I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 901: horrible

Chapter 889

After the last wave of bullets was evaded, Yu Sheng's eyes flashed, which made him a little excited, and his skills were indeed extremely easy to use.


Suddenly, Yu Sheng noticed something flying towards him like lightning, at such a terrifying speed, his pupils shrank when he saw it for the rest of his life.

"Fuck, there are still cannonballs here..."

Almost in an instant, for the rest of his life, he completed an incredible action. This action can maximize the avoidance of the rushing shells.

Yes, it was a cannonball that flew over this time. This was unexpected for the rest of my life. Didn't it mean that all the bullets that flowed out were bullets? Why is it inexplicably turned into a cannonball?

However, before the rest of his life had time to think about it, he made the best way to evade. When he was in the training room before, he had been bombarded to death by shells. The feeling of being bombarded there was more than the feeling here. It's fierce, because he knows that all the shells here are fake, and the shells are just simulated.

But in the training practice, those shells are real. He can even feel the severe pain, and even feel the power of the shells exploding, especially at the moment of hitting the body, which makes the rest of his life better. It has the most intuitive feeling.

After a long period of training, Yu Sheng has developed the ability to dodge shells. Although he can't avoid shells completely, he can save his life to the maximum.

So when this shell came over, Yu Sheng hurriedly made evasion. As the shell landed, the rest of his life had already left the range of the shell. Fortunately, the speed of the shell was similar to the virtual bullet. The speed is exactly the same. If it is a real shell, this shell will not give the rest of his life time to dodge at all. Such a distance is too close, or even too late to react, and the rest of his life will become a pile of rotten meat.


With an explosion, this time finally turned into sixty seconds.

However, after the explosion in this life, the red alarm sound did not come, but the green light flashed. When everyone saw this scene in front of them, all were shocked.


"He actually avoided it?" Someone said shockedly.

"How is this possible, at such a speed, he actually avoided it?"

"What a joke, the last shell, but the work of the soul, here, I have never heard of anyone who can avoid shells. The design of this shell... only adds the greatest difficulty to the ninth gear."

"Who the **** is this kid, who can even dodge cannonballs. This guy is a bit powerful?"

These people are also shocked. You must know that they are all real soldiers. Their combat effectiveness is extremely terrifying, especially if they are the fifth type of people, they have a stronger perception of some things.

This is their special place, and why they can become the fifth type of people, the reason lies in their perception.

Especially on the battlefield, this perception is very terrifying, coupled with their fighting power, so this makes them even more powerful than some ordinary soldiers.

However, the rest of their lives right now makes them feel a little uncomfortable. Although Yu Sheng is also the king of soldiers, they don't think that Yu Sheng is also the fifth type of person.

However, what Yu Sheng demonstrated today made them a little solemn and solemn. Compared to them, this guy is probably not bad.

Wulong Shen also took a blank look at the rest of his life, which surprised Wulong Shen. In this case, even a soldier king would not dare to say that he could avoid the bullets here. As for the ninth File, almost even the fifth type of people here, it is difficult to do.

never expected.

For the rest of his life, he could pass this ninth gear. For a while, even Wulong Shen was a little dazed. This ninth gear is not to say that no one can pass, but... the people who pass are all powerful. figure.

But the rest of his life can actually break through, which is a bit scary.

"Boy, you... how can you be so fast, how did you do it?" Wulong Shen finally couldn't help asking his doubts.

This kid was in this power zone before, and he could do more than 1,000 kilograms. With such terrible power, one punch was enough to kill a person alive, even a cow could not withstand such terrible force.

Many people hit the limit of 700 kilograms. They never expected that they would be more perverted for the rest of their lives, but that's not the case. When this reaction zone is reached, this guy can pass the 9th gear training. His mother is still a human being. NS? Such a guy, even Wulong Shen, was the first time I saw him.

"It's very simple..."

The next moment, a voice resounded, and this sudden voice made all the people present look dumbfounded.


"What the **** can be called simple?"

At this moment, the people around don’t know what to say. They often train in this place, and they often experience these things. How can they not know how difficult these things are, but when it comes to the rest of their lives, they are actually **** Say simple, is it really simple?

This is pure nonsense, if it were really simple, they would have passed the training here long ago.

"This is also simple?" Wu Long Shen gave Yu Sheng a painful look and couldn't help but said.


Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and said casually: "These two things are only training people's reaction speed and their own strength."

"This strength is only a pure test strength~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and does not make one's strength stronger, but the reaction speed is a bit interesting. If you train for a long time, you can even train for a cost-effective response. In some emergencies, these things may be able to save their lives."

"And I, as long as I ensure that I can pass these absolute speeds, it is actually not very difficult. It is just that this kind of thing is only a test of a person's reaction ability, and it cannot actually increase my own speed, so I have to If you want to practice speed, it’s best to start from other aspects."

Yu Sheng's words left Wu Long Shen and others speechless for a while, and for a while, they didn't even know what to say.

This guy really dared to say anything, but when this guy said it, it seemed that it was really the same thing. If you want to practice speed, you really have to practice from other aspects.

For a while, Wulong Shen felt a little painful again. He originally asked Yu Sheng to come here to let Yu Sheng see how they trained in the fifth category, and let him gain insight...


(End of this chapter)

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