Chapter 888

"Boom boom boom..."

In the next moment, the gunshots resounded, and Yu Sheng's eyes flickered.

"The blood of a century-old golden winged roc, the second form, the sun and the moon are like shuttles."

Following his order, the surrounding bullets all began to slow down, which made Yu Sheng never expect that under this situation, his century-old Golden Wing Roc blood could be used as well.

This really surprised him.

I watched these flying bullets for the rest of my life. These bullets were equivalent to nearly 14 meters per second. According to normal standards, the speed of this sniper rifle can reach 800 meters per second. There is a few differences between the two. ten times.

Of course, it is a bit nonsense to get 800 meters per second in such a place, because no one can avoid bullets at 800 meters per second.

However, this 14 meters per second may not be impossible.

The reaction speed for the rest of his life was extremely fast. You must know that he could even dodge the speed of the shells. At that time, in order to practice avoiding the shells, he was in this training room, but he died a lot.

As long as the cannonball is not in the center and the precision strike is on his body, he can avoid it. If it is a precision strike, even he can't avoid it. The most important thing is that the power of the cannonball is too great. This terrible aftermath is not at all. The human body can bear it.

If you encounter such a powerful weapon, even for the rest of your life, you will undoubtedly die.

Yu Sheng's footsteps were full of wind, and his speed reached a certain level. Yu Sheng frantically avoided these flying bullets. None of these bullets fell on Yu Sheng's body.

Everyone around me was taken aback.

"Good guy, he didn't even hit him with a bullet. Isn't this kid good at it?" Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Unfortunately, this high-intensity avoidance bullet lasts too short." Someone shook his head slightly.

"This is just the speed of training. Besides, on this battlefield, it is already rare to have such a speed." Someone said at this time.

"Yes, on the real battlefield, bullets fly faster, and it's not easy to avoid them, but if you do something else, it's very useful."

The people present were all talking, and they all sighed slightly. The rest of their lives can be under the fifth gear, like a fish in water, which is already very powerful.

It only lasted for five minutes, and the demonstration is over. Generally speaking, five minutes in the fifth gear is enough.

If you can persist for four minutes in the sixth gear, you will be deemed to have passed this level, and so on. When you reach the ninth gear, you only need to persist for one minute, and you will pass this level.

After the rest of his life passed this level, the Wulong God who looked at him was secretly surprised, and he even began to wonder where this kid was the monster that ran out.

I have to say that Yu Sheng is indeed very powerful. At this age, there is such a skill, and most people do not.

"Uncle Wu, please try to change to the 9th gear." Yu Sheng said with a little excitement.


After hearing these words, God Wulong was taken aback for a moment and couldn't help looking at Yu Sheng. Even the other people had already eaten after hearing this. All the others looked at Yu Sheng in shock. There is a thick and unbelievable in it.

"What did this kid just say?"

"He actually wanted to directly challenge the 9th gear?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"What a joke."

Someone shook his head slightly and said faintly: "These nine gears are equivalent to 90 kilometers per hour, and this speed is equivalent to 25 meters per second. It is difficult for ordinary people to avoid it."

"Yeah, if you can reach the seventh gear, this speed is already fast, let alone the ninth gear. I'm afraid this kid doesn't know the power of these nine gears, right?"

"Hehe, I'm still a little younger, young and vigorous."

The people present all shook their heads secretly. Obviously, they didn't think that they could challenge the 9th gear for the rest of their lives. It was too difficult to challenge the 9th gear. Twenty-five meters per second, what concept? It is impossible for ordinary people to do it. So far, they have not seen anyone who can survive under the 9th gear.

Perhaps twenty-five meters per second doesn't seem to be a lot, but...if you are really in this kind of place, your ability to react will simply not be able to keep up.

"Are you really going to challenge the 9th gear?" Wulong Shen frowned, and said condensedly: "Is there no one who has ever successfully challenged these 9 gears?"

When Yu Sheng heard this, his eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "Challenge and try, anyway, this thing won't die."


After hearing this, God Wulong said immediately: "Since you want to try it, try it. Adjust the gear to 9th gear."

Following Wulongshen's order, the man adjusted the gear to nine.

With the rest of his life preparing, the ninth gear is already in place.


The next moment, the bullet shot out, like a ray of light, swiftly piercing the Yusheng hole, with the bullet passing through, there are several bullets around here shooting towards Yusheng. The speed of these bullets is extremely high. Quickly, Yu Sheng had already tensed all over, and the moment he noticed these bullets, he hurriedly made the most perfect evasion.

These bullets moved very slowly in his eyes. He could calculate the trajectory of these bullets, plus his personal physical attributes, and reached a terrible 15 points, so he avoided these bullets.

For the rest of his life, he avoided the first wave of attacks, and everyone who was present was stunned.

"He...he actually avoided this first wave of attacks?" After seeing this scene, the people present couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, and everyone was a little shocked.

This is really horrible.

"This guy... how did he do it? You can avoid it at such a fast speed? If it's a we can do it too, our senses are extremely keen, but... …It would be far-fetched to avoid so many bullets."

"This kid has such a keen senses and amazing speed." Someone took a deep breath and said in shock.

Soon, this second wave of bullets hit, and this second wave of bullets has more bullets, as if blocking every blind spot for the rest of his life, the rest of his life is still calm, he uses his intermediate data to calculate and calculates the best This second wave of attacks still avoided.

As time went on, it reached fifty seconds in the blink of an eye.

"There are still ten seconds, and this kid will succeed in the challenge in ten seconds." When someone saw this scene before them, they couldn't help becoming a little excited.

"Is there ten seconds left."

At this moment, all those present were staring at the scene in front of them solemnly, their eyes full of shock and solemnity.

(End of this chapter)

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