I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 921: The rest of my life started acting again

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At this time, the rest of his life was in this water, because he used the fish to leap thousands of miles, so it made him extremely comfortable when he swims.

Even more labor-saving.

Coupled with his own strong physical strength, this mere ten kilometers is natural for him.

"Let's swim quickly, it won't be easy to say if we meet a big guy." At this time, He Chenguang roared.

"Okay, swim."

Immediately everyone swam in one direction. At this time, Jin Jiao and the others also got three boats and followed He Chenguang and his party to avoid any accidents to these people.

At this time, the rest of my life came to this sea, as if I had come to my own home. The speed of the rest of my life gradually accelerated. It was only a short time, and the rest of my life was with He Chenguang and others. Distance.

At this time, Xu Hong and the others were slightly surprised when they saw this scene, and said: "Captain, this person is a bit interesting. If he swims so fast, aren't they afraid of being unable to succeed?"

Xu Long's words also made the people around him nodded in agreement. They all knew that the most taboo thing about swimming in this sea is to pay attention to speed.

The most important thing to maintain is physical strength.

If you encounter any major problems, you must maintain a certain amount of physical strength. If you do not maintain a certain amount of physical strength, then you may die on the ocean. Of course, if you are doing a task, it is natural to swim faster.

After all, it's also in a hurry.

"Yeah." Jin Jiao said with a solemn expression: "You guys, don't target him, you are not his opponents."


As soon as these words were spoken, Gu Shun and the others were a little unconvinced. Gu Shun couldn't help but said: "Jin Jiao, are you scared? What is there to be afraid of? Besides, this sea, But our territory."

Jin Jiao shook his head slightly, and then said: "Remember when I strayed into Alcatraz Island."

"Captain, you mean, the Alcatraz island where you were before?" This made Lu Chen's expression slightly changed, and his complexion also became serious, as he said solemnly.


Jin Jiao said solemnly: "At that time, I, Captain Dragon, and there was another person, and this person was him."


As soon as this remark came out, all Gu Shun and the others had their expressions dignified, and they looked directly at the Jin Jiao, who had also heard these words at the time.

At this time, Jin Jiao said: "This person's sniper ability is extremely strong, not only that, but his physical fitness and all aspects have become extremely powerful."

"At the time we were on the ship, the master of Alcatraz, the man known as the lady, was surrounded by a very powerful master who wanted to snipe our ship. Fortunately for the rest of his life, he was spared."

"Do you know how he did it?"

"How did you do it?"

"Sniped off the opponent's bullet."


As soon as these words came out, Gu Shun couldn't help but take a breath. Gu Shun played the role of a sniper here, and Gu Shun's sniper ability was also very powerful.

It’s not the same on the sea as it is on land. The wind is strong on the sea, and the ship is also swaying. If you are not careful, it may cause the bullet to miss. Therefore, it is also very necessary to snipe the opponent on the sea. Your own judgment.

For the rest of his life, he could snipe off the opponent's bullets. With such a terrifying ability, even Gu Shun was a little afraid, because even he couldn't do it.

"Really?" Xu Hong said in shock.

"Yeah." Jin Jiao nodded slightly and said, "Speaking of this comprehensive strength, his strength is stronger than mine, and seeing this guy today, I feel that this guy seems to have become stronger."

When these words were spoken, Xu Hong and the others took a breath, but they all knew that Jin Jiao never lied, because there was no such thing as a lie.

Unexpectedly, this guy is so powerful.

"No, that kid is already three kilometers away."

At this moment, a voice resounded, and this sudden voice surprised everyone.


Immediately, everyone looked in the direction where Yu Sheng was. When they took the telescope and saw the direction where Yu Sheng was, all of them couldn't help but take a breath.

They saw in the telescope that Yu Sheng had left them so far away unknowingly.

"No, you can't let this guy be too far away from us, too far away from us, we can't even make rescue." Zhang Tiande said nervously.

Jin Jiao also has a solemn expression. For the rest of his life, he is very powerful, but this place is on this sea. In this sea, one person may be buried in the sea if he is not careful.

This guy unexpectedly opened such a long distance from them. At this time, Jin Jiao immediately said: "Gu Shun, your family is a boat. Keep up with the rest of your life immediately, and don't let him have an accident."


Immediately, Gu Shun and the others followed in succession with their boats.

When they arrived not far away for the rest of their lives, they breathed a sigh of relief. Zhang Tiande said, "Fortunately, I finally caught up with this kid. This kid is really courageous. He even dared to run alone. I'm really impatient to come here."


When everyone heard the words, they all took a deep breath.

And after seeing Gu Shun’s boat in the rest of his life, his mouth was raised. Immediately, Yu Sheng speeded up again. The swimming speed of the rest of his life was even faster than the speed of the world swimming champion. Gu Shun and others were all taken aback.

"No, this guy ran away again."

"Quickly keep up."

Everyone's complexion changed drastically and they hurried to keep up with the rest of their lives. However, the rest of their lives were extremely fast. Their ships had even reached the speed of forty miles, but they did not catch up with the rest of their lives.

"Why is this guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so fast?"

Such a scene also made all the people present couldn't help but take a breath, and all the people present looked towards Yu Sheng with a bit of shock, inexplicably shocked.

"Fuck, we're already forty **** steps, we can't keep up with this kid's speed?"

As soon as this remark came out, it was also an uproar.

"What...forty years?"

"Fuck, this kid is not a person anyway, we can reach ten miles is pretty good, this kid can reach forty miles?"

The sudden speed of Yu Sheng also shocked all Gu Shun and the others. They all looked at Yu Sheng in front of them dumbfounded.

In just a short time, they chased them for the rest of their lives for ten kilometers.

This is a sea area, no ship can be seen, but the speed for the rest of their lives also surprised them.

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