf's face became stiff, and his expression was a little unnatural: "This kid, really is a chicken thief... he actually played a psychological war."


Although this place was dug by Yu Sheng, it does not mean that there are no landmines. If there are landmines, wouldn't they be equivalent to stepping on mines? This is very troublesome.

It can be said that Yu Sheng played a psychological war with them with this hand, and Yu Sheng also spotted that they did not dare to walk these small pits.

"I'll try first and find out the mines here. Be careful not to move them."

With the order of the land wolf, the land wolf immediately began to search. The land wolf has his own unique way of searching for the land wolf. This method was also figured out by himself. His perception of landmines, It is unimaginable by other people, and this way of finding landmines is only suitable for him.

Anyone who is a landmine expert will have his own unique method, whether it is mine or demining, after all, people are different from each other, and as for the kind of step-by-step, they are just ordinary people, and they are not masters.

The ground wolf quickly searched for the mines here, but as the ground wolf looked for it, the more it became confused, the ground wolf frowned and looked around.

"What's the matter? It doesn't make sense?"

Earth Wolf frowned and looked around, with unspeakable doubts and surprises in his eyes. For a while, even he didn't understand what was going on.

Obviously he could find the specific location of the landmine, but he didn't know why, when he dug it, he found that there were no landmines at all.

This is really weird. Could it be possible that landmines will run on their own long legs? What a joke, this is the 21st century. How could such an inexplicable situation occur? It doesn't make sense.

"I don't believe it, I can't find it."

The land wolf continued to look for it. As time went by, the land wolf's face became more and more unsightly. The land wolf looked unnaturally at the land, which made the land wolf a little depressed.

"The horse egg, you can't find it, it's so impossible... Isn't this kid not making landmines?"

The land wolf became a little suspicious. He felt that this was too nonsense. He dug several places, but he didn't even have a hair. He clearly felt that the landmine was there, but he couldn't find it.

"Earth Wolf, are you okay? It's been ten minutes or so. When will you find the mines? So far, you haven't found a mine."

The Yellow Wolf couldn't help but see this scene before him.

"Hehe." Sirius looked at the Earth Wolf, he smiled, and said, "It seems that the Earth Wolf has encountered an opponent."

"I met an opponent? No?" The man wolf asked in confusion: "Could it be that the land mine that the kid arranged can still make the land wolf impossible? Is it fake? The land wolf's technique of mine-laying and demining, can it? It is not comparable to ordinary people."

"Haha." Sirius smiled and said: "Don't underestimate the people of the world."

At this moment, everyone has become a little dignified, if it is like this, I am afraid that this kid can't be underestimated.

As time went by, the face of the Earth Wolf became more and more ugly. At this moment, he dug up a landmine, but this landmine was buried by himself, not for the rest of his life.

This let the wolf finally know the tricky this time.

"No...something is wrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Earth Wolf seems to have noticed something, and this makes the Earth Wolf's complexion a little dignified. I don't know why, he feels that the mine seems to be moving. I found the location of the mine, but when it was dug down, I found that there was nothing.

Even when he digs down the place where he arranges landmines, there will be no place, which is weird. How could it be like this? Could the landmines still fail to fly?

The more I think about it, the more the Earth Wolf feels that something is not quite right.

"Could it be that..."

At this moment, the land wolf seemed to have thought of something, his face changed slightly, and he exclaimed: "No? That kid, can it really be done like this..."

"It's impossible, it doesn't make sense..."

(End of this chapter)

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