I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 926: 1 metal stone

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For the rest of his life, his eyes flickered.

He saw that a person led the crowd and became the emperor of a party. What is strange is that this place is different from the general emperor, because this emperor does not have a left leg.

Well known.

It is impossible to become an emperor without a left leg. Generally speaking, this emperor represents the face of a country. Through dynasties, it has never been heard of any emperor without a left leg.

In this place, there is obviously no left leg, and everyone around is kneeling towards this place. Obviously, this is showing surrender to the emperor.

That's fine.

There seems to be an army behind this emperor, and I don't know what this army symbolizes, but... this army seems to be shocking the surroundings, which makes Yu Sheng frowned.

I didn't understand what these murals meant for a while.

At this time, when the murals are here, it means that a person has built a powerful empire. Then, it is floods, earthquakes, plagues and so on.

All kinds of disasters came, and for a time, the empire fell apart in an instant. Even if the emperor had a powerful army, he could not withstand such natural disasters.

For a time, all these people were panicked.

Subsequently, this is also the last picture.

Countless people have worshipped this altar sincerely, seeming to pray for this altar, so that they will end this disaster soon, but unfortunately...

The altar did not drop a miracle, and this world directly became an ocean.

After seeing this, Yu Sheng frowned and started thinking.

On this mural, there seem to be various signs that all the evidence points to one thing.

That is the altar.

In that case, what the **** is this altar?

For the rest of my life, I knew that in this ancient time, for various reasons, people gradually formed a feudal superstition, thinking that as long as they burned paper and worshipped Buddha, disasters could be eliminated.

In fact, this is not a kind of spiritual sustenance.

As far as modern society is concerned, what is different from ancient times is that modern people are human beings who conquer the sky, and everything must be solved by science and technology, and they never believe in the so-called immortal theory.

But in ancient times, it was not as advanced as in modern times, so there was such a saying. However, as far as the present is concerned, there are many, many things that cannot be explained by science.

For the rest of his life, he was thinking, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

After a while, Yu Sheng left the hall and headed in another direction. Yu Sheng walked about two kilometers, which surprised Yu Sheng slightly because he saw another thing.

Yu Sheng swam to the front quickly. After Yu Sheng saw what was in front of him, Yu Sheng's expression was condensed, and his eyes revealed a little dignity.

"This place seems to be familiar..."

Yu Sheng's brain was running fast, thinking about something. Then, Yu Sheng's pupils suddenly tightened, and the next moment, an idea appeared in his mind.


This caused Yu Sheng to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes, it's the altar. The guy in front of me is similar to the altar on the mural. I didn't expect that I came here because of luck."

This made Yu Sheng also slightly surprised. Yu Sheng quickly swam toward the altar, and soon he came to the altar, which made Yu Sheng a little horrified.

This altar has been preserved intact.

To say that the most intact building here is the same as this altar, which surprised the rest of my life. After so many years, this altar, what kind of altar it is, is still intact. This is too incredible, right?

What is going on here?

Yu Sheng couldn't help but fall on this altar, but he was very careful. In this ancient time, there were a lot of mechanical skills, those things were very powerful, and if one was not careful, it would really kill people...

Therefore, the rest of his life dare not relax his vigilance and fully vigilant.

Yu Sheng came to this altar, but what made Yu Sheng a little puzzled was that at the top of the altar, there was a small door. This small door made Yu Sheng frowned.

After hesitating for a while, Yu Sheng pushed to the small door, but the small door didn't move at all. After thinking about it for a while, Yu Sheng took a deep breath and stared at the small door in front of him with scorching eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng roared.


Yu Sheng punched the wicket violently. Perhaps because the dynasty was too long, this caused the wicket to be opened by Yu Sheng's punch. After the blast, Yu Sheng carefully observed it, and then proceeded. It was holding the light bead in this hand and looked into the small door.

After Yu Sheng watched it, what surprised Yu Sheng was that there was a kind of table filled with various kinds of dishes, but the age was long, these dishes were all grown like seaweed, a little bit green.

And at the very front of these things, there was something placed. After Yu Sheng saw such a thing, it made Yu Sheng slightly surprised.

"Is this a stone?"

This made Yu Sheng frowned and muttered: "How come a stone is enshrined here, and what do these people mean to worship this stone?"

Yu Sheng pondered for a while and looked at the stone again. After Yu Sheng saw the stone, Yu Sheng was still a little puzzled.

He looked around again, and then some more murals appeared.

These murals show that one day, something suddenly fell from the sky, and for a while, it alarmed the surrounding area. Then, these people picked up such a stone where the thing fell. Then, everyone It is to enshrine it.

According to Yu Sheng’s guess ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ if he expected it well, this thing should be a meteorite from the sky, but these people thought it was a **** who came to the world, so they enshrined this stone, and I hope this stone can bless my country.

Know it for the rest of my life.

These stones should come from outer space. After all, people have already flown out of the moon. People can detect the surrounding planets.

"Hey... After a long time, it's just a stone."

Yu Sheng was slightly speechless, and after spending a long time, he thought that he had found some treasure, and his feelings were just a stone. This made Yu Sheng also a little dumbfounded.

After thinking about it, Yu Sheng swam to this stone and picked it up. When Yu Sheng picked up the stone, Yu Sheng was shocked because of this stone. But it is really heavy.

But still his strength is not small.

Yu Sheng picked up this stone and observed it carefully, and found that there was nothing special. After thinking about it, Yu Sheng was swimming outside.

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