, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

"What the **** is going on? How could a great living person suddenly disappear?"

Jin Jiao stared at Gu Shun in front of him with an angry face, and yelled angrily.

"Captain, this kid said that he was going to dive underwater. We thought this kid was doing apnea practice at first, but we never thought that it was an hour, and this kid hasn't come up yet. When the few of us were in about five minutes, I went into the water to look for it, but I didn't find any clues about this kid."

"This kid seems to have disappeared out of thin air."

Gu Shun was also anxious, and at the same time, there was some pain in his heart. What the **** is this thing, this kid disappeared inexplicably, and who would not panic when it was replaced?

You said you kid, this is where you can mess around?

This is the **** open sea, but the sea, the danger in this sea, I don't know how many, this piece of sea, extremely bad weather, just come, can't you kid save me snacks?

At present, the rest of his life had disappeared for an hour, which made Jin Jiao's and others' complexions a little difficult to look at. At this time, He Chenguang and others were all on board.

He Chenguang said solemnly, "What you said is true. Yu Sheng really jumped into the sea and disappeared suddenly?"

"Nonsense." Gu Shun couldn't help but said, "Can there be fakes?"

"What the **** is Yu Sheng doing?" Wang Yanbing also frowned.

"Contact the people on the aircraft carrier and ask them to send someone to support them. Whether they can find it or not can only be resigned." Jin Jiao's expression became a little gloomy.

Training in their hands, but not seeing a person, their responsibility is also great, after all, this is what they are training, they are instructors, people are gone, they are all directly responsible.

"It's been an hour, I'm afraid this kid is in danger." Xu Hong's expression also became a little gloomy, and said solemnly.

"There are so many undercurrents in the sea, and more than that, there are also all kinds of huge creatures. If one is not careful, it is really a life-threatening existence." Lu Chen also had a toothache and couldn't help but speak.

"Look for it anyway, search all within a hundred miles, and immediately." Jin Jiao roared.


Immediately everyone connected, and even dispatched helicopters. This scene naturally shocked many people, and even Fan Tianlei knew the situation here. For a while, even Fan Tianlei's expression changed drastically.

No one thought that such a thing would happen. For a while, everyone was looking for the rest of their lives.

However, for the rest of his life at this moment, he still wandered in this ancient country. For the rest of his life, he found some strokes on these buildings. It was just that he was soaked in water all year round, coupled with the washing of sea water, etc., these The mural is already in dilapidated condition, and it is hard to see what ghost is painted on it.

Yu Sheng walked quickly in one direction. After walking for a while, Yu Sheng realized that there was a more luxurious building here. For a while, Yu Sheng was slightly surprised by this. This luxurious building was compared to other luxurious buildings. As far as the building is concerned, it has to be preserved a lot.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng swiftly swam towards this building facade. Yu Sheng passed through the gaps and entered the building facade, but Yu Sheng did not dare to be careless, for fear of encountering some weird things. It would be fatal to be bitten by a small animal.

Yu Sheng took a look at the situation in the room, and for a while, this made Yu Sheng's eyes flashed, because he saw that there was still a relatively complete mural here. Such a scene also surprised Yu Sheng.

"There is a complete mural here? It's kind of interesting."

The rest of my life thought secretly.

After that, Yu Sheng looked at these murals. On these murals, Yu Sheng saw and portrayed some villains. These villains have big beards. According to various signs, this should not be the inheritance of China. If it is For Huaxia, these people should not look so strange.

And what made Yu Sheng a little astonished most was that these people all appeared in a kneeling posture, like that, as if they were kneeling down to the emperor or some gods, they looked extremely pious.

This scene made Yu Sheng a little confused.

Yu Sheng followed the mural and looked at it. There were a lot of people painted on it, all of whom were kneeling on the ground, praying religiously, and then Yu Sheng looked at the other end. .

What makes Yu Sheng a little puzzled is that at the other end, there seems to be something like an altar. On this altar, there seems to be something on it, and these people kneel down toward this thing. Such a scene also surprised Yu Sheng.

"Is it superstition?"

The rest of my life thought secretly.

He is an atheist, but after he got the system, his life began to change quietly. Therefore, for the rest of his life, he believed in these things more or less.

And these people in front of them are obviously worshiping something, which means that this thing is very important to these people, but what is this altar?

With doubts, Yu Sheng continued to observe the murals above. There were a lot of content on the murals, and there were even some people leading the army in battle. What made Yu Sheng a little horrified was that this army seemed invincible, because From here, the enemy clearly stabbed the opponent. Not only did the opponent not die, but on the contrary, they were very brave and killed them smoothly.

For the rest of my life watching such a scene, I have some scalp tingling.

"Damn~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These are all drawn blindly, right?"

Yu Sheng couldn't help but took a breath. After that, Yu Sheng continued to pay attention to the things here. The more I looked at it, the more he was frightened. Yu Sheng felt that this place was very abnormal. This fucking, in case it is in this ten thousand There is a zongzi on the bottom of Duo Mi, which is a bit nonsense.

Now it’s the 21st century...

"These are all murals. It should be that these people painted a little bit of nonsense, and it is unlikely to happen under any circumstances."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that there would be a big rice dumpling, a horse egg, coming here, just like their tomb visit, it was simply too exciting.

Yu Sheng continued to search, and soon, Yu Sheng saw something on this mural, and when these things came out, Yu Sheng's expression became a little dignified.

For the rest of his life, he stared at everything in front of him.

The next moment, Yu Sheng murmured to himself.

"Is this... the reason for their extermination..."

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