I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 845: Terrible rate of progress

It can be said that this kind of thing is only suitable for the rest of your life, and other people are not suitable.

Thinking of this, Sirius and the others took a deep look at Yu Sheng. This kid is an out-and-out evildoer.

However, Yu Sheng did not tell what he was thinking about.

Because in the past ten days, he has not read hundreds of books, but read books that are exactly 240 years old. You say, can this be the same? Coupled with his flying speed, he doesn't even know how many books he has read in the past 240 years. Anyway, there are a large number of books, and he basically reads the books here.

It's just a pity that he has read too many books, which makes him unable to use them flexibly.

This book browsing room only allows him to quickly memorize these things in the book. It is still impossible to do so, let him directly use it flexibly.

If it can be used directly and flexibly, then this book browsing room will be a bit perverted, but think about it, this is not possible for the rest of my life.

In the future, if you want to use it flexibly, you can only continue to sharpen it, and you can feel it for the rest of your life. As long as he continues to sharpen and direct the battle, his commanding ability will rise like a rocket, because He is different from other people because there are a lot of books stored in his brain. What he needs now is a key to release all the books in his brain.

But for the rest of his life, he also has some expectations for reading. He is prepared to read a lot of books every day and join other trainings, because this is the basis for him to improve his strength.

During this period of time, the rest of his life has never given up training to improve himself. After training during the day, at night, he will enter the training room to learn.

That kind of progress made Yu Sheng also happy, but his progress is getting slower and slower now. Obviously, his progress speed has reached a limit. If he wants to continue to progress, he must break through the existing realm and reach the soldiers. The realm of the king.

According to what the Five Gods of War said, the King of Soldiers is not the end of a soldier. Above this, there are even more powerful characters.

This makes Yu Sheng also quite expectant.

Yu Sheng looked at Sirius, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said: "Instructor, I haven't had a lot of fun yet, or...you are together?"

After hearing this, Sirius turned dark. This kid, this is a naked provocation, Sirius said casually: "Yellow wolf, Xuanlang, you two go together."

"Um. Are we two together?" Xuan Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "This doesn't seem necessary anymore, right? I feel like I'm almost there by myself."

Sirius said casually: "Let the two of you go together, just two together."

"okay then."

When Xuanlang and Yellow Wolf heard these words, they were a little helpless. At this time, the Yellow Wolf said: "Boy, we two are here to be your sparring partners. You should pay attention to you boy. We won't be merciful."

"Bring your horse here." Yu Sheng said with a grimace and smiled.


The yellow wolf laughed and said: "I like your kid's cheerful character. Wait a while, you kid don't cry." Lingling Bookstore

Speaking of the yellow wolves, they came to the position of the commander, and Yu Sheng looked at the two people in front of him with solemn expressions. The combat power of these two people is naturally incomparable with one person, at least compared to people. The wolf is twice as strong.

Yu Sheng began to control 10,000 people to fight with the two yellow wolves. The three of them fought, and for a while, it became extremely fierce. When fighting with the two people, Yu Sheng obviously felt a lot of resistance.

Because there are more commanders on the other side, and the tacit cooperation and flexible thinking have caused a lot of pressure on Yu Sheng, but Yu Sheng is not afraid.

According to his own ideas, he began to set up traps step by step, draw the enemy deeper, and constantly harass the yellow wolf and the mysterious wolf. For a time, the battle between the three was extremely fierce.

The people such as Sirius who were not far away from this sight all called out for fun.

"This kid, the speed of progress is so fast, have you all seen it?" The wolf said in a bit of horror: "At first there was a gap between this kid and the yellow wolf. The yellow wolf and the profound wolf cooperate closely. This kid Retreats steadily, but now, this kid has gained a firm foothold, and seeing this kid's unhurried appearance, it is obvious that he is confident in his mind."

"Yeah...this kid's progress is too fast." The wolf was also shocked by Yu Sheng's progress. They watched here, and they could clearly see the changes in the situation.

For the rest of their lives, the speed of progress is so fast, even they are a bit horrified and inexplicable. How can a person's speed of progress be so fast?

You know, this **** thing is fighting...

Damn you, do you think this thing is a game? Besides, who of them is not a commander? Although they are not as good as their teachers, it does not mean that their commanding ability is very good...

But for the rest of his life, in front of these two people, one person can become stiff from the beginning and become more comfortable. Such a speed of progress is terrifying.

"Fuck, this kid is not human, you see, this kid has made progress again."

At this moment, the wolf finally couldn't help it, and directly exploded the foul language. Immediately, the group of people looked towards Yu Sheng, and they saw it in horror.

The situation at this time had already begun to undergo earth-shaking changes, because their family saw that for the rest of their lives, they were hitting the yellow wolf and the mysterious wolf alone.

With such a speed of improvement, Sirius and the others who looked at it all had eyelids jumping.

"This kid..."

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the three of them don't know what to say. Such a speed of progress is simply a peerless evildoer. They have never seen such a genius.

Not only that, but the Yellow Wolf and Profound Wolf at this moment are under great pressure. They can clearly feel that the rest of their lives are constantly changing. Sometimes they are extremely hard and brave, and sometimes they are extremely soft. Coupled with that endless method, the Yellow Wolf and Profound Wolf in this fight are all embarrassed.

They don't even know what moves they will make for the rest of their lives. In short, they are all beaten up now.

For a time, they hurriedly gathered their soldiers, for fear of what might be wrong with their soldiers, but...when he was just about to gather, they didn’t know where an army sprang out, and chasing them was a frenzy. Beat, it makes them all baffling.

In this way, Yu Sheng led an army of 10,000, constantly fighting between the profound wolf and the yellow wolf, and the wonderful battles. The people and wolves who watched them were all very addicted.

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