I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 920: Sea training

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Early the next morning.

Many people are standing on this deck one after another. The area of ​​the aircraft carrier is very large, and it is enough for the rest of the training and others.

Yu Sheng and the others stood upright, and in front of them were Jin Jiao and others. These people were obviously from the Jiaolong Commando, and Jin Jiao was their captain.

"I heard that these people are wolf-toothed people." Gu Shun said calmly.

"Yeah." Xu Hong also nodded slightly, and said: "The Spike Special Forces Brigade, it is said that the Spike Special Forces Brigade are all masters, and their Spikes are very powerful."

"Langya is also a well-known existence in this military area. They have completed many tasks that other people could not complete." Tong Li said.

Among the Jin Jiao commando team, only Tong Li is a woman, but this woman is very powerful, even compared to the other male players of Jin Jiao, she is not bad at all.

"Hehe, I really want to compare with them and see if our Jiaolong Commando is stronger or their Spikes are stronger." Li Dong said with a smile.

"Now they are our training. In the next month, we will train them well." Lu Chen at this time also said with a smile.

At this time, Jin Jiao stared at the Yu Sheng and others present, and Yu Sheng was standing here, his face calm and without any movement.

At this time, Jin Jiao said solemnly: "You are all wolf-fang special forces. You must have learned many things, but again, you have not learned many things."

"Today, my Jiaolong will conduct a one-month special training for you. During the training, if any of you can't hold on, and anyone wants to give up, then you can leave here."

Jin Jiao’s words made He Chenguang and the others stare at Jin Jiao with bad expressions. They are people with red blood cells. They have experienced special training again and again, and they have also experienced life and death. If you want them to give up, it would be a foolish dream.

Therefore, all the people present were a little impatient with Jin Jiao's words.

Jin Jiao saw that everyone was silent, so he slowly said: "Next, I won’t talk any more nonsense. What you have to learn is the way of fighting on the sea. This sea battle is different from the battle on the ground, so , For the next first lesson, you will give me training in the water."

"This is the high seas, and there are many sharks and other things. These things, for you, may be deadly."

"So, you have to figure out how to live in this situation, the next distance you have to travel is not very far, only ten kilometers."

Jin Jiao’s first words made He Chenguang and the others all take a breath, and Li Erniu said in a bit of surprise: "This... If you swim ten kilometers in the sea, will we be caught by sharks? Have you eaten it?"

"My brain..."

After Wang Yanbing heard these words, he couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, and said painfully, "Is this a joke? If you let me go cross-country for 10 kilometers, I will run without saying a word, but, This ten kilometers swimming is terrible..."

"Isn't this fooling around?" Xu Tianlong couldn't help but said: "This is the sea, and the sea is cold. Anyone who is not careful may make people comatose. Forget it, there are still a lot of things to see in the sea. The dangers that come, such as huge waves and sharks, will be terrible... even if we are going to be ten kilometers downstream in this situation, what a joke."

This is indeed a very big challenge for them. You must know that swimming consumes all the strength of the whole body. It is not the same as running. You can run ten kilometers, but it doesn't mean you can swim ten kilometers.

"Why? Afraid?"

Jin Jiao noticed the strangeness of He Chenguang and others, sneered, and said faintly: "I'm afraid, it's too late to withdraw now."


At this time, He Chenguang snorted and said: "Report, we don't know what it means to be afraid."


Jin Jiao laughed and said, "Let's go, now jump down from here."

Following Jin Jiao's words, the expressions of He Chenguang and others were all stiff.

"What a jump..."

Li Erniu couldn't help but speak.


Under these countless gazes, Yu Sheng walked slowly toward this side, Yu Sheng looked at this height, this height is very high, looking at this height, I am afraid it is 20 to 30 meters high.

At such a height, if one accidentally flattened it down, the internal organs might be smashed in an instant.

Therefore, it requires skill to jump into the water. Even so, if you jump into the water at such a height, a person may be fainted if he is not careful.

Moreover, for the rest of their lives, the height they are at is not too high. You must know that the height of this aircraft carrier is as high as 76 meters, such a terrifying height, if it really jumps from above, it will be fatal.

At this time, Jin Jiao said in a condensed voice: "Attention, when you fall into the sea, your feet will fall into the water extremely. This can reduce the pressure. Once you are flat, you may be directly beaten to death."


With Jin Jiao's order, Yu Sheng simply jumped directly into the sea water, and with a puff, Yu Sheng fell into the sea water.

As Yu Sheng fell into the water, this surprised everyone present. Tong Li, Gu Shun and others all took a surprised look at Yu Sheng who fell into the water, and said in surprise: "This kid, It’s kind of interesting. There is no sense of fear at such a high altitude."

"Hehe, it's worthy of being a soldier of Spikes." Xu Hong said with some admiration.


At this moment, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing also shouted loudly, and jumped into the sea. Song Kaifei and Li Erniu and others followed suit.

As everyone jumped into the sea, that icy feeling instantly changed his whole body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and at this time, the rest of his life was quietly changed.

There is a fish in the North Ming, its name is Kun, Kun is so big that it is thousands of miles away.

"The blood of a century-old Kunpeng sacred beast has leaped thousands of miles."

The next moment, the rest of my life can breathe out under the water, as if the hair of the rest of my life has become the respiratory tract of the rest of my life, and the rest of my life can breathe through these.

He Chenguang and the others fell into the sea, and were slapped by the waves for a while. At this moment, Jin Jiao was carrying him and looking at the scene in front of him, his eyes flickering.

"Jin Jiao, will something happen to these guys?" Lu Chen said with some worry.

"I don't know." Jin Jiao shook his head slightly, and said, "In the sea, there are many dangers. What's more, it is the open sea. We send people to protect them carefully. We will find a small boat to go down and look at them to avoid them. accident."


Following Jin Jiao's order, everyone started to take action.

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