I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 844: 1 dozen 2

Under the double blow of Yu Sheng, the man-wolf was completely defeated. In the end, there was only the man-wolf, and he was killed directly by Yu Sheng.

So far, this battle has ended.

The battle ended for the rest of his life, which made the wolf sluggish on the spot.

"How is it possible? I actually lost?"

The human wolf's eyes were full of shock and incredible colors. For a while, he was also frightened by Yu Sheng.


After seeing this scene, the Earth Wolf and Xuan Lang couldn't help taking a breath, and the group of them couldn't help but said, "This kid, actually won? This kid..."

Indeed, they were all frightened.

The speed of improvement for the rest of their lives was so fast, they even began to wonder, how exactly did the rest of their lives do it? You know, being a commander can't make progress overnight. What this thing requires is continuous learning and command. Only in this way can you make rapid progress.

But what about the rest of my life?

How long is this?

They remembered before that when Yu Sheng was playing with man-wolves, he was constantly abused by man-wolves for the rest of his life. The first one lasted at most for half an hour before being wiped out by the whole army.

But now... the rest of his life only took about forty minutes to defeat the man-wolf. Not only that, it was also a wolf, and the entire army was wiped out.

This scene also scared everyone.

No matter how fast a person progresses, there is always a limit. However, the speed of progress for the rest of his life, **** it, is too fast, it is incredible.

"How did this kid do it? How could he defeat the man wolf so quickly? Even if the teacher is here, I am afraid he can't do it so quickly, right?" The yellow wolf said in a daze.


Sirius exhaled a deep breath, Sirius stared at Yu Sheng with solemn eyes, and said solemnly: "This kid is making rapid progress. I think it has a lot to do with the books he reads. Those books Inside, there are a lot of comments on the top, as well as the experience of some seniors. It is natural to make progress, but the speed of this kid's progress is really a little happier."

"Sirius, shouldn't this kid really be a monster, right?" Earth Wolf couldn't help but vomit.

"I don't know." Sirius shook his head slightly, and said casually: "But this kid is indeed very talented in this area."


For a moment, everyone nodded solemnly.

At this time, both of them left the place and came to Sirius and the others. The human wolf still did not react at this time and lost in Yu Sheng's hands. This was something he had never thought of.

Moreover, he could perceive it. Ten days ago, Yu Sheng should be the first time he could only do it. After all, Yu Sheng will only get the time. It seems a bit stiff, but he never expected that it was only ten days. Yu Sheng was commanding this. Wan Dajun turned out to be like a fish in water, like an arm and a finger, which made the wolf look dumbfounded.

Sirius and the others stood watching, so they didn’t know how much pressure he was under when fighting Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng’s strategy of war was very weird and unpredictable. There might be a sudden emergence of a team. , Making them frantic.

Not only that, but for the rest of his life, he used the soldiers and had the demeanor of everyone. That feeling is very wonderful. Burning text

Moreover, he even noticed that when fighting Yu Sheng, he seemed to be being led by the nose by Yu Sheng all the time. That feeling was very uncomfortable.

You know, when he started fighting Yu Sheng, he didn't feel that way. How did this kid do it? How can progress be so rapid? Is it really related to the books you read?

Although he also knows that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is necessary, but ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ belongs to reading, reading a book does not mean that you can integrate the things in the book...

This, your uncle, is really nonsense.

For a while, the human wolf's expression also became a little unnatural. After only ten days of effort, he lost to his own soldiers. This is a **** shame...

"Boy, how did you do it? How did you progress so fast? It seems like you have changed a person. Are you a monster possessed?" The wolf couldn't help but vomit.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he couldn't help but glanced at Sirius and the others. Sure enough, at this time, Sirius and the others were all staring at Yu Sheng directly, with a little doubt in their eyes.

Because they also want to know how the rest of their lives did it.

Yu Sheng hesitated for a while, and then slowly said: "Actually it is very simple..."


After the human wolf and Sirius heard these words, their cheeks twitched fiercely, and Sirius couldn’t help but said: “How easy it is~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng spoke slowly: “You I have also seen that my reading speed is very fast. I can memorize a lot of book knowledge in ten days. Although I just remember it at the beginning, when I get to the battlefield, I use the knowledge in books to do it. Flexible use. "

"To put it bluntly, it is not difficult to use the knowledge you have learned to conduct a comprehensive analysis of what kind of battle you encounter, and then adjust the battle according to the situation you have encountered."

"If you give me a period of time, it will be fine, at least it can be integrated."


After Sirius and others heard this sentence, for a while, Sirius and others were all another important impulse to kick the rest of their lives. Sirius and others were all that angry...

Damn, listen, is this talking human?

That's it, it's so **** simple?

How many books can a person remember in ten days~www.wuxiaspot.com~? You don’t think everyone is the same as you. An English-Chinese dictionary just memorize it. If you change to someone else, you won’t even be able to read the dictionary in an hour, let alone recite it. ...

Your kid is still simple? This is your uncle, this kid is simply an animal.

And after memorizing this, then flexibly use the knowledge in the books... How many books do you have to memorize? They boast that they have read a lot of books, but... they can’t do it like Zhang Yu, just It's a book from the heavens, so you can defeat a man and a wolf...

Is this kid still a person?

Hearing Yu Sheng's method, Sirius and others felt a little painful. Obviously, most people couldn't learn Yu Sheng's method.

No idea.

If you want to use it flexibly, you must first learn to memorize, but... how many books can an average person recite in a lifetime? Besides, after you have memorized it, you think you won't forget it?

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