I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 927: Unfamiliar metal

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Yu Sheng swiftly moved upstream towards the sea level. At this moment, he had been in the water for a long time, and he didn't know what happened to the people outside.

Yu Sheng swiftly moved upstream towards the sea level. As Yu Sheng appeared, Yu Sheng saw that there were dozens of ships on this sea, which seemed to be salvaging something. Such a scene was seen by Yu Sheng. , This makes Yu Sheng also look slightly changed.


Yu Sheng knew the general situation as soon as he thought about it, and he entered the bottom of the sea. Although he said that he told these people not to worry, but...

I have stayed at the bottom of the sea for too long. These people probably think they are drowning. After all, in this world, it is estimated that no one can breathe in the sea except him.

Therefore, these talents will send so many ships to salvage themselves.

Thinking of this, the rest of my life felt a little painful.

"I am here."

At this time, the rest of my life hesitated for a while before shouting loudly. After all, I am in the sea, and no one knows what's in it, and... if I want to swim to the shore, it seems unrealistic, you know, This is the high seas, and there is a long distance from the mainland. Swimming in the past is basically a dream.

With Yu Sheng’s shout, he immediately attracted the two ships from here. Fan Tianlei was right here at this time. After seeing Yu Sheng on the sea, Fan Tianlei looked happy and immediately said loudly. : "Hurry up, it's the rest of your life, hurry up and row the boat over, it's the rest of your life."

Fan Tianlei saw the moment of Yu Sheng, and his whole heart relaxed. To be honest, something happened to Yu Sheng in the sea, and even one of his hearts was mentioned in his throat, for fear that something would happen during the rest of his life. , And even more...

After such a long period of salvage, they are even a little desperate. It has been almost two hours before and after this. Therefore, many of them are divided into multiple teams to salvage far away. After all, there is no one. Knowing that if there is an undercurrent, where they will be washed away for the rest of their lives, many people search for it a little bit.

Unexpectedly, the rest of his life was still in place.

At this time, the rest of his life also quickly swam towards Fan Tianlei. He Chenguang on the boat was also a little relieved: "This guy, where did he go, why did he suddenly emerge from the sea." "

Fan Tianlei was also puzzled. They didn't understand how Yu Sheng suddenly emerged from the sea. This shouldn't be...

What's more, people can't survive in the sea at all. An ordinary person can't withstand the impact of the sea in a few minutes and is likely to drown.

For the rest of your life, no matter how good it is, spending two hours in the sea is almost finished, right?

However, at this moment, not far from here, a fin came quickly towards this side. After Wang Yanbing saw the fin, Wang Yanbing's face changed drastically. .

"No... it's a shark... a shark."

Wang Yanbing's face was pale, and she hurriedly pointed at Yu Sheng's back. Fan Tianlei and the others had heard of such a scene. Fan Tianlei and others hurriedly looked behind Yu Sheng.

Sure enough, behind Yu Sheng, there was a shark swimming here quickly. For a while, this caused Fan Tianlei and others to change their faces.

"For the rest of my life, it's a shark, be careful, it's a shark..."

Immediately, Fan Tianlei and the others couldn't help shouting loudly anymore.

Yu Sheng also heard the shouts of Fan Tianlei and others, which made Yu Sheng frowned. Yu Sheng immediately looked behind him, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


After Yu Sheng saw the shark, Yu Sheng's expression changed drastically.

Shark, without a doubt, the overlord of the sea.

In the sea, sharks have almost no natural enemies, and they are also the most feared existence of many fishes. Even humans are extremely afraid when they encounter this stuff.

Unexpectedly, I would encounter a shark here.

Thinking of this, the rest of his life was swimming quickly, and the speed was several times faster than before.

"Quickly, drive the ship over, and drive over immediately." Fan Tianlei's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly said.


Everyone's boat speed accelerated a few minutes again, but for the rest of his life, the sharks behind him were getting closer and closer, which made Yu Sheng frowned.

Yu Sheng stopped abruptly. He knew that he might not have been able to run a shark at this moment, and if he continued to run, he might be swallowed by this big guy.

Sharks are not without weaknesses. Any animal has weaknesses, and the weakness of sharks lies in his eyes.

As long as he attacks his eyes, he can do nothing about you.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's sharp eyes stared at the shark in front of him. The shark was huge, and most people couldn't bear it if one was accidentally scratched.


The shark had long noticed the existence of Yu Sheng, and he quickly swam towards Yu Sheng. When he was not far away from Yu Sheng, the shark opened its mouth in the blood basin, and then bit into Yu Sheng severely.

The shark's teeth are extremely sharp, and the bite force is extremely high. If this person is bitten, he may be bitten in two instantly, which shows how amazing the bite force is.

Seeing the shark attacking, he was extremely calm for the rest of his life. He had not seen all kinds of scenes before. Therefore, he had already formed a habit of keeping calm when he encountered anything.

When the shark attacked, Yu Sheng moved his body to the side, and immediately after that, Yu Sheng punched the shark in the eye of lightning.

Sharks are huge, so they are not as flexible as imagined~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For Yu Sheng, it couldn't be easier to hit a shark in the eye.


Yu Sheng hit the shark's eye with a fist. For a while, the shark ate pain, as if it was a painful cry. This punch completely angered the shark, and the shark shook its tail again and quickly attacked for the rest of his life. After coming over, it was clear that the shark wanted to kill the rest of his life directly.

The shark swam over again, and when Yu Sheng saw this scene, his expression was also stunned. Yu Sheng wanted to continue attacking the shark's eyes. Since he didn't kill this guy once, he would do it twice.

With the shark's crazy bite coming again, Yu Sheng yelled again and fisted at the shark fiercely, but...

This time the shark seemed to have learned well. The moment Yu Sheng attacked him, the shark's head moved a bit. Yu Sheng's fist hit the shark's body with one punch, which made the shark painful. , But it is much better than hitting the eyes.

The shark turned his head and bit towards Yu Sheng.

"not good……"

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