, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

Yu Sheng noticed this scene, and his expression changed drastically. This beast was so smart, he knew to avoid his own eyes and attacked him directly.

In a hurry, Yu Sheng shook the stone in his handshake. When the shark bite towards him, Yu Sheng threw the stone out of his hand directly. This direction was exactly the direction of the shark's mouth.


When the stone fell into the shark's mouth, it was almost a conditioned reflex, and the shark's teeth bite the stone fiercely.

But then, the shark howled in pain, opened his mouth to spit out the stone, and the rest of his life quickly swam over and caught the stone.

Looking at the shark's teeth, a few of them were stubbornly lost... The sharks left here as if fleeing under the pain. Obviously, the sharks also knew that the weak guy in front of them was extremely tricky.

Yu Sheng looked at the shark teeth that fell. For a while, I didn't know what to say. The bite force of the shark was extremely amazing. Even steel can give you teeth marks, but...

This stone has lost the shark teeth, and even the rest of my life is surprised. You must know that the hardness of the shark teeth is very high. It is conceivable that even steel can be bitten off, but it is such a small piece. A small stone can actually remove the teeth of a shark. What kind of stone is this?

Yu Sheng couldn’t help looking at the stone and found that the stone did not seem to have anything special. According to the record on the mural, the stone should be a meteorite from outside the sky, but it was later discovered by people in this country. I thought it was a sacred stone, so I kept it enshrined.

Yu Sheng shook his head and moved up the sea again. At this time, Fan Tianlei and others were all near Yu Sheng. Fan Tianlei hurriedly said, "Yu Sheng, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Yu Sheng smiled and said, "I'll go up first."

"Quickly, pull him up."

With the help of He Chenguang, Yu Sheng got on the boat. At this time, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said: "Yu Sheng, where did you go? You disappeared for two full hours. Everyone was worried. you."

Indeed, within these two hours, after hearing that Yu Sheng had disappeared, all the people present were anxious and looked around, but they never expected Yu Sheng to appear here. How could they not be surprised.

"Yu Sheng, what happened to the shark just now, why did that big guy suddenly ran away?"

Wang Yanbing asked again.

Yu Sheng said helplessly: "I saw something on the bottom of the sea, so I went down to investigate it. No, this stone in my hand was brought up from below."

"As for the shark just now, I hit him in the eye with a punch. He wanted to bite me, so I threw this stone into his mouth. What I didn't expect was that this stupid guy bit the stone directly, so I broke a few front teeth and left here."

Yu Sheng's explanation left He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing both speechless. For a while, neither of them knew what to say.

You shit... really...

Fan Tianlei looked at Yu Sheng. For a while, he felt a little painful. Fan Tianlei couldn't help but said: "Yu Sheng, you are not allowed to be so impulsive in the future. If you have anything to do in the future, report it in time. After the superiors agree, you will be taking action."

"Yes." Yu Sheng said immediately.

Fan Tianlei took a deep look at Yu Sheng. The rest of his life disappeared. Everyone was anxious. Fortunately, there was nothing serious in the rest of his life. If something happened to Yu Sheng, the matter would be serious.

"Well, immediately notify other people, saying that they have been found, we will go back immediately."


Following Fan Tianlei's order, everyone began to return. After everyone returned, Jin Jiao and Gu Shun and others also returned to the aircraft carrier. At this time, Jin Jiao and Gu Shun and others saw that the rest of their lives was fine. After children, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

At that time, I jumped off the boat for the rest of my life and hadn't seen them for so long, but they were frightened. If something happened, it would be bad.

"Are you okay?"

Jin Jiao looked at Yu Sheng and couldn't help asking.

"It's okay." Yu Sheng shook his head.

"Where did you go? Why did we look for you for two hours and didn't find it." Jin Jiao was puzzled to play. Indeed, they were on the sea level, almost carpet search, but they searched twice. They haven't found it for hours, which makes them a little anxious.

"I encountered something." Yu Sheng explained helplessly. After listening to Yu Sheng's explanation, Jin Jiao looked at the stone in Yu Sheng's hand in confusion.

"You mean, you picked this stone from below?"

"Not bad." Yu Sheng nodded.

For a moment, Jin Jiao and the others were all dumbfounded. They all looked at Yu Sheng dumbfounded, and at the same time, there was a stormy sea in their hearts.

"This guy... how is this possible..."

They were all taken aback by Yu Sheng. With that said, wouldn’t Yu Sheng stay in the water for two full hours, but... Yu Sheng didn’t have oxygen on his body, so how could he hold his breath for two hours? In this world , It was impossible for anyone to hold his breath in the water for two hours when he came.

That is pure nonsense.

But I never expected that Yu Sheng could hold his breath for two hours in the water... This is a bit shocking. How did he do it? Is this guy still a person?

Despite all the doubts in their hearts, they did not ask.

At this time, Jin Jiao said: "Why don't you ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ take a break first, and you will be training tomorrow?"

"No need." Yu Sheng shook his head and said: "It's fine to continue training now, I'm fine."


Jin Jiao couldn't help being a little worried. He couldn't help but glanced at Fan Tianlei. Fan Tianlei paused and said, "Just continue training. This kid knows his mind. It's okay to continue training."


Jin Jiao immediately said: "If this is the case, then we will continue training."

When the voice fell, everyone continued to train. For the rest of their lives, they put this stone away. Although I don’t know what this stone is, even the shark teeth can be broken. The hardness of this thing is extremely high. You can find Lao Wu another day. Research and study to see what this gadget does.

Putting the stones in the rest of his life is to continue training. This time, Jin Jiao personally took the rest of his life to train. The purpose is to fear that the rest of his life will disappear again. If the rest of his life disappears again, then you can **** it...

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