I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 774: Training continues

The Earth Wolf was startled, and it also caused Sirius and the others to be stunned. Everyone stared at the Earth Wolf in unison. They didn't understand what the Earth Wolf meant.

"Wolf, what are you doing? If it doesn't work, let's go around." The wolf couldn't help but spit out: "Wait a moment, the ghost knows where these two people went."

The wolf couldn't help but said: "You know a fur."

"Earth Wolf, is there something wrong?"

Sirius looked at the Earth Wolf. This was the first time he saw the Earth Wolf like this. He couldn't help but be a little confused, so he asked.

"The problem is big."

The land wolf took a deep breath, and then solemnly said: "I just clearly felt that the mine is in this place, but I don't know why. When I dig it, I found that there were no mines at all. This is simply not consistent. Common sense."

"Could it be that you felt wrong." Sirius said.


The Earth Wolf said with confidence: "I am very sure about my mine hunting technique. It's in this place, but I just can't find it."

"What the **** is going on?" Seeing that the wolf is so solemn, it makes the wolf and the others feel a little heavier, and said in a condensed voice.

"This reminds me of a way of mine-laying."

"What do you mean?" The wolf asked curiously.

"Thunder Array."

"Thunder Array?" Everyone looked at each other when they heard the words, and asked in confusion: "What is a Thunder Array? Is it a person's name? Or is it the name of an item?"

"The so-called thunder formation is the use of landmines to deploy the formation. There were eight formations in ancient times. I think you all know who made the eight formations, right?"

"Zhuge Kongming."


"Earth Wolf, what you mean is that someone used formations to connect landmines together to reach the judgment of influencing the enemy. What do you mean by that?" Sirius said immediately.

"Yes, that's what it means."

"You don't know how to thunder?" Xuan Lang asked suddenly.


The land wolf couldn't help but vomit: "This thunder formation is very powerful, and most people can't tell where there is a landmine. If you are not careful, you may step on a landmine."

"Although I have always been studying thunder arrays, I still don’t know how to deal with them. Fortunately, the thunder array in front of me is not very complicated. If this kid uses a hundred and eighty mines, With a thunder formation set up, even I dare not say that I can leave here easily."

"If this kid uses tens of thousands of thunder formations, it will be truly terrifying. Almost all five of us will have to fall into this thunder formation. You said the thunder formations are not terrible."


Hearing the explanation of the Earth Wolf, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't expect that there would be such a statement about the Thunder Array, and even the Earth Wolf had a little knowledge of the Thunder Array.

"How can this thunder formation be broken?" The wolf asked immediately.

"The thunder formation is very powerful. The most powerful thing about him is that it prevents the enemy from finding his position, so everyone is afraid to move forward. In this situation, you can use bombing methods, but this method is not realistic. Secondly, it is violent mine breaking, using some armored vehicles to roll over from here, but this is also not realistic."

"Doesn't you say that means you didn't say it." Xuan Lang said.

"We walked over there. Although there are minefields over there, they are all minefields arranged by me. That kid shouldn't arrange mines over there."

"Isn't this the equivalent of going around?" The Yellow Wolf was taken aback.

"Nonsense, go ahead and talk about it, and I will ask this kid the next day."

Although this method is a bit embarrassing, the Earth Wolf has no way to do it. For this kind of thing, you can only wait for the opportunity to ask the rest of your life.

The most important thing now is to leave here.

"Okay, let's pass by the side..."

Under the leadership of the Earth Wolf, the group of people walked toward the front one after another, but this was only a short time after they walked out, and suddenly there was a clicking sound, a sudden sound, which made the Earth Wolf look big too. Change.

"No, there are mines."

The moment when the land wolf stepped on the landmine, everyone's complexion changed slightly. The land wolf hurriedly looked under his feet, and he could clearly feel that he had stepped on the landmine.

"Be careful, I will remove this landmine first."

The wolf cursed secretly in his heart. He didn't expect that this little bastard, who was such a thief, would also arrange landmines here. He thought that for the rest of his life he just laid landmines over there, but now it seems that it is obviously not that time. thing.

The land wolf dug up the land mine carefully, and let the land wolf breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this land mine was not so powerful, and he could clear it out.

Thinking of this, the land wolf began to act quickly. After a short time, the land wolf directly drained the landmine. When the land wolf picked up this land mine and observed it carefully, the next moment, the land wolf The wolf's face became extremely unnatural, it was a touch of shame.

"Oh shit……"

The Earth Wolf cursed secretly and threw the mine directly out, which shocked the Yellow Wolf and the others: "Earth Wolf, are you crazy? What should I do if the thing explodes?"

"Blast a fart." The wolf shouted angrily: "This **** is too thief. He even destroyed the device inside. It is impossible for the firing pin to hit. That is to say, this landmine is basically not explode."

"I was fooled by this kid."


All the five war gods were silent for a while. At this time, Sirius took a slow breath and said solemnly: "It seems that during this period of time, we are too comfortable. We were actually made this by a soldier. Looks like, it seems that the five of us have to reflect on ourselves."

The Five Gods of War also have a slight headache. They are the first time they have encountered such a soldier. They are here to train this soldier, but now it is good to become this soldier to train them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Are they instructors? Or will he be an instructor for the rest of his life?

Looking back and forth, it is a bit nonsense.

Especially the land wolf, his face was a little unnatural, he was actually embarrassed by a recruit, this was the first time he felt a sense of failure on a landmine.

This makes the Earth Wolf also a little angry.

"Go ahead and talk, look at that kid."

When the Earth Wolf got angry, he stepped forward and swiftly walked forward. At this moment, Sirius and others looked at each other when they saw it. They were a little helpless, and they followed suit.

At this moment, they finally knew why Fan Tianlei sent the rest of his life here. With this ability, Fan Tianlei really couldn't teach this kid anymore.

However, this also made the five of them slightly look forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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