I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 923: Something happened

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"This guy……"

Gu Shun and others all looked dumbfounded at the rest of their lives, which made them horrified. The speed of the rest of their lives was too fast, even faster than them.

"It's impossible." Zhang Tiande couldn't help but speak at this time.

"The speed of this kid has completely surpassed common sense, and he can keep up with the speed of forty steps. This guy...this is impossible, unreasonable, a person's physical fitness is limited, and it is impossible to swim at such a fast speed. It’s hard to reach this far, even with strong physical strength."

Although Yu Sheng had traveled so far, Zhang Tiande still couldn't believe it because it was too nonsense.

However, they did not know.

The rest of his life at this moment is like a kun in the water. Kun is the overlord in the sea. This swimming speed is naturally beyond imagination.

In addition, there is no need to expose the head to the surface of the water for the rest of his life. This results in the rest of his life being extremely fast. What's more, now the rest of his life is a king of soldiers, so this leads to a faster speed for the rest of his life.

At this moment, it is not an exaggeration to call Yu Sheng Superman.

"No wonder." Gu Shun took a breath and said in shock, "No wonder Jin Jiao said that this guy is so perverted. This guy is really not an ordinary pervert."

"Yeah." Everyone nodded slightly, all staring solemnly at the rest of their lives.

For the rest of his life, there was no intention to come up. At this time, Gu Shun couldn't help but said, "Do you want to come up and rest?"

Indeed, this swim for ten kilometers is a huge challenge for anyone. They all know that as soon as Jin Jiao came up, Yu Sheng and the others would swim for ten kilometers. This is not a stumbling block.

The purpose is also to let them know how terrible the sea is, and also to let them know how they will respond once they appear on the sea.

In their opinion, it is almost difficult for Yu Sheng to achieve such a situation, but they obviously made a mistake. Yu Sheng actually did it. The most frightening thing is that they did it in such a way.

This is even more terrifying.

For a while, all the people present were staring straight at the rest of their lives.

"Not necessary for the time being." Yu Sheng shook his head slightly and said, "This water is quite comfortable and not tired."


When they heard Yu Sheng’s words, all Gu Shun and others' faces were stiff, and they looked at Yu Sheng in inexplicable amazement. For a while, they all felt a little pain, obviously no one expected it. Yu Sheng would actually say such a sentence, which made them all slightly speechless.

"Isn't it tiring?" Zhang Tiande said with a toothache, "This kid is really an animal. Doesn't he want to swim back? This time, it's the **** equivalent of twenty kilometers."


Zhuang Yu also spoke with a bit of pain, "Twenty kilometers, even if we all have to be exhausted, this kid is really..."

For a while, everyone was a little speechless, and they were completely convinced. It was the first time they saw such a soldier. No wonder Jin Jiao was so jealous for the rest of his life.

At this time, Yu Sheng said: "You wait for me here, I will go down and take a look, it seems that there is something."


As soon as these words were spoken, Gu Shun and the others were all stunned on the spot, and at this moment, the rest of their lives went directly to the bottom of the sea.

As the rest of their lives plunged into the bottom of the sea, the expressions of Gu Shun and others changed drastically.

"This kid is crazy, what is he going to do?"

The actions of the rest of his life also shocked all the people present, mainly the actions of the rest of his life, which were really scary.

"He just said he wants to dive into the water, this guy..." Zhuang Yu said with a tingling scalp.

"What should we do? Do you want to inform Jin Jiao?" Zhang Tiande hurriedly asked.

"Don't rush, wait and see, wait five minutes, if this kid doesn't come up, let's go down and rescue." Gu Shun hurriedly said.

"Can he hold back for five minutes? Ordinary people, only one or two minutes." Zhang Tiande couldn't help but said.

"It should be possible." Gu Shun said solemnly, "They are all Spikes. The training of Spikes is also extremely abnormal. They should all have experienced this mode of training. It shouldn't be a big problem to insist on five minutes. If he hasn't come up in five minutes, we will immediately go down and look for it."


Immediately, everyone waited patiently.

And for the rest of his life at this moment, he dived into the bottom of the sea, and his eyes looked towards the bottom of the sea, about a kilometer or so, and for the rest of his life, he could never see anything. Because after reaching this kilometer, the sea is completely dark, and the sun can't get in at all.

Yu Sheng frowned. This was his first time diving in such a deep sea. Yu Sheng thought about it, and soon Yu Sheng came to this one hundred meters.

You know, when a person dives to these forty meters, the pressure that the person will endure is 3.9 atmospheres, which is a very terrifying number, which is equivalent to pressing more than 400 adults on his body.

And so far, the maximum degree of a person's dive is only about 130 meters. Someone once held a wedding here.

The rest of my life dived directly to this one hundred meters at this moment, which shows how strong Yu Sheng's physical fitness is, but...for the rest of my life at this moment, I can't feel any pressure and pressure.

If this is known to others, it will inevitably be surprised.

How can this be? When people get to this level, they have to endure tremendous pressure. The terrible pressure makes people feel a little unbearable, but for the rest of their lives, they don’t feel any pressure. How can this not be surprising~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The rest of his life continued to dive, and within a short while, the rest of his life was to dive to a distance of about one kilometer. If this was known to others, he would take a breath and yell at the monster directly.

You know, the depth of this kilometer is enough to crush a person into flesh, but for the rest of his life, there is nothing to do. This is simply a monster...

However, no one knows all this.

Besides, at this time, Gu Shun and the others who were on the sea level changed their expressions greatly: "It's not good, it's been five minutes, what should we do?"

"Stone, follow me to save people, Zhuang Yu, you are here to guide us, don't run around."


At this moment, everyone’s expressions were all extremely ugly. At this moment, Gu Shun and the others took a deep breath, and quickly dived towards the water, but... until they were twenty deep into the water. After a distance of about meters, all of them changed their complexions, because they didn't even notice the existence of the rest of their lives.

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